Volume 13,Issue 4,2002 Table of Contents
Animating Water in Chinese Painting Using Autoregressive ModelYU Jin-hui,YIN Xiao-qin and PENG Qun-sheng2002,13(4):475-481 [Abstract(3946)] [View PDF(5172)507.03 K]3D Geometric Constraint Solving with ConicoidJIANG Kun and GAO Xiao-shan2002,13(4):482-489 [Abstract(3781)] [View PDF(5380)444.70 K]Degree Reduction of Interval B-Spline CurvesCHEN Fa-lai,YANG Xiao-feng and YANG Wu2002,13(4):490-500 [Abstract(3107)] [View PDF(5189)622.48 K]Object Image Synthesis under Changing of IlluminationXU Dan and HENG Pheng-ann2002,13(4):501-509 [Abstract(3662)] [View PDF(4808)575.05 K]On the Positivity and Convexity of PolynomialsZHENG Jin-jin,CHEN Xiao-qun and ZHANG Jian-jun2002,13(4):510-517 [Abstract(3590)] [View PDF(4684)497.84 K]Computer Aided Filament Winding for ElbowsLI Hai-sheng and LIANG You-dong2002,13(4):518-525 [Abstract(3645)] [View PDF(7023)533.81 K]Perfect Approximation of Ellipsoid by PolynomialsFENG Yu-yu,ZENG Fang-ling and DENG Jian-song2002,13(4):526-531 [Abstract(3420)] [View PDF(4814)350.97 K]Power Attack of MARS and RijndaelWU Wen-ling,HE Ye-ping,FENG Deng-guo and QING Si-han2002,13(4):532-536 [Abstract(3744)] [View PDF(4537)313.95 K]Study on a Database Natural Language Interface Technique Based on Restrictive ChineseXU Long-fei,YANG Xiao-yun and TANG Shi-wei2002,13(4):537-544 [Abstract(3744)] [View PDF(5470)452.58 K]An Application-Level Semantic Reliable Multicast Architecture for the InternetTAN Kun,SHI Yuan-chun,LIAO Chun-yuan and XU Guang-you2002,13(4):545-551 [Abstract(3303)] [View PDF(4600)461.76 K]Feature Validity Maintaining Approach Based on Local Feature RecognitionCHEN Zheng-ming,GAO Shu-ming and PENG Qun-sheng2002,13(4):552-560 [Abstract(3593)] [View PDF(5330)562.28 K]Solving Epistatic Interactions Based on Computational Model of CoevolutionZHONG Qiu-xi and CHEN Huo-wang2002,13(4):561-566 [Abstract(3753)] [View PDF(5233)403.17 K]Design of a Modified BLP Security Model and Its Application to SecLinuxLIU Wen-qing,QING Si-han and LIU Hai-feng2002,13(4):567-573 [Abstract(3900)] [View PDF(5467)412.29 K]A Rule-Based System for Automatic Recognition of Reinforcement Steel in Construction DrawingsWANG Shu-hua,CAO Yang,YANG Ruo-yu,CAI Shi-jie and LI Heng2002,13(4):574-579 [Abstract(4088)] [View PDF(5304)360.27 K]A Multimedia Communication Mechanism——QoS-Controlled PipeWANG Xing-wei,CAI Guo-qing and LIU Ji-ren2002,13(4):580-585 [Abstract(3525)] [View PDF(4736)341.50 K]Content-Based Retrieval of Video Shot Using the Improved Neatest Feature Line MethodZHAO Li,QI Wei,LI Zi-qing,YANG Shi-qiang and ZHANG Hong-Jiang2002,13(4):586-590 [Abstract(3590)] [View PDF(4799)372.75 K]A Classified Pre-Computed QoS Routing AlgorithmFENG Jing,ZHOU Run-fang and GU Guan-qun2002,13(4):591-600 [Abstract(3603)] [View PDF(5183)640.93 K]Tight-Clothing Based Human Animation ResearchZHU Qiang,ZHUANG Yue-ting and PAN Yun-he2002,13(4):601-607 [Abstract(3537)] [View PDF(6191)417.07 K]Research on the Distributed Array Description in Parallel Computing Based on NetworksHU Chang-jun,DING Wen-kui,HUANG Qi-jun,XIANG Hua and XU Zhuo-qun2002,13(4):608-615 [Abstract(3618)] [View