Volume 13,Issue 6,2002 Table of Contents
Delayed Consistency Model for Distributed Interactive Systems with Real-Time Continuous MediaQIN Xiao2002,13(6):1029-1039 [Abstract(3628)] [View PDF(4873)645.93 K]Prediction for Visiting Path on WebHAN Jing,ZHANG Hong-jiang and CAI Qing-sheng2002,13(6):1040-1049 [Abstract(3388)] [View PDF(5522)618.60 K]An Algorithm for Segmentation of Medical Image Series Based on Active Contour ModelLUO Xi-ping,TIAN Jie and LIN Yao2002,13(6):1050-1058 [Abstract(3679)] [View PDF(6793)774.29 K]Analog Macro-Cell Placement with Very Fast Simulated Re-Annealing AlgorithmZHANG Li-hong,PEI Xian-deng and Ulrich Kleine2002,13(6):1059-1068 [Abstract(3796)] [View PDF(4941)683.13 K]Shape Modification of Bézier Curves by Constrained OptimizationXU Li,CHEN Yu-jian and HU Yu-ning2002,13(6):1069-1074 [Abstract(3673)] [View PDF(5252)527.87 K]A Scalable Classification Algorithm Exploring Database TechnologyLIU Hong-yan,LU Hong-jun and CHEN Jian2002,13(6):1075-1081 [Abstract(3389)] [View PDF(5137)506.59 K]An Unsuptervised Approach to Word Sense Disambiguation Based on Sense-Words in Vector Space ModelLU Song,BAI Shuo and HUANG Xiong2002,13(6):1082-1089 [Abstract(4179)] [View PDF(6050)517.15 K]Dynamic Selection of Materialized Views of Multi-Dimensional DataTAN Hong-xing and ZHOU Long-xiang2002,13(6):1090-1096 [Abstract(4202)] [View PDF(5250)437.83 K]A Multimedia Group Communication Mechanism——QoS Controlled Group PipeWANG Xing-wei and CAI Guo-qing2002,13(6):1097-1102 [Abstract(3350)] [View PDF(4712)391.12 K]A Multimedia Group Communication Mechanism——QoS Controlled Group PipeLIU Ji-ren,GUI Xian-zhou,DAI Jin-hai,ZHOU Xing-ming and FENG Jin-guo2002,13(6):1097-1102 [Abstract(3730)] [View PDF(5062)421.14 K]Access Multiple Application Servers by Using Once Identity AuthenticationCHANG Xiao-lin,FENG Deng-guo and QING Si-han2002,13(6):1111-1116 [Abstract(3928)] [View PDF(4995)338.95 K]Computational Complexity and an Approximation Algorithm for Star-Tree Phylogeny Problem with Reversal DistanceZHU Da-ming,MA Shao-han and LEI Peng2002,13(6):1117-1122 [Abstract(3514)] [View PDF(4557)492.53 K]A Multithreaded Compiler Optimization Technology with Low PowerZHAO Rong-cai,TANG Zhi-min,ZHANG Zhao-qing and Guang R. Gao2002,13(6):1123-1129 [Abstract(3794)] [View PDF(5900)491.09 K]A Distributed Algorithm for Degree-Constrained Multicast RoutingLIU Ying,WU Jian-ping,LIU San-yang and TANG Hou-jian2002,13(6):1130-1134 [Abstract(3427)] [View PDF(4648)285.96 K]A Tool for Automated Analysis of Network Software LatencyLIU Hai-peng and ZHANG Gen-du2002,13(6):1135-1141 [Abstract(4037)] [View PDF(5876)407.19 K]KDD中因果关联规则的评价方法YANG Bing-ru and QI Yan-xia2002,13(6):1142-1147 [Abstract(3860)] [View PDF(5345)396.98 K]Inheritance Anomaly in Concurrent Object OrientationWANG Sheng-yuan,YANG Liang-huai,YUAN Chong-yi and YANG Ping2002,13(6):1148-1154 [Abstract(3727)] [View PDF(4981)408.80 K]Efficient Implementation of SEA AlgorithmZHU Yue-fei,GU Chun-xiang and PEI Ding-yi2002,13(6):1155-1161 [Abstract(4211)] [View PDF(6569)455.14 K]Research on Integrating Satellite Unidirectional Links with High Speed InternetQIANG Gang,LIU Zeng-ji and Mizuno Tadanori2002,13(6):1162-1168 [Abstract(3953)] [View PDF(4783)533.00 K]A Simplification Algorithm to Support Vector Machines for RegressionTIAN Sheng-feng and HUANG Hou-kuan2002,13(6):1169-1172 [Abstract(3349)] [View PDF(6966)290.16 K]Analyzing the Security Flaws of Internet Key Exchange ProtocolsZHANG Yong,FENG Dong-lei,CHEN Han-sheng and BAI Ying-cai2002,13(6):1173-1177 [Abstract(3380)] [View PDF(5396)264.36 K]Automatic Parallelism Detection for One Kind of Irregular ProblemsLI Jing,ZANG Bin-yu and ZHU Chuan-qi2002,13(6):1178-1186 [Abstract(3293)] [View PDF(5042)481.49 K]