2018, 29(S2):16-29.
Zero-Shot learning is an important research in the field of machine learning and image recognition. Zero-Shot learning methods normally use the semantic information among unseen classes and seen classes to transfer the knowledge which is learned from examples of seen classes to unseen classes, so as to recognize and classify the examples of unseen classes. In this study, a zero-shot learning approach based on construction of visual feature combination is proposed. The approach generates many examples of unseen class on visual feature level by the way of feature combination, which is first proposed, and thus transforms zero-shot learning problem to be a traditional classification problem solved by supervised learning. The approach mimics human cognition process of associative memory, and includes four steps:feature-attribute relation extraction, example construction, example screening, and domain adaption. On training examples of seen classes, the relationship between class attributes and dimensions of feature is extracted; on visual feature level, examples of unseen classes are generated by visual feature combination; dissimilarity representation is introduced to filter the generated examples of unseen classes; semi-supervised and unsupervised feature domain adaption are proposed to linearly transform the generated examples of unseen classes to be more effective. The proposed approach shows superior performance on three benchmark datasets (AwA, AwA2, and SUN), especially on dataset AwA, it obtains 82.6% top-1 accuracy which is the best result as far as we know. Experiment results demonstrate the effectiveness and superiority of the proposed approach.