• Volume 17,Issue zk,2006 Table of Contents
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    • Recovering Surfaces from the Gauss Map

      2006, 17(zk):1-10.

      Abstract (3919) HTML (0) PDF 671.62 K (5845) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:This paper studies 3D surface integration from novel angle. The authors consider the construction to the multiple surface patches, not one surface, from the Gauss map. The algorithm takes as its input a 2D field of surface normal estimates, delivered, for instance, by a shape-from-shading or shape-from-texture procedure. The authors disintegrate the Gauss map into two functions by the spherical coordinates, and then borrow the ideas from routine image processing theory to filter the two functions and to segment the space surface into several subsurface, at last the authors use the integrability to recover the subsurface individually. The method only exploits the general techniques in image processing, but can supply better results than the previous researches, which are only based on one function model, especially in the preservence the edges between different surfaces. The method is evaluated on synthetic and real data delivered by a shape-from-shading algorithm. The approach provides an actually way to use the normal maps of the surface.

    • Hierarchical Implicit Tensor-Product B-Spline Surface and Its Application in Surface Reconstruction

      2006, 17(zk):11-20.

      Abstract (3231) HTML (0) PDF 631.05 K (5079) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:This paper proposes a hierarchical implicit surface representation which has good adaptability and is very suitable for representing level of detail models. The definition of hierarchical implicit tensor-product B-Spline surface (HITBS) is first given and a mathematical model for surface reconstruction is briefly reviewed. Then an optimization model is proposed based on HITBS and a method is introduced for decomposing the domain in an adaptive fashion. A hierarchical approximation algorithm is proposed to deduce a series of linear equation System. The partition of unity method is introduced to integrate the local approximate functions into a global one. Some examples are given and conclusion remarks are concluded.

    • A Classification and Recognition Method for Planar Figures Based on Complete Orthogonal U-System

      2006, 17(zk):21-27.

      Abstract (3411) HTML (0) PDF 493.38 K (4838) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:In order to probe into classification and recognition method for planar figures in effect, a class of complete orthogonal piecewise k-degree polynomials, so-called U-system, is introduced. U-system is a class of complete orthogonal piecewise k-degree polynomials in L2[0,1]. The expansion in U-series has advantageous properties for approximations in both quadratic norm and uniform. Based on U-system, new U descriptors are defined, and the property of U descriptors and its proof are presented. To classify and recognize figures, a new normalized U descriptor is defined, which is invariant in the rotation, translation and scale transform. The experimental results show the accuracy and efficiency of new normalized U descriptors in classification and recognition method for planar figures.

    • A Real-Time and Interactive Freehand Three-Dimensional Ultrasound Imaging System

      2006, 17(zk):28-37.

      Abstract (3947) HTML (0) PDF 592.31 K (6404) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Conventional freehand three-dimensional (3-D) ultrasound imaging systems cannot achieve real-time and interactive reconstruction. The overall design idea, 3-D reconstruction method, and hardware/software system structure of the developed real-time and interactive freehand 3-D ultrasound imaging system, which is called RIF-3DUSIS, is introduced in this article. The characteristics of RIF-3DUSIS are as follows: (1) acquisition, 3-D reconstruction, and interactive manipulation of the reconstructed volume model in real time during scanning process; (2) While scanning, not only displaying reconstructed volume dynamically to provide visual feedback, but also updating display of reconstructed ratio sequentially to conduct reconstruction plan quantitatively; (3) Showing instruction information before each operation step so as to instruct operator’s work. Experimental results indicate the effectiveness of real-time reconstruction and the flexibility of dynamic interaction of RIF-3DUSIS.

    • Conversion Between Uniform B-Spline Bases and DP-NTP Bases and Its Application

      2006, 17(zk):38-45.

