• Volume 13,Issue 8,2002 Table of Contents
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    • A Goal-Based Approach for Process Instance Evolution

      2002, 13(8):1345-1351.

      Abstract (3480) HTML (0) PDF 407.68 K (4360) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Process is long-lived, distributed, heterogeneous, and always evolutive to cope with unforeseen environment. In this paper, an approach for process instance evolution is proposed, which is a formal approach that focuses on ensuring the "goal-based behavior consistency" between the evolved process instance and the original instance in order to avoid ad-hoc change of process model. The goal is regarded as the criterion of behavior consistency, so evolved process instance needs to be analyzed in formal methods to ensure that it can still achieve its goals. Through specifying the semantics of process model and goals as Büchi automaton, whether an executing process instance can achieve its goals or not is decided.

    • Design of Secure System Architecture Model for Active Network

      2002, 13(8):1352-1360.

      Abstract (3348) HTML (0) PDF 493.17 K (5070) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:In this paper, the assumption model and the threat model of active network security system are introduced. A secure system architecture model based on these models and security requirement is presented. Definition of secure system architecture model includes authentication, authorization, integrity and encryption. To protect the integrity of the contents of active packet, the encryption and the digital signatures can be employed and the authorization mechanisms or policies are defined and enforced to provide controlled access to the active node resources.

    • Improved Stumps Combined by Boosting for Text Categorization

      2002, 13(8):1361-1367.

      Abstract (3734) HTML (0) PDF 449.31 K (5099) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Stumps, classification trees with only one split at the root node, have been shown by Schapire and Singer to be an effective method for text categorization when embedded in a boosting algorithm as its base classifiers. In their experiments, the splitting point (the partition) of each stump is decided by whether a certain term appears or not in a text document, which is too weak to obtain satisfied accuracy even after they are combined by boosting, and therefore the iteration times needed by boosting is sharply increased as an indicator of low efficiency. To improve these base classifiers, an idea is proposed in this paper to decide the splitting point of each stump by all the terms of a text document. Specifically, it employs the numerical relationship between the similarities of the VSM-vector of text document and the representational VSM-vector of each class as the partition criteria of the base classifiers. Meanwhile, to further facilitate its convergence, the boosting weights assigned to sample documents are introduced to the computation of representational VSM-vectors for possible classes dynamically. Experimental results show that the algorithm is both more efficient for training and more effective than its predecessor for fulfilling text categorization tasks. This trend seems more conspicuous along with the incensement of problem scale.

    • Distribution of the Linear Complexities of Generalized Legendre Sequences

      2002, 13(8):1368-1373.

      Abstract (3442) HTML (0) PDF 388.79 K (4598) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:In the paper, an estimation of distribution of linear complexities of generalized Legendre sequences is made. It is discovered that most of the generalized Legendre sequences have large linear complexities. A way is proposed to find the generalized Legendre sequence of the large linear complexity.

    • A Flexible and Formalized Process Modeling Language

      2002, 13(8):1374-1381.

      Abstract (3409) HTML (0) PDF 547.36 K (4878) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:For reaching the requirement of process domain, a flexible and formalized process modeling language FLEX is proposed to support semantics richness, easy of use, flexibility, scalability, reuse, and distribution, while it is analyzable, executable, and evolutive. Especially, the language not only can provide nonexperts high level representation for easy of use, but also can allow users to define and reuse process notations at various granularities to extend the representation. So FLEX can support various levels and requirements of process modeling.

    • Analyzing Popular Clustering Algorithms from Different Viewpoints

      2002, 13(8):1382-1394.

      Abstract (4283) HTML (0) PDF 731.87 K (7687) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Clustering is widely studied in data mining community. It is used to partition data set into clusters so that intra-cluster data are similar and inter-cluster data are dissimilar. Different clustering methods use different similarity definition and techniques. Several popular clustering algorithms are analyzed from three different viewpoints: (1) clustering criteria, (2) cluster representation, and (3) algorithm framework. Furthermore, some new built algorithms, which mix or generalize some other algorithms, are introduced. Since the analysis is from several viewpoints, it can cover and distinguish most of the existing algorithms. It is the basis of the research of self-tuning algorithm and clustering benchmark.

    • Distributed Real-Time Transaction Commit Processing

      2002, 13(8):1395-1401.

      Abstract (3554) HTML (0) PDF 389.54 K (4700) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:It is difficult for a distributed real-time transaction to satisfy its deadline because of the complexities of its commitment processing. A new commit protocol called A2SC (active double space commit) is proposed, which cater for the distributed real-time transaction commitment processing. All kinds of dependencies caused from data conflicts access are analyzed. When data conflicts between the prepared transaction and the execution transactions occur, A2SC allows the execution transactions to access the locked data optimistically in a controlled manner. When the prepared transaction aborts, only transactions in its abort dependency set are aborted. Furthermore, a notion of fruitless run is proposed. When a transaction finds fruitless run, it will actively abort. Extensive simulation experiments have been performed to compare the performance of the A2SC with other protocols such as the base protocol, the PROMPT and the DDCR. The simulation results show that A2SC is highly successful in minimizing the number of missed transactions deadlines. So A2SC caters for high-performance distributed real-time transaction.

