Volume 27,Issue 4,2016 Table of Contents
Inner TCB Based Application ProtectionDENG Liang and ZENG Qing-Kai2016,27(4):1042-1058 [Abstract(3541)] [View PDF(4886)1.83 M]
基于搜索的软件工程研究专题前言李征,巩敦卫,聂长海,江贺2016,27(4):769-770 [Abstract(5421)] [View PDF(6142)439.36 K]Progress on Approaches to Automatic Program RepairXUAN Ji-Feng, REN Zhi-Lei, WANG Zi-Yuan, XIE Xiao-Yuan and JIANG He2016,27(4):771-784 [Abstract(7920)] [View PDF(9256)1.61 M]Test Case Generation Based on Combination of Schema Using Particle Swarm OptimizationJIANG Shu-Juan, WANG Ling-Sai, XUE Meng, ZHANG Yan-Mei, YU Qiao and YAO Hui-Ran2016,27(4):785-801 [Abstract(4914)] [View PDF(7057)1.90 M]Evolutionary Generation of Test Data for Paths Coverage Based on Node ProbabilityXIA Chun-Yan, ZHANG Yan and SONG Li2016,27(4):802-813 [Abstract(4930)] [View PDF(5936)1.39 M]Fast Automatic Generation Method for Software Testing Data Based on Key-Point PathDING Rui, DONG Hong-Bing, ZHANG Yan and FENG Xian-Bin2016,27(4):814-827 [Abstract(5120)] [View PDF(6673)1.56 M]Evolutional Test Data Generation for Path Coverage by Integrating Neural NetworkYAO Xiang-Juan, GONG Dun-Wei and LI Bin2016,27(4):828-838 [Abstract(4819)] [View PDF(7644)1.45 M]Selection of Paths for Regression Testing Based on Branch CoverageWU Chuan, GONG Dun-Wei and YAO Xiang-Juan2016,27(4):839-854 [Abstract(4728)] [View PDF(6068)1.77 M]Generating Covering Arrays Using Ant Colony Optimization:Exploration and MiningZENG Meng-Fan, CHEN Si-Yang, ZHANG Wen-Qian and NIE Chang-Hai2016,27(4):855-878 [Abstract(8094)] [View PDF(6796)2.53 M]Genetic Algorithm Based Multiple Faults Localization TechniqueWANG Zan, FAN Xiang-Yu, ZOU Yu-Guo and CHEN Xiang2016,27(4):879-900 [Abstract(5966)] [View PDF(8565)2.41 M]Differential IBEA for Non-Conformity Resolution in Interactive CPS Production Line ConfigurationLU Hong, ZHANG Li and YUE Tao2016,27(4):901-915 [Abstract(4671)] [View PDF(6292)1.70 M]Solving SaaS Components Optimization Placement Problem with Hybird Genetic and Simulated Annealing AlgorithmMENG Fan-Chao, CHU Dian-Hui, LI Ke-Qiu and ZHOU Xue-Quan2016,27(4):916-932 [Abstract(5193)] [View PDF(6602)2.18 M]Selection of Key Software Components for Formal Development Using Water Wave OptimizationZHENG Yu-Jun, ZHANG Bei and XUE Jin-Yun2016,27(4):933-942 [Abstract(5076)] [View PDF(6288)1.21 M]CPU+GPU Heterogeneous Computing Orientated Multi-Objective Test Case PrioritizationBIAN Yi, YUAN Fang, GUO Jun-Xia, LI Zheng and ZHAO Rui-Lian2016,27(4):943-954 [Abstract(5121)] [View PDF(6340)1.52 M]
Survey on Software Trustworthiness Evaluation:Standards, Models and ToolsSHEN Guo-Hua, HUANG Zhi-Qiu, XIE Bing, ZHU Yi-Quan, LIAO Li-Li, WANG Fei and LIU Yin-Ling2016,27(4):955-968 [Abstract(7095)] [View PDF(9875)1.74 M]Software Defined Networking:Security Model, Threats and MechanismWANG Meng-Meng, LIU Jian-Wei, CHEN Jie, MAO Jian and MAO Ke-Fei2016,27(4):969-992 [Abstract(10534)] [View PDF(12840)3.33 M]Survey on the Languages in the Northbound Interface of Software Defined NetworkingYU Yang, WANG Zhi-Liang, BI Jun, SHI Xin-Gang and YIN Xia2016,27(4):993-1008 [Abstract(6341)] [View PDF(8110)1.81 M]Study on Multi-Core Data Structure in Shared-MemoryZHOU Wei, ZHOU Ke-Ren, LUAN Zhong-Zhi, YAO Shao-Wen and QIAN De-Pei2016,27(4):1009-1025 [Abstract(6530)] [View PDF(8632)2.01 M]Energy Consumption Measurement and Management in Cloud Computing EnvironmentLIN Wei-Wei and WU Wen-Tai2016,27(4):1026-1041 [Abstract(6710)] [View PDF(8596)1.81 M]