      Abstract (3104) HTML (0) PDF 463.74 K (4522) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:B-spline basis is widely used in construction of curves and surfaces for its excellent property of being totally positive and locally adjustable. Uniform B-spline as a special case of B-spline is also worth researching for its convenience in operation in industry modeling. In 2003, Delgado and Pe?a had given another new form of curve, which is constructed by a new totally positive basis (DP-NTP basis). This kind of curve shows obvious advantage in computing, for the reason that it has linear complexity. Meanwhile, it has good shape preserving property. But regretfully it is not locally adjustable as how B-spline curves do. As to achieve the advantages of both, and as well make exchanging and transferring data possible between various systems, the conversion between uniform B-spline curves and DP-NTP curves is presented. Examples show that this result can be widely used in efficient evaluation of locally adjustable curves and surfaces.

    • Classifications and Experimental Evaluation of Meaningful Pen Gestures

      2006, 17(zk):46-56.

      Abstract (3052) HTML (0) PDF 638.26 K (5297) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:In this paper, the characteristics and classifications of current used pen gestures are investigated. And characteristics with “good” and learnable pen gestures are analyzed through literatures and a questionnaire. Afterwards, the concept of “meaningful pen gesture” is presented according to the consideration whether there are tight relationships between a pen gesture and the corresponding command existing. And the meaningful pen gesture is divided into three categories: directive, object-metaphor and conventional. At last, an experiment is performed to validate the advantage of the meaningful pen gestures designed in this paper. The results show that the meaningful pen gestures are easier to learn and to use. These results can be interpreted by the dual-coding theory, and can be one of the basic guidelines for designing pen gestures.

    • Boolean Operation for Point Sampled Models

      2006, 17(zk):57-63.

      Abstract (3286) HTML (0) PDF 449.14 K (5104) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:A robust and efficient Boolean operation algorithm for point sampled models is presented in this paper. First, a surfel with a certain size of radius is reconstructed at each sample point on the models. And all of the surfels are classified into one of the following categories: in, out and intersect with respect to the other solid model. Then the intersection curves are estimated under the control of a given global error through adaptively subdividing and re-sampling of the intersect surfels. Besides, a hierarchical structure k-d tree is built for each point model to accelerate the test of efficient classifying the surfel’s in/out/intersect test. The experimental results show that this Boolean operation algorithm can robustly handle point models with different sampling resolution and non-uniform sampled point models.

    • Construct Smooth Surfaces Based on Manifold

      2006, 17(zk):64-69.

      Abstract (3323) HTML (0) PDF 402.60 K (5392) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:In this paper, the regular domain of traditional parametric surface is generalized to manifold, and a new method is proposed to construct smooth surface based on this domain manifold. This method uses shortest distance to build base function, and creates arbitrary topology smooth surfaces directly without split and joint. The result surfaces based on this method can be controlled easily in locally area, and a lot of algorithms used in NURBS surface also can be applicable here. The experimental results show that the construct method can easily generate complex surface.

    • Iterated Fractal Based on Distance Ratio

      2006, 17(zk):70-77.

      Abstract (3292) HTML (0) PDF 1.28 M (4929) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The escape time algorithm cannot render the convergence region of mapping, so there are some black regions in escape time fractal. In this paper, a novel method is presented to construct fractal image, which is named the distance ratio iteration method. This method performs iteration on two points and render fractal image by using their distance ratio convergence times. Taking complex mapping zzα+c as example, the generalized Mandelbrot and Julia sets are constructed based on distance ratio and their visual properties are analyzed. The result fractal image has complex and self-similarity structure in inner convergence region. It is proved that the boundary of distance ratio fractal is the same as M-J set when α>0, and some visual structure of it with various exponent α are discussed. When α<0, the generalized Mandelbrot and Julia set based on distance ratio have some complex structures which M-J set does not have.

    • Degree Reduction of B-Spline Curves Based on Least Squares Approximation

      2006, 17(zk):78-84.

      Abstract (3309) HTML (0) PDF 414.92 K (4934) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:A method for reducing the degree of B-spline curves based on constrained least squares approximation is presented, which preserves endpoints of the B-spline curves. To make the degree reduced B-spline curve has better approximation, and its number of the control points and the knot vector are also discussed. It is presented that the method based on constrained least squares approximation, which adds a weight function to the object function for reducing the error of approximation. Furthermore, for the interval whose error is larger than the given tolerance, a method of knot insertion is presented so that the degree reduction is controlled under the tolerance. The new method is compared with the existing ones via examples.