    • Analysis of Composite Events in Adaptive Mobile Computing System by Unidirectional Queue Automata

      2002, 13(8):1402-1411.

      Abstract (3493) HTML (0) PDF 658.64 K (4803) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Mobile computing attracts more and more attention in recent years. Adaptive mobile computing systems need to process a broad range of composite events, which are combinations of primitive events such as logic event, time events, and temporal events, etc. This paper focuses on the design and implementation of composite events and composite actions in mobile computing systems, the sophisticated cases of event stream, time event and various operators are taken into consideration. Detection for composite events is supported efficiently by new kinds of extended automaton?Unidirectional Queue Automata and Bounded Unidirectional Queue Automata, which are defined and discussed in detail. The data structures and the mechanisms adopted by these new automata are described and how they can be efficiently applicable to adaptive mobile environments is illustrated.

    • Robust Distributed Multiplication Schemes over Integer

      2002, 13(8):1412-1416.

      Abstract (3503) HTML (0) PDF 351.58 K (4690) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Distributed multiplication computation is an important part of secure multi-party computation and a basic protocol of threshold cryptography. Based on the verifiable secret sharing techniques, two robust distributed multiple multiplication schemes over integer are presented. One of them, the parallelizable non-interactive scheme is more efficient, and remains the property of non-interaction. The other can achieve the optimal resilience.

    • An Intrusion Tolerant CA Scheme

      2002, 13(8):1417-1422.

      Abstract (4346) HTML (0) PDF 435.62 K (6314) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:CA (certificate authority) is a critical component in PKI. When the private key of a CA is compromised, all the certificates issued by that CA should be revoked. Keeping the private key secret while providing service on line is very important for a CA. Rather than prevent intrusions or detect them after the fact, the project ensures that the compromise of a few system components does not compromise the private key of the CA. The private key is protected by distributing it across a few servers. The private key is never reconstructed at a single online location.

    • An Improved Multi-Dimensional Storage Structure for Data Warehousing

      2002, 13(8):1423-1429.

      Abstract (3311) HTML (0) PDF 397.33 K (5178) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:As for physical data organization in data warehouse, there are mainly two kinds of methods, relational and multi-dimensional. These two methods have their own advantages and disadvantages, but as to improve the performance of OLAP (online analytical processing) query processing, the method of multi-dimensional array is superior. To solve the current problems in the method of multi-dimensional array, an improved multi-dimensional storage structure for data warehouse is proposed, and the concepts of logical storage and phtsical storage for data cube are given.According to this proposal,the original multi-dimensional data space is divided into many logical blocks,and a logical block is divided into many physical blocks.This multi-dimensional storage structure takes the characteristics of the large amount and highly sparse multi-dimensional array into consideration fully,and a new distributing and compressing method for the multi-dimensional array is adopted.These availably solve efficiency problems of the aggregation query along with the inner level of the dimension and query,and dramatically improve the response time of the aggregation query.In particular,these methods also bring additional b9enefit for incremental maintenance of the multi-dimensional array.

    • Software Architecture of the Hall for Workshop of Metasynthetic Engineering

      2002, 13(8):1430-1435.

      Abstract (3660) HTML (0) PDF 521.34 K (5793) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:This paper focuse on the software architecture of the network-based Hall for Workshop of Metasynthetic Engineering. A nested client/agent/server computing scheme-incorporated Requester- Mediator-Provider model is deployed. The framework and its working mechanism of an HWME (hall for workshop of metasynthetic engineering) for macroeconomic decision-making through Java-based intelligent information agents on the basis of above scheme are discussed. Combinations of mobility of agents and message-passing mechan,algorithm and interaction,multiple types of agent technoogy and multiple design patterns are flexiby used in this system.Co,pared with the othe client/server and the browser/server computing schenmes,this system is more flexible,and has less response time and lower requirement for network perfomance.

    • A Geospatial Information Layer Sharing Model for Digital Earth

      2002, 13(8):1436-1440.

      Abstract (3769) HTML (0) PDF 469.22 K (5009) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:To solve the geospatial information management, sharing and valid use of massive information for Digital Earth, a geospatial information layer sharing model and the solutions of each layer for Digital Earth are advanced in the paper, and the main discussion focuses on data set layer and data item layer. Firstly, combined with the frontier of international geospatial metadata, the Chinese geospatial metadata content standard draft is brought forward for sharing the historical and existing geospatial data on dataset layer.Integrated with WebGIS and based on Z39.50 protocol,geospatial metadata management system for DE construction is designed and achieved. Secondly,taken OpenGIS standard and XML technology into account,geospatial information markup language (GeoML) is put forward to share future geospatial information on data item layer.GeoML standard draft is designed and GeoML prototype based on Web is implemented.The results have greatly promoted the research of the Key Science-Technology Project of the ‘National Ninth Five-Year-Plan'of China

    • >Review Articles
    • A Survey on Multicast Congestion Control

      2002, 13(8):1441-1449.

      Abstract (6645) HTML (0) PDF 447.85 K (7316) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The problem of congestion control must be solved before the large-scale deployment of multicast. There are two important goals in multicast congestion control protocols: scalability and TCP-friendly. In this paper, the two goals are introduced, a survey on multicast congestion control is presented. Some recent protocols are discussed. The orientations of the future research are also given.