PDF(4855)454.02 K]Research and Implementation on a Name Resolution Mechanism of Mobile Agent SystemWANG Shen-kang and TENG Min-tang2002,13(4):616-620 [Abstract(3427)] [View PDF(4568)270.06 K]Study on a Packet Scheduling Algorithm in High Performance RoutersJIANG Yong,WU Jian-ping and XU Ming-wei2002,13(4):621-628 [Abstract(3453)] [View PDF(5524)505.34 K]A Distributed Component Coordination Model Based on Petri NetsYAN Li-ping,BAO Gan-feng and YOU Jin-yuan2002,13(4):629-636 [Abstract(3060)] [View PDF(4723)524.46 K]An Adaptive Multi-Pixel Line Drawing Algorithm Based on Displacement CodeMIAO Lan-fang,LIU Xin-guo,PENG Qun-sheng and BAO Hu-jun2002,13(4):637-642 [Abstract(3501)] [View PDF(4564)422.67 K]An Opponent Agent Model Based on BDILI Yi and SHI Chun-yi2002,13(4):643-648 [Abstract(3620)] [View PDF(4880)335.30 K]Recognition Structure of Uncertainty: a Unified Framework for Representation, Reasoning and LearningLIU Jie,CHEN Xiao-ping,CAI Qing-sheng and FAN Yan2002,13(4):649-651 [Abstract(4072)] [View PDF(4845)260.77 K]Continuous Multiresolution Modeling Based on Interpolation SubdivisionCAO Wei-qun,LIU Xin-guo,BAO Hu-jun and PENG Qun-sheng2002,13(4):652-658 [Abstract(3442)] [View PDF(4563)495.56 K]Research on the 3D Triangulation Algorithm for Scattered Data Points on Multiple Connected SurfaceXIAO Shuang-jiu,QIU Ze-yang,ZHANG Shu-sheng and YANG Hai-cheng2002,13(4):659-663 [Abstract(3631)] [View PDF(5903)340.29 K]Research on Rate Scalable Wavelet Video Coding AlgorithmLIU Hong-mei,XIAO Zi-mei,LIANG Fan and WEI Xiao-hui2002,13(4):664-668 [Abstract(3913)] [View PDF(5113)356.45 K]A Machine Translation Model Based on E-ChunkLI Mu,LU Xue-qiang and YAO Tian-shun2002,13(4):669-676 [Abstract(3889)] [View PDF(4849)524.66 K]Application of a Progressive Meshes Algorithm to Virtual EndoscopyCAO Yong,TIAN Jie,ZHANG Xiao-peng and QIU Feng2002,13(4):677-685 [Abstract(3471)] [View PDF(4761)563.42 K]A Plan Recognition Algorithm Based on Plan Knowledge GraphJIANG Yun-fei and MA Ning2002,13(4):686-692 [Abstract(3703)] [View PDF(5040)406.87 K]A New Algorithm for Scheduling Fork-Join Task GraphLIU Zhen-ying,FANG Bin-xing,JIANG Yu,ZHANG Yi and ZHAO Hong2002,13(4):693-697 [Abstract(3507)] [View PDF(5211)358.31 K]Using Object-Process Diagram to Extend the UML Modeling EnvironmentYU Ming-zhao,LIU Wen-yin,ZHANG Hong-Jiang and LI Yuan-xiang2002,13(4):698-705 [Abstract(3504)] [View PDF(5031)435.65 K]Research on a Simulation-Based Auto-Optimized Technique in Enterprise Process ModelTAN Wen-an,ZHOU Bo-sheng,LI Ming-shu and WANG Qiang2002,13(4):706-712 [Abstract(4241)] [View PDF(5532)495.77 K]A New Kind of Support Vector Machine KernelZHANG Li,ZHOU Wei-da and JIAO Li-cheng2002,13(4):713-718 [Abstract(3280)] [View PDF(5036)453.37 K]A Distributed Object Database Server System on NT PlatformYU Ge,WANG Guo-ren,JIN Tai-yong and MAKINOUCHI Akifumi2002,13(4):719-725 [Abstract(3589)] [View PDF(4859)376.69 K]Study on a Mutation Operator in Evolving Neural NetworksZHENG Zhi-jun and ZHENG Shou-qi2002,13(4):726-731 [Abstract(3827)] [View PDF(5094)371.37 K]Study on Meta-Anaphoric Resolution in Chinese Discourse UnderstandingZHANG