    • Layered Polynomial Textures for Real-Time Grassland Rendering

      2006, 17(zk):85-92.

      Abstract (3703) HTML (0) PDF 562.53 K (5146) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:This paper presents a layered polynomial texture (LPT) to represent grass based on its complex geometric structure and diffuses material. LPT is a 5D texture, and its element contains a group of polynomial parameters, to fit the pixels of multiple layers with various lighting directions, and to calculate the actual color in rendering stage. Grass is represented with three LPTs along known view directions. The LPT synthesis method based on wang tile is presented to create tiles, which are mapped onto ground to form grassland. The grassland is rendered in the dynamic lighting condition. Experimental results show that the LPT storage is smaller, and computational cost is lower. Furthermore, LPT could be extended to represent trees with dynamic shadow.

    • Degree Reduction of Generalized Ball Curves of Wang-Said Type

      2006, 17(zk):93-102.

      Abstract (3011) HTML (0) PDF 519.16 K (4580) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:In this paper,the authors discuss the degree reduction of generalized Ball curves of Wang-Said type by perturbation and the best uniform approximation respectively.The approximation error and relative approximation error are given and the two different methods are compared by some examples.

    • Feature Analysis and Visualization of 3D Scalar Field with the Applications to the Macromolecule

      2006, 17(zk):103-109.

      Abstract (3416) HTML (0) PDF 484.67 K (5188) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:This paper introduces the primary attempts on the modeling, analysis and visualization of the 3D macromolecular scalar field. According to the quantum chemical theory, one protein molecular structure is transformed into a regularly sampled 3D scalar field, in which each node records the combined effect of different actions in protease. By applying the first order and the second order local differential operators on individual node, a set of critical points which potentially depicts the active region of protein molecule are found. Also the paper gives some results after computing a sequence of molecular potential energy in the data field and interactively exploring the potential “tunnel” region exhibiting biological sense. In addition, the point-based, surface and volume rendering techniques are exploited to find the macro-structure inside the data field. With all these techniques, the escape route of water molecules hidden in the HIV-1 protease is successfully detected, which is in accordance with the experimental results.

    • A Non-Local Signal Processing Approach for Filtering Point Set Surface

      2006, 17(zk):110-119.

      Abstract (4013) HTML (0) PDF 593.08 K (5794) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Different from previous local smoothing filters based on local geometry signal, a novel denoising technique based on a non-local averaging of geometry signal of all sampled points on the point set surface is proposed. By using the bilateral filtering operator, the differential signal for each discrete point is obtained. The final geometry information of sample point can be reconstructed as the averaged geometry gray level computed by the NL-means. The mixture tree is applied to accelerate the similarity matching computation, which makes the NL-means more efficient for dealing with large point set surface. Experimental results illustrate that the approach is efficient and satisfied.

    • Molecular Structural Analysis Based on the Topological Extraction of 3D Scalar Fields

      2006, 17(zk):120-125.

      Abstract (3371) HTML (0) PDF 1.03 M (4279) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:In this paper, efforts on extracting local features and building the global topology of 3D macromolecular scalar field are introduced.Base on the topological analysis,the critical points which potentially indicate the active regions are calculated.This technique is employed to construct the topolog ical and geometrical structures of the scalar field.The preliminary experiments with the protein data sets verify the feasibility of the method.

    • Real-Time Rendering of Ray Scattering Effect under the Conditions of Rain and Fog

      2006, 17(zk):126-137.

      Abstract (3441) HTML (0) PDF 790.11 K (6006) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:This paper proposes a model of skylight and multiple particles under rainy and foggy circumstances and implements real-time rendering of atmospheric scattering in rain and fog scenes and rainbow. In addition, by analyzing the conventional equations of single scattering of point light source, real-time rendering of scattering effect is implemented due to non-isotropic light source. Finally, realistic rain and fog scenes are rendered under different conditions in real time.