    • RBFN Structure Determination Strategy Based on PLS and Gas

      2002, 13(8):1450-1455.

      Abstract (3320) HTML (0) PDF 388.93 K (5206) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:In view of the drawbacks of the conventional structure determination strategies for RBFN (radial basis function network), a RBFN structure determination strategy based on PLS (partial least squares) and Gas (genetic algorithms), and a more effective determination method for radial basis width are proposed in this paper. In this structure determination strategy, PLS avoids the local optima occurring in the process of calculating radial basis with K-Means algorithm and makes the synthesized radial bases more representative than the radial basis got by ortgogonal algorithm.Furthermore the propsed determination method method for radial basis widdth and GAs guarantee the substantial improvement and optimization on the networks perofrmance and structure.Finally,the experiments demonstrate the superiority,the reliability,anf the effectiveness of the proposed RBFN structure determination strategy based on PLS and GAs,and the proposed determinatinon method for radial basis width.

    • Algorithms of Wavelength Assignment on All Optical Ring with Fixed Wavelength Converters

      2002, 13(8):1456-1464.

      Abstract (3055) HTML (0) PDF 550.15 K (4898) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Wavelength assignment is one of the main algorithmic problems arising from WDM all optical networks, which is important in the theory and the practice. The wavelength assignment problem on optical rings with fixed wavelength converters is considered. First, two preprocess algorithms are designed to decompose a communication request set into some continuous cyclic sequences. Then the permutation group is used to represent the ring network with fixed converters and an algorithm is proposed to classify the wavelength channels into some groups.Based on these on these ideas,a wavelength assignment algorithm is presented.For an optical ring with any fixed conversion mode,the algorithm can giv a good assignment scheme.

    • An Algorithm of Mining Personal Moving Patterns in a Wireless Communication Environment

      2002, 13(8):1465-1471.

      Abstract (3559) HTML (0) PDF 478.04 K (4600) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Discovering moving pattern is a key problem of mobile management in wireless communication. In this paper, an algorithm named SAM (split and merge) is proposed to mine MFMP in sequential datasets of moving object, and then to provide services for moving object management. This algorithm combines the bottom-up search and top down filter and uses data structure——graph to store datasets, infrequent item sets to split moving pattern graph, and long moving pattern to filter data sets strategy, and then the iteration number and CPU time are reduced greatly.Lastly,the performance analysis and the comparison of the algorithms are provided.Experimental results show that the SAM algorithm outperfprms other existing algorithms.

    • Performance Equivalent Analysis of Workflow Systems

      2002, 13(8):1472-1480.

      Abstract (3793) HTML (0) PDF 551.96 K (5593) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:In this paper, four basic model of workflow systems are discussed based on SPN (stochastic Petri nets), and their performance equivalent equations are deduced. Finally, an example is given to explain how to model a workflow system based on SPN, and how to use those equations to compute their performance. By using these equations, not only the complex workflow model can be simplified but also the product-form solution of performance parameter of workflow model can be got.

    • A Practical and Effective Virtual Remote Supercomputing Environment

      2002, 13(8):1481-1487.

      Abstract (3854) HTML (0) PDF 332.75 K (5005) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Remote computing means that the users on local machine make use of computing resources on remote super computers through the Internet. The traditional remote computing method is logging onto the remote machines by using telnet protocol to accomplish all kinds of work. This method is efficient in a high-speed and stable networking environment. But when the network is in a low-bandwidth and unstable condition, this method will seriously influent the users's work efficiency. A computing method called remote virtual computing is presented which is suitable for low-bandwidth and unstable networks.It uses the technologies such as check-point setting/recovering,compressing directory tree transferring to furthest reduce the network flux.The practice proves that this is an efficient remote computing method under the present network condition in china.

    • The Normal Object Scheme Forest with Respect to Conflict-Free Dependencies

      2002, 13(8):1488-1493.

      Abstract (3284) HTML (0) PDF 431.16 K (4738) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The properties for a normal object scheme forest with respect to a conflict-free set of ODs are shown in this paper. Firstly basic concepts and properties about object dependency, a conflict-free set of object dependencies, normal object scheme forest and the algorithm of normalization design for complex object schemes are summarized. Then the properties for a normal object scheme forest with respect to a conflict-free set of ODs are presented and proved: P(F) is a unique split-free path set for a normal object scheme forest;M<=>OD(F)<=>P(F);and P(F) is α-cyclic.There is a siginficion in the development for the object-oriented information systems.

    • Object-Oriented Design of Human-Machine Interface in the Visual Programming Environment

      2002, 13(8):1494-1499.

      Abstract (3344) HTML (0) PDF 288.91 K (5089) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Visual programming environment has brought about great changes in the development of human-machine interface. It enables the developers to implement human-machine interface using visual operations by means of “hat you see is what you get? and the program code can generate automatically by the environment. This change gives rise to some new problems to object-oriented design of human-machine interface. Since the implementation of the interface does not depend on manual programming, is it necessary to design before implementation?And whd what is the use of the class diagram built at the design stage?The answers to these questions can be found in this paper.It proves that the design is necessary yetin that environment,but its strategies should be improved.The OOD(object-oriented design)strategies for the development of human-machine interface are given,which makes the OOD work much simpler simpler,more efficent and more suitable for development in the visual programming environment.

