Volume 23,Issue 5,2012 Table of Contents
Efficient Algorithm Based on Action Space for Solving the 2D Rectangular Packing ProblemHE Kun,HUANG Wen-Qi and JIN Yan2012,23(5):1037-1044 [Abstract(4891)] [View PDF(7843)565.76 K]Termination Analysis of Nonlinear LoopsLI Yi2012,23(5):1045-1052 [Abstract(3975)] [View PDF(5310)522.06 K]Parallel Computing Method of Canonical Correlation Analysis for High-Dimensional Data Streams in Irregular StreamsZHOU Yong,LU Xiao-Wei and CHENG Chun-Tian2012,23(5):1053-1072 [Abstract(3948)] [View PDF(6528)943.86 K]Approximation Algorithms for a Two-Stage Hybrid Flow ShopWEI Qi and JIANG Yi-Wei2012,23(5):1073-1084 [Abstract(3533)] [View PDF(4990)559.26 K]Pronoun Resolution in English and Chinese Languages Based on Tree KernelKONG Fang and ZHOU Guo-Dong2012,23(5):1085-1099 [Abstract(4908)] [View PDF(6389)760.27 K]Descending Kernel Track of Static and Dynamic Topic Models in Topic TrackingHONG Yu,CANG Yu,YAO Jian-Min,ZHOU Guo-Dong and ZHU Qiao-Ming2012,23(5):1100-1119 [Abstract(4792)] [View PDF(6012)1.06 M]Head-Modifier Dependency Reordering Model for Phrased SMTLIU Shui,LI Sheng,ZHAO Tie-Jun and LIU Peng-Yuan2012,23(5):1120-1131 [Abstract(4258)] [View PDF(5751)934.42 K]Selective Boosting Algorithm for Maximizing the Soft MarginFANG Yu-Ke,FU Yan,ZHOU Jun-Lin,SHE Li and SUN Chong-Jing2012,23(5):1132-1147 [Abstract(4602)] [View PDF(5967)995.71 K]Query Answer over Inconsistent Database with Credible AnnotationsWU Ai-Hua,TAN Zi-Jing and WANG Wei2012,23(5):1167-1182 [Abstract(5007)] [View PDF(6050)771.24 K]Data Stream Prediction Based on Episode Rule MatchingZHU Hui-Sheng,WANG Wei and SHI Bai-Le2012,23(5):1183-1194 [Abstract(4000)] [View PDF(5747)628.83 K]Rare Category Detection Algorithm Based on Weighted Boundary DegreeHUANG Hao,HE Qin-Ming,CHEN Qi,QIAN Feng,HE Jiang-Feng and MA Lian-Hang2012,23(5):1195-1206 [Abstract(4187)] [View PDF(5688)695.21 K]Jamming Attacks in Wireless NetworkSUN Yan-Qiang,WANG Xiao-Dong and ZHOU Xing-Ming2012,23(5):1207-1221 [Abstract(5325)] [View PDF(14946)737.19 K]Energy-Balanced Unequal Clustering Routing Protocol for Wireless Sensor NetworksJIANG Chang-Jiang,SHI Wei-Ren,TANG Xian-Lun,WANG Ping and XIANG Min2012,23(5):1222-1232 [Abstract(6106)] [View PDF(9981)698.22 K]Analysis of Scheduling Performance in Wireless Networks with Successive Interference CancellationLü Shao-He,WANG Xiao-Dong and ZHOU Xing-Ming2012,23(5):1233-1247 [Abstract(3795)] [View PDF(5255)808.40 K]Image Interpolation Algorithm Based on Implicit Piecewise Autoregressive ModelREN Jie,LIU Jia-Ying,BAI Wei and GUO Zong-Ming2012,23(5):1248-1259 [Abstract(4886)] [View PDF(5384)789.25 K]Direct Anonymous Attestation Scheme in Cross Trusted Domain for Wireless Mobile NetworksYANG Li,MA Jiang-Feng and JIANG Qi2012,23(5):1260-1271 [Abstract(4462)] [View PDF(6844)768.54 K]Http-Flood DDoS Detection Scheme Based on Large Deviation and Performance AnalysisWANG Jin,YANG Xiao-Long and LONG Ke-Ping2012,23(5):1272-1280 [Abstract(3863)] [View PDF(6512)531.62 K]
Autofocusing Method for Microscopy with Low Image Content DensityZHAI Yong-Ping,LIU Yun-Hui,ZHOU Dong-Xiang and LIU Shun2012,23(5):1281-1294 [Abstract(5765)] [View PDF(6184)980.65 K]
Image Retrieval Approach Based on Sparse Canonical Correlation AnalysisZHUANG Ling,ZHUANG Yue-Ting,WU Jiang-Qin,YE Zhen-Chao and WU Fei2012,23(5):1295-1304 [Abstract(5287)] [View PDF(9349)602.55 K]Global Anisotropic Quad-Dominant RemeshingZHU Wei-Peng,GAO Cheng-Ying and LUO Xiao-Nan2012,23(5):1305-1314 [Abstract(4037)] [View PDF(6664)768.99 K]Super-Resolution Based on Sparse Dictionary CodingLI Min,CHENG Jian,LE Xiang and LUO Huan-Min2012,23(5):1315-1324 [Abstract(4823)] [View PDF(10142)745.50 K]Image Editing Algorithms Based on Adaptive Mesh DeformationJIN Yong,WU Qing-Biao and LIU Li-Gang2012,23(5):1325-1334 [Abstract(3773)] [View PDF(7568)980.29 K]
Research on Cloud DatabasesLIN Zi-Yu,LAI Yong-Xuan,LIN Chen,XIE Yi and ZOU Quan2012,23(5):1148-1166 [Abstract(14524)] [View PDF(19919)946.37 K]