    • Image Inpainting Based on Large Displacement View Images

      2006, 17(zk):138-147.

      Abstract (3530) HTML (0) PDF 594.88 K (4957) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:This paper presents an algorithm for image inpainting based on the large displacement view images, it fills in the occluded or damaged regions of the target image using the visible information from other large displacement view images. The key issues are, first, how to convert the visible information in the large displacement view images into useful information; second, how to make use of the useful information to repair the target image effectively. After specifying the target region with interaction, this paper tackles the first issue by dividing all the images into different planar scene regions, and then transforming all the regions in the large displacement view images into the current view by image matching. As a result, the visible information in them can be directly used. For the second issue, through the properly defined repairing and fusion priority functions, a new image inpainting algorithm is developed based on texture synthesis and image fusion to repair the target region with the acquired usable information. In addition, the ghost effect between the repaired region and the target image is eliminated by Poisson image fusion to generate the seamless result. Experimental results show that this algorithm can recover the structural and texture information in the large missing region, and holds its practical value.

    • Creating System-on-Chip High-Level Executable Specification Based on Extended Hierarchical Colored Petri Net

      2006, 17(zk):148-153.

      Abstract (3468) HTML (0) PDF 373.03 K (4714) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:This paper presents a method for creating system-on-chip high-level executable specification based on extended colored Petri net (EHCPN). Based on EHCPN model, a modeling and simulation integrated environment: SoC-P/TMSE is implemented, which can efficiently support for creating high-level specification and executing analysis for system-on-chip, i.e., function analysis, performance evaluation and communication protocol verification.

    • Research on Service Oriented Virtual Enterprises Modeling

      2006, 17(zk):154-160.

      Abstract (3346) HTML (0) PDF 397.75 K (5024) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:This paper describes the character of Service and Application Service Provision (ASP) model, and builds a new Service Oriented Virtual Enterprises (VE) based on the ASP services. In order to support the enterprises to achieve more competitive, this model is used for virtual enterprises modeling. The paper analyzes the mechanism of the partner selection and describes the algorithm of Na?ve Bayesian for partner selection. Then the paper puts forward a service oriented VE modeling framework and describes the modeling process of this service oriented VE.

    • Application of Genetic Algorithm in Architectural Conceptual Design

      2006, 17(zk):161-168.

      Abstract (3303) HTML (0) PDF 419.63 K (6138) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:A genetic algorithm for supporting architectural conceptual design is presented in this paper. The algorithm adopts mathematical expression binary tree based coded approach, corresponding crossover and mutation operations, and the combination of objective function and interaction with designers for getting fitness values to generate simple curves. The selected shapes are dealt with via 3D visualizing technology to form entities. These generative 3D entities are put together with components designed by designers, then are classified and saved in a component database. The complex configuration design is implemented via combination of different components that come from component base while the combinational scheme is formed by binary coded genera tic algorithm. The process of algorithm is illustrated by an architectural design example.

    • A 3D Paper-Cutting Oriented Mesh Trimming Algorithm

      2006, 17(zk):169-175.

      Abstract (3601) HTML (0) PDF 435.19 K (5354) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:This paper presents an improved trimming algorithm. When cutting each pattern on the mesh surface, the algorithm first checks if a patch has been modified by other patterns, and then cuts the patch set with the new topology caused by the current pattern and updates the resultant patch set. Finally the algorithm removes the vertices and faces from the mesh surface inside the closed paper-cutting pattern to achieve cut-out effects observed from hand made paper cutting works. 3D Paper-cutting has wide applications ranging from animation, education to entertainments.

    • A Simple Method for Shape Recovery Based on Linear Structured Light

      2006, 17(zk):176-183.

      Abstract (3658) HTML (0) PDF 652.10 K (5664) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:This paper aims at recovering the shape of an object by using a common LCD projector and a digital camera. The projector is employed as a point light source for casting linear stripe onto the surface of an object. From the sequence of photos taken by a digital camera, the shape of an object can be recovered. In this paper, a method for projector calibration is proposed on the basis of camera calibration. In addition, a RGB linear structured light scheme is also proposed for recovering the shape of an object with complex color and texture. The experimental results show that dense point clouds can be obtained for further surface reconstruction. It can be concluded that such a system cheap but keeping relatively high accuracy can be considered as a replacement of expensive scanning systems.