    • Incremental and Distributed Web Page Clustering Algorithms PG+ and PG++

      2002, 13(8):1500-1507.

      Abstract (3781) HTML (0) PDF 530.84 K (5380) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:A user behavior analysis is an important approach in many algorithms for the Web site information recommendation, among which, PageGather is a typical algorithm. However, the original PageGather algorithm is static, which needs too many data inputs and too much computing time. In this paper, incremental learning and distributed computation mechanisms are introduced into PageGather, so that two improved algorithms PG+ and PG++ are proposed. At the same time, corresponding experimental results are presented and analyzed.The improved algorithms are equivalent to the static PageGather algorithms.And better effect has got.

    • Semi-Supervised Web Mining Based on Bayes Latent Semantic Model

      2002, 13(8):1508-1514.

      Abstract (3593) HTML (0) PDF 440.67 K (6420) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:With the increasing of information on Internet, Web mining has been the focus of data mining. Web classification predicts the labels of Web documents by learning lots of training examples with labels. It is very expensive to get these examples by manual. Web clustering groups the similar Web documents by a certain of metric of similarity. But the classical algorithms of clustering are aimless in searching the solution space and absent of semantic characters. In this paper, a semi-supervised learning strategy consists of tow stages is put forward.The fist atage,labels the documents the documents that include latent class variables by using Bayes latent semantic model.The second stage,based on the results from the first stage,labels the documents excluding latent class variables with the Naive Bayes models.Experimental results show that this algorithm has good precision and recall rate.

    • A Packet Scheduling Strategy for Multiple Performance Objects

      2002, 13(8):1515-1520.

      Abstract (3819) HTML (0) PDF 364.79 K (4967) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The design of packet scheduling strategy and algorithm is one of the most important issues for the high-speed packet-switched networks. Because the packet scheduling strategy has multiple performance objects, how to reach multiple objects simultaneously is a difficult problem. Based on the proportional fairness principle, a proportional fairness scheduling (PFS) strategy in packet-switched networks is provided. The PFS integrates several objects, such as network performance, user抯 QoS requirement and system fairness.And the proposed strategy is analyzed and proved in detail.Moreover,the proportional fairness scheduling strategy can be applied to design and improve the packet scheduling strategy and algorithms in packet-swithched networks.

    • Role-Based Authorization Constraint with Time Character

      2002, 13(8):1521-1527.

      Abstract (3890) HTML (0) PDF 389.70 K (5050) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Authorization constraint is an important part in role-based access control models. There are some methods to specify constraint formally, but they mainly focus on the static character. A formal model is proposed to describe time character of constraint in this paper. A founded constraint model, namely a constraint specification language, is studied in detail, and is extended. The language is called RCLT (role-based constraints language with time-character) after extending. At the same time, the problems of optimizing the efficiency RCLT system and restoring to the safe when rules are violated are discussed.RCLT is testified to be able to express the time chracter of constraint well.However,there are further works to be done for finding practical,efficient and general algorithms for optimizing efficiency efficiency and the restoration of safe state,which is the main goal of future research.

    • A Files Checkpointing Approach Based on Virtual File Operations

      2002, 13(8):1528-1533.

      Abstract (3560) HTML (0) PDF 244.28 K (4932) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Checkpointing and rollback recovery of Unix process are the underlying technique of fault tolerance for distributed system and parallel environment. To save and restore the state and the content of active file of the process is an important aspect of checkpointing and rollback recovery. A new file checkpointing approach called virtual file operation (VFO) is presented. VFO buffers all the write operations after a checkpoint until the next one, making all the operations between two checkpoints atomic as a whole.By step-to-step checkpointing,and managing file as blocks,this approach achieves lower overhead than the others.

    • Spatial Information Retrieval and Database Generalization

      2002, 13(8):1534-1539.

      Abstract (3231) HTML (0) PDF 305.11 K (4806) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Spatial data are often stored in a database with the finest level of details. The problem of cartographic generalization of spatial data concerns deriving spatial data with proper level of details when the data are used for an application. With more and more computerized applications making use of shared spatial data sources, and the increasing number of applications emerging from Internet-based spatial applications, efficient spatial data generalization becomes a critical issue. In this paper, the issues in efficient spatial data generalization are investigated,with a unique focus on spatial database design and spatial operations processing.Several types of a commonly used spatial indexing mechanism called z-values are proposed to achieve the goals.

    • A Data Mining System for Very Large Databases

      2002, 13(8):1540-1545.

      Abstract (4064) HTML (0) PDF 327.92 K (6461) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Data mining is a hotspot that combines the techniques in databases, artificial intelligence and statistics areas. On the basis of the research on some data mining algorithms and their implementation, a data mining system, Golden-Eye, is developed to incorporate primary data mining techniques and coordinate their operations. As the integration of several existing techniques including some improved algorithms as well as some newly proposed operations in data mining area, the system implements a wide spectrum of data mining functions such as generaliztion,data cleaning,association rele mining,exception rele mining,sequentil pattern mining, classification and clustering.By tightly integrating different functional modules such as storage management,data preprocessing,mining operations and mining base management,the system succeds in managing all kinds of data including midterm results uniformly and providing a user-friendly,visualized interface,which makes Golden-Eye a complete and efficient system with good perfmance.Experimental results show that the system can successfully fulfill the mining tasks specified by users on very large databases.