Wei and ZHOU Chang-le2002,13(4):732-738 [Abstract(3630)] [View PDF(5333)432.84 K]JAPS-II: a Parallelizing Compiler for JavaYUMeng,CHEN Gui-hai,YANG Xue-lin,XIE Li and GUO Min-yi2002,13(4):739-747 [Abstract(3575)] [View PDF(5441)531.12 K]V-desModel: Description Model Based on Virtual Prototype in Conceptual DesignYANG Qiang,GUO Yang,PENG Yu-xing and LI Si-kun2002,13(4):748-753 [Abstract(3585)] [View PDF(5000)429.63 K]Integer Version of Reversible Linear Transform and Its ApplicationZHU Gui-bin and ZHANG Bang-li2002,13(4):754-760 [Abstract(3477)] [View PDF(5924)443.26 K]A Workflow Model Based on ECA Rules and Activity DecompositionHU Jin-min,ZHANG Shen-sheng and YU Xin-ying2002,13(4):761-767 [Abstract(4437)] [View PDF(6497)433.03 K]Research on Dynamic Indexing Structure for Multi-Dimensional VectorsZHOU Xue-hai,LI Xi,XU Hai-yan,GONG Yu-chang and ZHAO Zhen-xi2002,13(4):768-773 [Abstract(4238)] [View PDF(5338)445.90 K]Model and the Implementation of a Java Chip Operating SystemCHEN Hu,DAI Kui,YANG Xiao-dong and HU Shou-ren2002,13(4):774-782 [Abstract(4017)] [View PDF(5481)554.39 K]A Sequence-Based Automatic Text Classification AlgorithmXIE Chong-feng and LI Xing2002,13(4):783-789 [Abstract(3650)] [View PDF(5417)496.16 K]A Form Frame-Line Detection Algorithm Based on Directional Single-Connected ChainZHENG Ye-feng,LIU Chang-song,DING Xiao-qing and PAN Shi-yan2002,13(4):790-796 [Abstract(3859)] [View PDF(5891)425.99 K]A New Still Image Coding Algorithm Based on MorphologyWU Shuan-hu,TAN Zheng and XING Yan-chao2002,13(4):797-803 [Abstract(3358)] [View PDF(4852)502.97 K]An Obstacle Detection Method Based on Surface DirectionMA Geng-yu and LIN Xue-yin2002,13(4):804-811 [Abstract(3632)] [View PDF(5814)566.40 K]A Quick Algorithm for Independent Tasks Scheduling on Identical Parallel ProcessorsLI Xiao-ping,XU Xiao-fei and ZHAN De-chen2002,13(4):812-816 [Abstract(3703)] [View PDF(4959)592.52 K]A New Method of the Shadow and Target Detection of Synthetic Aperture Radar ImagesFU Kun,KUANG Gang-yao and YU Wen-xian2002,13(4):818-826 [Abstract(3990)] [View PDF(6337)639.79 K]Population Isolation and Adaptive-Gathering in Evolutionary ComputationHUANG Zhang-can,CHEN Si-duo and LI Liang2002,13(4):827-832 [Abstract(3864)] [View PDF(4975)404.49 K]Research on a Workflow Modeling Method to Improve System FlexibilityFAN Yu-shun and WU Cheng2002,13(4):833-839 [Abstract(4551)] [View PDF(5460)482.91 K]A Linear Algorithm with High Accuracy for Estimating Fundamental MatrixCHEN Ze-zhi and WU Cheng-ke2002,13(4):840-845 [Abstract(3927)] [View PDF(6266)407.71 K]An Active Queue Management Mechanism Supporting the Priority MarkingLI Fang-min and YE Cheng-qing2002,13(4):846-852 [Abstract(3435)] [View PDF(5185)418.92 K]Analysis of the KQML Model in Multi-AgentLIU Hai-long and WU Tie-jun2002,13(4):853-858 [Abstract(3829)] [View PDF(5121)403.45 K]Analysis and Control of Shape Variation of BBN SurfacesWANG Xing-bo2002,13(4):859-862 [Abstract(3475)] [View PDF(4806)321.00 K]Remote File Browser Based on Dawning 3000 Parallel MachineCHEN Zhi-hui,AN Hong and YU Hua2002,13(4):863-869 [Abstract(3699)] [View PDF(4923)440.14 K]