    • Solving Reliable Coverage in Fault Tolerant Energy Efficient Wireless Sensor Network

      2006, 17(zk):184-191.

      Abstract (3483) HTML (0) PDF 536.53 K (5143) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Based on the heuristic method used to solve set k cover problem, a scheme namely reliable coverage scheme is proposed to solve reliable coverage problem within the cluster in a hierarchical structured network. A minimum cover is a smallest set of sensor nodes capable of complete monitoring over the entire cluster area. 1-resistant minimum cover topology, applied in reliable coverage scheme, is the combination of two minimum covers. Round robin working of 1-resistant minimum covers prolongs network lifetime significantly. The redundant minimum cover shields nodes’ failures from a single minimum cover. In reliable coverage scheme, interaction protocol between cluster head and cluster members is introduced and instant cover replacement algorithm is applied to handle possible members’ failures. Simulations show that this scheme is able to efficiently utilize energy to prolong network lifetime while at the same time keeping missed monitoring at a low level.

    • A Method of Creating Grid Service and Its Application in Pervasive Computing

      2006, 17(zk):192-199.

      Abstract (3279) HTML (0) PDF 510.73 K (4634) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:By means of exposing the internal relationships between open Grid service architecture and pervasive applications, the fundamental theories and common methods of using transient Grid services to support pervasive computing are put forward. This paper shows how to construct standard interfaces, abstract basic functions, deploy runtime environment, integrate application systems and design transient services in engineering practice. The research background is a tax Grid engineering of services-oriented architecture which is described in detail. Experimental results show that this method is of simple, efficient and good at security, and transient Grid services can be used at all times and all places providing satisfied flexibility and adaptabilities to clients.

    • A Trust-Based Service Evaluation and Selection Model in Pervasive Computing Environment

      2006, 17(zk):200-210.

      Abstract (3488) HTML (0) PDF 645.61 K (5139) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Based on trust behavior experience in human society and the law of gravity,this paper introduces a concept of trust gravitation to analyze the trust relationship between pervasive interaction entities. Then built a sound svstem is built in terms of a service evaluation and selection model based on trust gravitation. The system that integrated direct,indirect and historic evaluation is tested to improve the efficiency and veracity of service evaluation and selection.Experimental results show that pervasive entities can select optimum netWork services in short time via of this model.

    • A Goal-Driven Approach of Service Composition for Pervasive Computing

      2006, 17(zk):211-218.

      Abstract (3234) HTML (0) PDF 548.79 K (4887) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The pervasive computing environment is transparent for users. In order to simplify the interaction between users and the environment, this paper presents a goal-driven approach of service composition. A task-oriented semantic representation model of Web services is built and based on this model goal-driven service composition is performed dynamically to achieve user’s goal. A simulated application scenario is described and the process of task definition and service composition according to the scenario are discussed in this paper. This approach simplifies the interaction between users and pervasive computing environment and improves the flexibility of service cooperation and composition in the environment.

    • A Method for Network Data Collection and Processing in the Pervasive Computing Environment

      2006, 17(zk):219-224.

      Abstract (3609) HTML (0) PDF 332.02 K (4918) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Based on the research on the characters of network in the pervasive computing environment, a rule-based method for network data collection and processing is brought forward. The method encapsulates the logic of network data collection and processing in business rules, and organizes the business rules through object-oriented Rete algorithm. Data processing logic is able to easily be read and verified. And business logic and process are separated by this method. At the same time, the complex business determinant statements do not have to be modified to adapt themselves to the changes of network environment and business.

    • A Method of Suppliers Selection for SMMEs Based on UVAHP Group Decision Making

      2006, 17(zk):225-232.