    • Retrieving Components Based on Faceted Classification

      2002, 13(8):1546-1551.

      Abstract (3565) HTML (0) PDF 389.02 K (5370) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:With the deepening of reuse practice and scaling up of the component repository, the research of representing and retrieving software components gains more attention in software engineering research. A method based on tree inclusion is proposed to retrieve reusable components classified in faceted scheme, which combines the theory of tree matching and the feature of faceted classification scheme. The analysis and the experimental results demonstrate the feasibility and effectiveness of this method.

    • >Review Articles
    • Overview on Managing Time in Workflow Systems

      2002, 13(8):1552-1558.

      Abstract (6911) HTML (0) PDF 397.62 K (7367) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Time management is a crucial part of workflow management software systems, and is also a serious limitation in applying workflow technologies to complex enterprises. Doing researches for time modeling is important to enhance the flexibility of workflow management software systems, to guarantee workflow plan to be efficiently executed and to make enterprises more competitive. The key of time management lies in whether time information is effectively modeled. This paper first introduces the time issues in workflow systems,then surveys the actual atatus of time of time modeling and analysis,Which invile how time constraints to be modeled and analyzed,how temporal consistency to be verified and time violations to be handled.Based in the evaluation of existing research methods,we indicate the developing trends of time management in workflow systems.Supporting for time managent provides a good guidance for developing high flexible and practical workflow management systems.

    • A Method to Detect Anchorperson Shots for Digital TV News

      2002, 13(8):1559-1567.

      Abstract (3863) HTML (0) PDF 520.86 K (5005) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:A new method is presented to detect anchorperson shots automatically for digital TV news programs. The algorithms are required for automatically parsing and indexing of news program. The identification process consists of two steps. The first step is that potential anchorperson shots are grouped by clustering based on the fact that anchorperson shots always present repeatedly within a news program. At the second step, a well-trained neural network classifier is used to identify the correct anchorperson shots according to temporal and spatial features of their occurrence law.Exprimental results show that the proposed method can detect the anchor shots quickl with very high precision.

    • An Optimization Approach on Low Bite Rate Video Coding

      2002, 13(8):1568-1576.

      Abstract (3444) HTML (0) PDF 651.59 K (5713) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The coding method in low bit rate discussed in this paper is a hybrid encoding architecture, which combines global motion compensation and local motion compensation coding. In order to solve the complexity and large quantity of calculations of global motion compensation in this kind of hybrid encoder, the feature based global motion estimation and robust object function and three-level pyramid calculation are proposed to improve the performance of encoder system, especially in speed. This optimal global motion estimation technique enhances the performance of coding system substantially.Some comparison experiments are made in order to validate the effect of the proposed optimization method with different resolutions and esquences in different bit rates.The encoder system speeds up more than 3 times after optimization through comparisons.The proposed method proposed is an attractive technique,which has been accepted by MPEG-4 video encoder optimization group.

    • Shot Content Analysis for Video Retrieval Applications

      2002, 13(8):1577-1585.

      Abstract (3686) HTML (0) PDF 710.07 K (6710) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:A scheme on shot content analysis for two video retrieval applications, shot retrieval and scene structure extraction is presented. To characterize the temporal content variations in one shot, two descriptors: Dominant Color Histograms and Spatial Structure Histograms, are developed. By fusing temporal information into color content, Dominant Color Histograms for a group of frames are trying to capture the dominant colors with longer durations, which would be the colors of the focused objects or background .Spatial Structure Histograms is a set of features extracted form cilir-blob maps to describe spatial information for an individual frame.A shot with significant content changes can be segmented into several subshots subshots that are of coherent content,and shot similarity measure can be computed from the similarity between corresponding subshots.Scene structure is extracted by analyzing the competition of splitting and merging forces.Experimental resl-world sports video show that the proposed approaches can achieve the best performance on shot retrievals and promising results on scene stucture extraction.

    • A Data Cover Method of Data Cube Reconstruction Based on Data Slices

      2002, 13(8):1586-1592.

      Abstract (3252) HTML (0) PDF 562.96 K (5403) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Data slices present some properties of data cube. When data cube cannot be accessed for some reasons, it is very useful to reconstruct data cube based on data slices to discover the implicit information. Therefore, in order to reconstruct data cube, a practical method named Data Cover Method is presented, which creates the multidimensional fine-granularity space by the join operation between data slices, and splits the multidimensional space of data slice into multidimensional fine-granularity space by the basic operations of the DBMS (database managent system),and support the application enviromment of large data set efficiently.

    • Automatic Audio Classification by Using Hidden Markov Model

      2002, 13(8):1593-1597.

      Abstract (4687) HTML (0) PDF 368.09 K (6941) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:As one of the key methods to extract content semantics and structure from audio, automatic audio classification, especially for a speech and a music, is valuable for content-based audio retrieval, video summary and retrieval, and spoken document retrieval, etc. Because hidden Markov model (HMM) can well model audio signal抯 time statistical properties, a left-right discrete HMM is proposed to classify a speech, a music and their mixed audio. The experimental results show that HMM is excellent for audio classification accuracy is up to 90.28%.

