Volume 25,Issue 6,2014 Table of Contents
Termination Analysis of Loops with Linear Assignment over Closed and Bounded DomainsLI Yi,WU Wen-Yuan and FENG Yong2014,25(6):1133-1142 [Abstract(3373)] [View PDF(4525)614.59 K]Logic of Multi-Threaded Programs for Non-InterferenceLI Qin,ZENG Qing-Kai and YUAN Zhi-Xiang2014,25(6):1143-1153 [Abstract(3027)] [View PDF(4485)590.74 K]Automatic Generation of Pipeline Parallel Code for Regular DOACROSS LoopsLIU Xiao-Xian,ZHAO Rong-Cai,ZHAO Jie and XU Jin-Long2014,25(6):1154-1168 [Abstract(3180)] [View PDF(4906)1.00 M]Bug Localization Method Based on Gaussian ProcessesCHEN Li-Guo and LIU Chao2014,25(6):1169-1179 [Abstract(3455)] [View PDF(5257)627.35 K]Service Network Planning Method for Mass Personalized Functional RequirementsWANG Zhong-Jie,XU Fei and XU Xiao-Fei2014,25(6):1180-1195 [Abstract(3071)] [View PDF(5408)1.10 M]Multi-User Oriented Load-Aware Dynamic Service Selection ModelZHU Yong,LI Wei and LUO Jun-Zhou2014,25(6):1196-1211 [Abstract(3557)] [View PDF(5218)1.12 M]
Denotational Semantics of Tabular ExpressionsZHANG Peng,LIU Lei,LIU Hua-Xiao and JIN Ying2014,25(6):1212-1224 [Abstract(4012)] [View PDF(5411)647.60 K]Argumentation Model Based on Certainty-Factor and Algorithms of Argument EvaluationXIONG Cai-Quan,OUYANG Yong and MEI Qing2014,25(6):1225-1238 [Abstract(3782)] [View PDF(6255)357.53 K]
Label Propagation Using Sparse Approximated Nearest Feature Space EmbeddingTAO Jian-Wen,Fu-Lai CHUNG,WANG Shi-Tong and YAO Qi-Fu2014,25(6):1239-1254 [Abstract(3227)] [View PDF(5326)1.03 M]Fuzzy Propositional Logic System with Three Kinds of Negation and Its ApplicationsPAN Zheng-Hua2014,25(6):1255-1272 [Abstract(2814)] [View PDF(4799)951.29 K]Remote Attestation Project of the Running Environment of the Trusted TerminalTAN Liang and CHEN Ju2014,25(6):1273-1290 [Abstract(3150)] [View PDF(6971)1.37 M]
Optimal Stopping Decision Method for Routing of Opportunistic NetworksZHANG San-Feng,HUANG Di,CHEN Zhou and WU Guo-Xin2014,25(6):1291-1300 [Abstract(4191)] [View PDF(5785)655.24 K]
Research on Network Measurement of Structured P2P NetworkYAN Jia,YING Ling-Yun,LIU Hai-Feng,SU Pu-Rui and FENG Deng-Guo2014,25(6):1301-1315 [Abstract(3146)] [View PDF(5085)831.17 K]
Resolution Strategy of Hidden Node Collision Based on Collision Indication and GroupingLI Yong-Jun,XIE Rong and TAN Xiao-Qing2014,25(6):1316-1327 [Abstract(4942)] [View PDF(5170)679.11 K]
Mapping Algorithm for Service Aggregation in Network VirtualizationJIANG Yi-Ming,LAN Ju-Long,CHENG Dong-Nian and WANG Zhi-Ming2014,25(6):1328-1338 [Abstract(3052)] [View PDF(5213)650.07 K]High Performance Expandable Data Center Networking StructureZHU Gui-Ming,XIE Xiang-Hui,GUO De-Ke,LU Fei-Fei and TAO Zhi-Rong2014,25(6):1339-1351 [Abstract(3817)] [View PDF(5983)1.46 M]Neighbor Discovery Algorithm in Mobile Low Duty Cycle WSNsCHEN Liang-Yin,YAN Bing-Shu,ZHANG Jing-Yu,HU Jian-Bo,LIU Zhen-Lei,LIU Yan,XU Zheng-Kun and LUO Qian2014,25(6):1352-1368 [Abstract(3392)] [View PDF(5638)949.42 K]