      Abstract (3320) HTML (0) PDF 526.76 K (5058) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:For the selection of suppliers of components and parts for SMMEs (small and medium manufacturing enterprises) and on the basis of the analysis of the advantage and disadvantage of AHP, a new kind of AHP called UVAHP is presented to overcome the disadvantage of AHP, which builds judgment matrix using uncertainly voting group decision making, and specially deals with interval number and uncertain linguistic value, and specially deals with profit attributive value and loss attributive value. The basic principle and calculating steps are given, and the corresponding mathematic model is set up. An example testifies the correctness of the method. This method has higher reference value for the selection of components and parts supplier.

    • A Low Bandwidth-Oriented Remote Screen Synchronization Approach

      2006, 17(zk):233-242.

      Abstract (3105) HTML (0) PDF 595.86 K (4657) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:This paper presents an approach for remote screen synchronization by applying the association of spatio-temporal redundancy reductions (ASTR). The temporal redundancy between the current changed screen area and the previous frame is taken into account. By applying an improved SSC-APDS (Subsampling Search Candidates in Adjustable Partial Distortion Search) algorithm, the speed of the block motion estimation is increased obviously. Experimental results approve that this approach can save more bandwidth in transferring the screen data and reduce the overhead of the client. It has been used in a practical wireless application for conference projecting and cooperating named FreeSpeech with good performance.

    • Research on Multi-Modal Interaction Model in Pervasive Computing

      2006, 17(zk):243-248.

      Abstract (3327) HTML (0) PDF 320.19 K (4734) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:As technologies are rapidly evolving in the area of storage, recognition and displays, the vision of multi-modal interaction is positioning the human needs central to pervasive access to services. Users expect better looking interfaces that are also easy to use to improve high efficiency and productivity and to focus on task itself instead of tools as providing the invisibility in pervasive computing. However, it is hard to obtain the right service at the right time naturally in the multimedia environment based on current interaction approaches. In this paper, a framework is proposed for multi-modal interaction which offers the sketch and speech interactive models without limitation of the diversity and richness of the provided services in the pervasive computing environment. Furthermore, it is applied to describe sample application and shows how it is used to create a new interface with high performance.

    • Enterprises Training System Frame Based on Pervasive Computing and Grid Technology

      2006, 17(zk):249-255.

      Abstract (3309) HTML (0) PDF 416.74 K (4971) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The paper puts forward a pervasive environment enterprise training frame (PETF). PETF is based on the relevant technology of pervasive computing and grid technology, with the advantage of free from the usual limitation of space and regions and can work at any time and at any place. Simultaneously, it provides plenty of training resources and can make use of the distributed resource to integrate the cooperation. A brief introduction is presented about the structures, functions and characteristics of PETF. The prototype of PETF software system is developed which can provide useful reference and experiences for enterprise professional training system and relevant researches.

    • Security Analysis for Ad Hoc Routing Protocols Based on Improved Strand Space

      2006, 17(zk):256-261.

      Abstract (3266) HTML (0) PDF 355.92 K (4923) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Based on the characteristics of Ad Hoc mobile network, the paper redefines the consistency conditions for the normal operation of the protocol and at the same time adds intermediator credibility condition, thus adapts the strand space method to the security analysis for Ad Hoc routing protocols. The SRP protocol is taken as an example for the analysis of its security and the valuable results have been obtained.

    • Intelligent Agent-Based Knowledge Management in E-Commerce

      2006, 17(zk):262-268.

      Abstract (3538) HTML (0) PDF 395.72 K (5162) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:This article addresses the customer knowledge acquisition by using the intelligent Agent technology. This article establishes intelligent Agent based knowledge management framework for electronic commerce, and utilizes buyer Agent as a tool for acquiring customer knowledge, and seller Agent as a tool for retrieving the matched the product information. This paper also constructs models of the product and the customer, and designs a kind of ontology-based product classification learning algorithm. Finally, a proof of prototype is implemented to effectively acquire the customer knowledge through intelligent Agent technology, and also to enhance the product information retrieval precision and speed. This result provides a new approach to customer knowledge management under the electronic commerce environment.

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