    • A Documental Clustering Algorithm Based on Fuzzy Concept Graph and Its Application in Web

      2002, 13(8):1598-1605.

      Abstract (3660) HTML (0) PDF 496.25 K (5039) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:With the explosive growth of data available on World Wide Web, it seems that the current search engines cannot meet the increasing requirement of users. This paper focuses on improving the effectiveness and the efficiency of Web search with data mining technology. A documental clustering algorithm is presented integrated with fuzzy concept graph for mining interest patterns. Based on the above technology, an intelligent customized search system is proposed that enables users to obtain useful information according to the relation of concepts and own interests.The strategyis to evaluate the relevance of documents effectively based on fuzzy concept graph and user's personal interests.

    • Preemptive Scheduling Problem with Interrupted Time Cost on Identical Parallel Machines

      2002, 13(8):1606-1611.

      Abstract (3522) HTML (0) PDF 455.22 K (4654) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:A preemptive scheduling problem P|ptmn(δ)|Cmax is proposed in this paper, in which an additional time cost δ is needed if a job is interrupted once. The problem has wide applications such as job allocation in projects, distributed computing and communication in networks. It is proved that P|ptmn(δ)|Cmax is an NP-hard problem. An off-line approximation algorithm LPT-Wrap with time complexity of O(nlogn+m) and a performance ratio no more than 1.408 25 is presented. The on-line property ofP|ptmn(δ)|Cmax is also studied and an on-line algorithm with linearitu time complexity and a competitive ratio of 2 is proposed.

    • Random I/O Scheduling Algorithms in Online Tape Library Systems

      2002, 13(8):1612-1620.

      Abstract (3640) HTML (0) PDF 565.88 K (5191) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Since the tape libraries have very poor random access performance, it is critical to study random I/O scheduling strategies and algorithms in order to improve the performance of tape library. In this paper, the existing scheduling algorithms are summarized first, and then the analytical results of the effectiveness of static scheduling, dynamic scheduling and replication-based scheduling are presented through simulations. In particular, a benefit-cost-based scheduling algorithm is given, which aims to improve the effectiveness of exosting scheduling algorithms under heavy workloads by tuning the weight ratio of cost and benefit of scheduling policies according to workloads.This algorithm is significantly effective under heavy workloads.The research of this paper forms the basis of the design of adaptive scheduling algorithms that can be used in massiv storage systems.

    • A Group-Prefetching Algorithm of Information for Multi-Managed Objects in WAN

      2002, 13(8):1621-1627.

      Abstract (3300) HTML (0) PDF 374.58 K (5120) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:It is increasingly a difficult problem of how to decrease the usage of network resources by network management systems. Otherwise, the performance of network management is affected by the scheme to collect MIB (management information base) information. A new algorithm, GPA (group-prefetching algorithm), is put forward, which is used for retrieving MIB information from the managed devices in heterogeneous WAN (wide area network). GPA can adjust many little retrieving objects into one prefetching group to access,decrease the frequency of retrieval,and thus can use fewer network resources and decrease the network overhead without alteration of the existing network management protocols.

    • Module-Based Mobile Agent and Its Schedule Method

      2002, 13(8):1628-1636.

      Abstract (3299) HTML (0) PDF 566.61 K (4643) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The development of network has greatly promoted the information communication and the data sharing. Many people are trying their best to develop new programming technologies to utilize the network more efficiently. The idea of performing client-server computing by transmission of executable programs between clients and servers has become highly popular among researchers and developers who are engaged in intelligent network services. Computing based on mobile agents is an important aspect of this idea. This paper focuses on the research of the migration process of agents.A model based on modules is devised for constructing agents.Aconcurrent schedule method is prented,by which the agent migration can be easily implemented.Most of the unnecessary tran smission of codes and data can be avoided by module reuse.Consequently,the executing period of mobile agents is reduced and their efficiency is improved.

    • A Multi-Agent Multi-Issue Negotiation Model

      2002, 13(8):1637-1643.

      Abstract (3492) HTML (0) PDF 379.12 K (5521) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Negotiation is a key issue for success application of multi-agent technology. According to the number of agents and the number of issues, negotiation in multi-agent environment can be classified as bilateral-single issue negotiation, bilateral-multi-issue negotiation, multi-lateral-single issue negotiation, and multi-lateral-multi-issue negotiation. The previous three scenarios are the simple forms of the multi-lateral-multi-issue negotiation. A multi-lateral-multi-issue negotiation model is provided to divide negotiation into processes,which are further divided into threads.The model defines a flexible negotiation protocol,which makes it easy to support differet negotiation scenarios.And the model also supports the learning capability of participating agents.

    • Model Mapping Techniques for STEP and Its Application in Open Environment

      2002, 13(8):1644-1651.

      Abstract (3377) HTML (0) PDF 488.38 K (4971) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:To achieve the data exchange between heterogeneous systems introduced by interoperability, the algorithms for model mapping in STEP are presented, which provide a methodology to the integration of CAx systems based on various application protocols of STEP. A formal definition of STEP/EXPRESS data model is introduced firstly. Based on this definition, two kinds of model mapping techniques for STEP, i.e. the static mapping and the dynamic mapping, along with the implementation by using EXPRESS-X mapping language are elaborated. Finally,a typical application of this techique in the open environment is addressed.Being independent of any specified system,the model mapping techiques presented in this paper achieve transparent integration beween heterogeneous systems,which reduce the cost of information integration in system development.

