Volume 20,Issue 7,2009 Table of Contents
Multiobjective Social Evolutionary Algorithm Based on Multi-Agent潘晓英,刘 芳,焦李成2009,20(7):1703-1713 [Abstract(5540)] [View PDF(8173)694.04 K]Solving #SAT Using Extension Rules殷明浩,林 海,孙吉贵2009,20(7):1714-1725 [Abstract(5241)] [View PDF(7069)599.91 K]Algorithm of Adaptive Kernel-Bandwidth for Mean-Shift Based on Boundary Force覃 剑,曾孝平,李勇明2009,20(7):1726-1734 [Abstract(5460)] [View PDF(7943)742.49 K]Latent Attribute Space Tree Classifiers何 萍,徐晓华,陈 崚2009,20(7):1735-1745 [Abstract(5264)] [View PDF(7252)735.31 K]Context-Dependent Lexical Paraphrasing Based on Web Mining赵世奇,张 宇,赵 琳,刘 挺,李 生2009,20(7):1746-1755 [Abstract(4945)] [View PDF(6736)487.62 K]Clustering Multiple Data Streams Based on Correlation Analysis屠 莉,陈 崚,邹凌君2009,20(7):1756-1767 [Abstract(4649)] [View PDF(6349)645.62 K]Construction of an Adaptive Histogram in Compressed Database骆吉洲,李建中,王宏志2009,20(7):1785-1799 [Abstract(4392)] [View PDF(6885)945.53 K]Approximate Aggregation of Time-Varying Data in P2P Networks程思瑶,姜守旭,李建中2009,20(7):1800-1811 [Abstract(4512)] [View PDF(6403)708.48 K]Adaptive Structural Index for Efficient Processing of XML Path Queries张 博,耿志华,周傲英2009,20(7):1812-1824 [Abstract(4434)] [View PDF(6926)720.02 K]Efficient Preprocessing of Subspace Skyline Queries in P2P Networks黄震华,王智慧,郭建魁,汪 卫,施伯乐2009,20(7):1825-1838 [Abstract(5440)] [View PDF(6308)714.94 K]Efficient Processing of Continuous Skyline Query over Distributed Data Streams孙圣力,李金玖,朱扬勇2009,20(7):1839-1853 [Abstract(5062)] [View PDF(7035)888.40 K]Query Expansion of Pseudo Relevance Feedback Based on Matrix-Weighted Association Rules Mining黄名选,严小卫,张师超2009,20(7):1854-1865 [Abstract(4912)] [View PDF(7176)628.66 K]Robust Aggregation Algorithm in Sensor Networks吴中博,张重生,陈 红,秦 航2009,20(7):1885-1894 [Abstract(5004)] [View PDF(6834)589.96 K]Two-Level Trust Model Based on Mutual Trust in Peer-to-Peer Networks金 瑜,古志民x,顾进广,赵红武2009,20(7):1909-1920 [Abstract(5287)] [View PDF(6878)642.88 K]Buffer Control for Guaranteeing User-Level QoS of Continuous Media Flows邱 菡,李玉峰,邬江兴2009,20(7):1921-1930 [Abstract(4158)] [View PDF(6193)557.90 K]Two-Hop Neighborhood Information-Based Real-Time Routing Design for Sensor Networks李燕君,王 智,孙优贤2009,20(7):1931-1942 [Abstract(4792)] [View PDF(7200)703.31 K]Links Overlapped Detecting Based Scheme to Make P2P Network Topology-Aware于 婧,汪斌强2009,20(7):1943-1952 [Abstract(5121)] [View PDF(6218)688.43 K]Groupability in Security Policy Models蔡嘉勇,卿斯汉,刘 伟2009,20(7):1953-1966 [Abstract(3914)] [View PDF(7327)714.33 K]Study on the Correlation Between Randomness Tests Based on Entropy范丽敏,冯登国,陈 华2009,20(7):1967-1976 [Abstract(4428)] [View PDF(7952)535.96 K]Backward Unlinkability and Verifier-Local Revocation Group Signature Scheme with Lower Cost魏凌波,武传坤,朱婷鸽2009,20(7):1977-1985 [Abstract(4242)] [View PDF(6352)643.17 K]
Time and Space Efficiencies Analysis of Full-Text Index Techniques刘小珠,彭智勇2009,20(7):1768-1784 [Abstract(8009)] [View PDF(11563)818.30 K]Enhance the Dependability of Computing Systems: Integration of Virtualization and SOA林 闯,孔祥震,周 寰2009,20(7):1986-2004 [Abstract(7990)] [View PDF(12494)992.57 K]
Data Model, Query Language, and Real-Time Traffic Flow Analysis in Dynamic Transportation Network Based Moving Objects Databases丁治明2009,20(7):1866-1884 [Abstract(4640)] [View PDF(7059)853.05 K]Collision Free MAC Protocol for Multi-Hop Wireless NetworksZHANG Ke-Wang,ZHANG De-Yun and DU Jun2009,20(7):1895-1908 [Abstract(5819)] [View PDF(7999)968.19 K]