Volume 12,Issue 10,2001 Table of Contents
A Tool for Analyzing UML Sequence Diagrams with Timing ConstraintsTAN Wen kai,LI Xuan dong and ZHENG Guo liang2001,12(10):1423-1433 [Abstract(3914)] [View PDF(4788)964.32 K]A Time-Slicing Optimization Framework of Computation Partitioning for Data-Parallel LanguagesYU Hua shan,HU Chang jun,HUANG Qi jun,DING Wen kui and XU Zhuo qun2001,12(10):1434-1446 [Abstract(3478)] [View PDF(4379)1.13 M]A Well-Evaluated Cohesion Metrics for Software QualityLEE Ming chi,SHIH Kuo chen(Timothy),HUANG Teh sheng and DENG Yu kuang 12001,12(10):1447-1463 [Abstract(3529)] [View PDF(4115)1.76 M]Combining Multiple Reference Images in a Backward Mapping Algorithm for Novel View GenerationZHENG Xin and WU En hua2001,12(10):1464-1471 [Abstract(3375)] [View PDF(4687)2.56 M]Packet Marking Algorithm Research in Differentiated Service NetworksMA Xiao jun,YAN Jun and GU Guan qun2001,12(10):1472-1478 [Abstract(3269)] [View PDF(4778)495.88 K]A Neural Network Based Self-Learning Algorithm of Image RetrievalZHANG Lei,LIN Fu zong and ZHANG Bo2001,12(10):1479-1485 [Abstract(3909)] [View PDF(5188)1.19 M]Efficient Authentication Signature Schemes for Dynamic Multicast GroupsLI Xian xian and HUAI Jin peng2001,12(10):1486-1494 [Abstract(3608)] [View PDF(4580)588.39 K]Polygon Simplification Based on Strip-Tree in Scaleless GISTIAN Peng,ZHENG Kou gen and PAN Yun he2001,12(10):1495-1502 [Abstract(3411)] [View PDF(4096)530.58 K]Sequence Association Rule Discovery Based on User Access Transaction GrammarWANG Shi,GAO Wen and LI Jin tao2001,12(10):1503-1509 [Abstract(3701)] [View PDF(4569)458.73 K]A Fast Morphologic Addition Algorithm for Convex PolyhedronLIU Wen yu,LI Hua and ZHU Guang xi2001,12(10):1510-1515 [Abstract(3811)] [View PDF(4231)1.13 M]An Approach for Knowledge Discovery under the Environment of Incomplete DataWANG Qing yi,CAI Zhi,ZOU Xiang and CAI Qing sheng2001,12(10):1516-1524 [Abstract(3818)] [View PDF(5034)588.82 K]A Measurement-Based Admission Control Algorithm of General Packet Radio ServiceLIU Yan hang,YUAN Sen miao and SUN Hui ping2001,12(10):1525-1533 [Abstract(3646)] [View PDF(4527)514.82 K]A New Data Fusion Algorithm for Improving Remote Sensing Images ResolutionCHEN Hao,YU Neng hai,LIU Zheng kai and ZHANG Rong2001,12(10):1534-1539 [Abstract(4449)] [View PDF(4338)1010.40 K]An Algorithm with Strong Classifying Ability for Discrete HMM TrainingFANG Shao wu,DAI Bei qian and LI Xiao han2001,12(10):1540-1543 [Abstract(4214)] [View PDF(4324)302.70 K]A Novel Method for Description Nonrigid Body Motion with Generalized Morpho-InterpolationLIU Wen yu and ZHU Guang xi2001,12(10):1544-1551 [Abstract(3894)] [View PDF(4912)771.72 K]A Stern Scheme Based on Maximum Rank Distance CodesDU Wei zhang and WANG Xin mei2001,12(10):1552-1554 [Abstract(3507)] [View PDF(3992)642.56 K]Dynamic Priority Systems and Their ApplicationsLI Wen jun,ZHOU Xiao cong and LI Shi xian2001,12(10):1555-1561 [Abstract(3466)] [View PDF(4348)485.26 K]A Parallel Operating System Based on Multi-Virtual-Space and Multi-Mapping TechnologyCHEN Zuo ning and JIN Yi lian2001,12(10):1562-1568 [Abstract(3682)] [View PDF(4500)504.36 K]Hermite Interpolation by PH QuinticCHEN Guo dong and WANG Guo jin2001,12(10):1569-1572 [Abstract(3665)] [View PDF(4255)271.99 K]Study on the Formal Semantics of VerilogLI Yong jian,SUN Yong qiang and HE Ji feng2001,12(10):1573-1580 [Abstract(3743)] [View PDF(4630)560.99 K]