    • Hardware Implementation of Petri Nets

      2002, 13(8):1652-1657.

      Abstract (3990) HTML (0) PDF 390.19 K (5327) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Petri net is an important tool to model asynchronous and concurrent phenomena. The hardware implementation of Petri net will provide an effective way to the design of parallel controller. In this paper, the hardware implementation method of several kinds of Petri net system is presented, including C/E system with inhibitor arcs and enabling arcs, P/T system and T-timed Petri net system, The dealing method of non-pure net in hardware implementation is also proposed. First the logic circuits to implement Petri net are discussed.Then the logic circuits are described with ABEL-HDL.Finally an example is given to implement Petri net with hardware(CPLD),which is a service system described by interpreted Petri net.Experimental results show thatthe correctness of this method.This method is of momentous significance to the design of DEDS controller,especially to the design of SoC paralle controller and multi-processors chip.

    • A Spatial-Temporal Data Model for Moving Area Objects

      2002, 13(8):1658-1665.

      Abstract (3909) HTML (0) PDF 593.34 K (5207) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:A spatial-temporal data model, named OPH model, for moving area object is presented, which considers spatial distribution and temporal evolvement of the moving object. In this model, the feature geometry of moving area object described by three kinds of spatial-temporal geometries, which are observation geometry, named O; currently present geometry, named P; and history geometry, named H. The definition of OPH is given, and then by using the union, the intersection, and the difference of set theory to populate the value of O,Pand H is populated and calculated.The spatial-temporal topological relation is defined between moving area objects,then three spatial temporal operators based on OPH,Speed,Direction and Range of moving object,are given,and the examples of spatial-temporal query and trigger based on OPH are provided.

    • A Workflow Model Based on Timed Petri Net

      2002, 13(8):1666-1671.

      Abstract (4377) HTML (0) PDF 332.85 K (5293) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:How to modeling a business process is discussed in this paper, in which the task stream and the resource stream are concurrently occurred. A Resource/Task net (R/T-net) based on the timed Petri net and the modeling process by using R/T-net for workflow is proposed. The resource dependence and expectancy set in task model can be used to control the task transition, while the fire-rule and the routing-rule can be used to control cooperation, synchronism, assignment and transition of resource, so that it is more powerful than the Petri net in the workflow modeling,such as the office automation,the product manufing,the material transaction,and so on.

    • A Global Web Workflow System Based on Active Object

      2002, 13(8):1672-1677.

      Abstract (3313) HTML (0) PDF 338.90 K (4835) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:A global workflow system framework on World Wide Web through the technology of distribute active object is presented. A model of EECA (extended event condition action) is set up for active object in Internet by adding time and space domain to ECA model in active database. Then a hierarchical task model is built for workflow with active object. Based on the models of active object and workflow, the architecture and the applications of the framework are given.

    • A Multidimensional Index Structure for Fast Similarity Retrieval

      2002, 13(8):1678-1685.

      Abstract (3825) HTML (0) PDF 443.57 K (5481) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:A typical example of similarity search is to find the images similar to a given image in a large collection of images. This paper focuses on the important and technically difficult case where each data element is represented by a point in a large metric space. As distance function employed is metric and distance calculations are assumed to be computationally expensive, it is necessary to index data objects in the metric space such that less distance evaluations are performed to support fast similarity queries.queries.Based on the optimal partition method that uses representative points to parition the data space into subsets in a hierarchical manner,a novel distance-based index structure opt-tree and its variant η-tree are proposed.In order to fully support the content-based image retrieval,the optimal strategies for the parition of data space and data redundancy storage,which are called η-optimal partitoning and η-symmetric redundancy storage respectielt,are adopted in the η-tree index structure to achieve the high performance of the similarity retrievals.In this paper,the decisions and the algorithms which led to opt-tree and its variant η-tree are discussed in detail,and the experimental results show that this index structure is effective.

    • Analysis of Event Balance in the Verification of Workflow Soundness

      2002, 13(8):1686-1691.

      Abstract (4118) HTML (0) PDF 324.68 K (5210) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Verification of workflow soundness is a problem that has not been solved well in the workflow research. Many workflow management systems lack of the effective tolls which can guarantee the correctness of workflow. In this paper, a necessary condition of sound workflow based on the event balance is put forward. Theorem of event balance in the workflow execution history is proved. Also the calculation of event balance is introduced in the workflow model in order to analyze the model structure which may destroy the soundness of workf;ow.This method is not bouud to any specific workflow model so that it can be used in a wide range of models.Also this method can be finished in polynomial time.

    • Transactions Schedule of Embedded Database Systems

      2002, 13(8):1692-1697.

      Abstract (3781) HTML (0) PDF 381.70 K (5156) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:A transaction model is proposed based on function alterative characteristic, which improves the ability of transaction suiting for real-time environment. As the characteristic, transaction schedule is divided into interior schedule and exterior schedule, which increases the systems success ratio. The other main contribution is to provide more abundance transaction semantic for embedded database systems.

    • Description and Verification of an Online Stock Trading System by Using Temporal Petri Nets

      2002, 13(8):1698-1704.

      Abstract (3600) HTML (0) PDF 565.20 K (5343) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The modeling, formal description and correctness verification of online static and dynamic stock trading systems, based on Shanghai Stock Exchange, are shown by using temporal Petri nets in order to make online stock trading systems more effective and rational. In the temporal Petri net models of the given static and dynamic systems, two types of tokens, namely data tokens representing trading data and control tokens used for keeping trading rules, are introduced. And the temporal constraint formulae are clearly and compactly represented by means of functional requirements of stock trading systems.The consistency between the functional requirements specifications of the online static and dynamic stock trading systems and the dynamic behavior of the temporal Petri net models is formally proved by means of the temporal logic operators to express temporal assertions.Also,certain promary reoperties of the temporal Petri new models are described and analyzed,such as liveness,fairness and safeness properties.It is further confirmed that temporal Petri nets are a promising descrbing and analyzing tool of discrete-event dynamic concurrent systems,and can describe explicitly certain time-related fundamental properties of concurrent systrms,such as eventuality and fairness.Finally the further study subjects are found.

    • Application of Tabu Search Algorithm in Telecommunication Network Intelligence Management

      2002, 13(8):1705-1709.

      Abstract (3870) HTML (0) PDF 295.66 K (5415) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Tabu search algorithm is studied to solve the routing scheme problem which arises from the implementation of dynamic routing in the Telecommunication Network Intelligence Management System. Tabu search algorithm is improved in order to be suitable for solving circuit automatic adjustment problem and results satisfying answers. The improved Tabu search algorithm can work out global optimization route schemes in shorter time than the genetic algorithm. This algorithm is running in the Guangdong Telecommunication Network Intelligence ManagementSystem.

    • A Delay Analysis of RMTP

      2002, 13(8):1710-1717.

      Abstract (4979) HTML (0) PDF 492.89 K (5088) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:RMTP is a reliable multicast protocol based on local loss recovery through repair servers. A delay modeling analysis of RMTP is presented, which derives the expression of average delay between the initial arrival of a packet at a sender and its correct reception at a randomly chosen receiver. The analysis results indicate that the saturated value of RMTP delay performance decreases rapidly under more loss environment. With the increasing of the number of tail links served by per repair server, the saturated value of delay also decreases.However,with the increasing of the number of total tail links while keeping the number of tail links served by per repair server constant,the saturated value of delay hardly changes.Finally,the analysis is confirmed by simulation results.

    • A Run-Time Technique for Parallel Loop Identification Based on Distributed System

      2002, 13(8):1718-1722.

      Abstract (3011) HTML (0) PDF 346.67 K (4638) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:An algorithm is presented to solve the problem of run-time parallel loop identification based on distributed system for the loops in irregular programs, from which inspective loops can be extracted. The contributions are: (1) The algorithm is fully parallel and can be run on a distributed system; (2) Loops with copy-in and last assignment attributes can be directly analyzed; (3) A method is given for a loop to parallel; (4) Some partial parallel loop can also be parallelized. The theoretical analysis and experimental results show that in adequate number of processors,if a loop is paralle,a good speedup can be obtained;if loop is not parallel,the slowdown of serial executing is small.A new method is given for exploiting more loop paralizations on the distributed system

    • Design and Implementation of Distributed Intrusion Detection System NetNumen

      2002, 13(8):1723-1728.

      Abstract (4135) HTML (0) PDF 317.13 K (6142) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:A rule-based distributed intrusion detection system NetNumen is presented in Linux in this paper. Compared with the existing network-based intrusion detection system, NetNumen combines anomaly detections (detecting the anomaly frequency of packets?arriving) with signature detections (detecting the immanent characters of specialized attack and attack instrument), which improves the detection effect of the attack of DoS (denial of service)and DdoS (distributed denial of service) dramatically.

    • A Signature Scheme Based on the Strong RSA Assumption

      2002, 13(8):1729-1734.

      Abstract (3536) HTML (0) PDF 510.92 K (6427) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:For resisting the adaptive chosen message attack and improving the sign generation efficiency, a signature scheme based on the strong RSA assumption is described in this paper. The scheme uses a fixed base rather than by raising them to a fixed power, which is different from the RSA algorithm. Moreover, one can use pre-computation techniques in order to get a better efficiency. In addition, a hash function can be incorporated into the scheme in such a way that it offers a trapdoor to the sign algorithm. The merits of this amendatory scheme are that if one makes a distinction between the“off line”and the

    • Scheduling and Admission Control in Video Servers with Multi-Network I/O

      2002, 13(8):1735-1740.

      Abstract (3466) HTML (0) PDF 391.80 K (4916) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Network I/O scheduling in video servers has been mostly neglected because in general the bandwidth of network I/O is richer than that of disk I/O. However, recent applications have indicated that when the scale of service increases to certain level, network I/O bandwidth will become a bottleneck and the problem of network I/O scheduling will be much more crucial. This paper focuses on scheduling video data blocks in video servers with multi-network I/O. Three scheduling algorithms and the corresponding admission control formulas are presented,especially a schediling optimal scheme with buffers is proposed.Experimental results show that the scheduling scheme is effective and efficient.The results can be directly used in server network I/O scheduling and efficient configuration of server resources.

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  • 《Journal of Software 》
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