• Volume 13,Issue 11,2002 Table of Contents
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    • >Review Articles
    • Research and Development of Trust Management in Web Security

      2002, 13(11):2057-2064.

      Abstract (8237) HTML (0) PDF 403.05 K (9149) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Trust management is a hot topic of Web security research in recent years. In this paper, the emerging of trust management is presented. Its concepts and models are described in detail, and several typical trust management systems and trust valuation models are introduced. The existing problems of current works and future research direction are discussed.

    • Research on Internetwork QoS Routing Algorithms:a Survey

      2002, 13(11):2065-2075.

      Abstract (6870) HTML (0) PDF 655.79 K (9340) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:It is a challenging problem to provide QoS (quality-of-service) guarantee for the next-generation networks, among which QoSR (QoS routing) is one of the key issues. QoSR seeks to find a feasible path for QoS traffic with two objectives: (1) providing the QoS guarantee for QoS traffic, (2) maximizing the utilization of the whole network. However, some multi-constrained QoSR problems, which are NP-complete, can t be resolved accurately in polynomial time. Thus heuristics are studied extensively in recent years. Based on the weighted graph netword model and QoS metrics, the basic concept of QoSR is introduced and the hot issues of the unicast QoSR heuristics are analyzed in this paper. QoSR algorithms can be classified into the several classes: polynomial non-heuristics, pseudo-polynomial non-heuristics, QoS metrics restriction, path subspace search, QoS metrics relation, cost functions study and possibility solution. After typical algorithms are analyzed, the summary and conparison are given for each of the above classes. The validity of algorithms is dissected in detail, including the routing loop problem, stale network state information, the impact of the network topologies and traffic models. Based on the validity analysis, a summary is given for the QOSR algorithms bases on probability models. At last, key issues are pointed out to be further studied in the QoSR field.

    • Research on Data Quality and Data Cleaning:a Survey

      2002, 13(11):2076-2082.

      Abstract (9500) HTML (0) PDF 379.71 K (19252) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Data quality, especially data cleaning, is surveyed in this paper. The importance of data quality, and its measurement metrics are described. The data cleaning problems are defined and classified. The approaches to solving data quality problems are detailed. How to combine the techniques in other research areas with data cleaning is overviewed, and several data cleaning frameworks proposed previously by others are introduced. The future research topics related to data cleaning problems are also discussed.

    • The Duplex Strategy of Term Weighting in Text Clustering

      2002, 13(11):2083-2089.

      Abstract (3864) HTML (0) PDF 409.19 K (6440) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:An important step in text mining is to find a reasonable representation of the text. In the popular VSM (vector space module), where a text is represented as a vector, the coral problem is to term extraction, selection and weighting. An iteration method is proposed to deal with the duplex phenomena found in term weighting and compute out the latent concept. Experimental results show that the latent concept could help to get better clustering results.

    • Evaluating the Performance of a Network Management System Based on Mobile Agents

      2002, 13(11):2090-2098.

      Abstract (3693) HTML (0) PDF 500.55 K (5313) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Currently, most network management systems are centralized and therefore, the management systems present severe limitations as far as performance, scalability, and flexibility are concerned. A potential approach to the problem is to equip the management system with MA (mobile agent) capabilities. But it is difficult to identify precisely under which conditions design exploiting mobile agent is preferable over a traditional one. In this paper, a quantitative model is presented to analyze the performance (traffic, response time) of mobile agent design paradigm against the traditional client-server architecture for network management. The mobile agent performance is compared with SNMP (simple network management protocol) one in several simulations. Analysis and simulations results show that the mobile agent performs better than the SNMP when the number of managed network elements exceeds a value related to the overhead of several retrievalsof the SNMP. Moreover, a significant improvement of the mobile agent performance is obtained when the agent returns to the management station, after visiting a fixed number of noeds.

    • Specification and Structure Design of 3D Interaction Tasks

      2002, 13(11):2099-2105.

      Abstract (4096) HTML (0) PDF 369.08 K (5737) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:This paper aims at 3D interaction task analysis and construction, summarizes interaction tasks in 3D interaction field, presents the integration process from basic interaction tasks to universal interaction tasks in 3D/VR application, and finally constructs a core toolkit which can be widely used in 3D interaction field. This core toolkit specifies the low level structure of 3D interaction. A set of interaction primitives, interaction tasks and the process about primitive creation and task integration are defined in it. It can be used as the low level platform in 3D UI toolkit, 3D UIMS or 3D/VR application development. Therefore programmer can just pay attention to the high level work such as interaction style construction.

    • Refinement from Z Specification to Parallel Program

      2002, 13(11):2106-2111.

      Abstract (3482) HTML (0) PDF 338.97 K (5145) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:In this paper, a method of getting parallel program from Z specification through refinement of design patterns is proposed. It expands parallel concepts into Z notation. Beginning with Z functional specification, it refines expanded design patterns step by step to get parallel design, and succeed in obtaining abstract parallel program through semantic-preserving transformations, which can be transformed to parallel code finally. This method is described in detail through an example.

    • Agent Logic and the True-False Subset Semantics

      2002, 13(11):2112-2115.

      Abstract (3894) HTML (0) PDF 276.51 K (4568) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Formal frameworks for the specification of rational agents are commonly based on logic of belief, desire and intention. In order to eliminate the problems with existing logic of belief, desire and intention, and to provide a proper semantic representation for non-normal modal operator, the problems with existing logic of belief, desire and intention are addressed, the true-false subset semantics, which is developed by the authors, and its application in the formalization of agent are introduced. The propose framework invalidates the problematic properties of intention, and by imposing certain constraints on the algebraic structure of the models, it is showed that many desirable properties can be obtained. Finally the true-false subset semantics is analyzed. Thus the true-false subset semantics provides a proper semantic representation for non-normal modal operator. It is an important development of classical possible worlds semantics for non-normal modal operator. It is an important development of classical possible worlds semantics for normal modal operators, and is proved to be a powerful tool for the logical specification of rational agent behavior. It can be applied to establish a new proper agent logic system.

    • Correction of the Scanned Image of the Book

      2002, 13(11):2116-2120.

      Abstract (4110) HTML (0) PDF 339.86 K (5335) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Due to its spine the book can not be set as close to the flat bed of the scanner as a paper. As a result, the obtained image will suffer from distortion, variant brightness and blurring. In this article a method based on edge extraction, linear image transformation and histogram modification is proposed to address the mentioned problem. Experimental results show that the proposed method can correct the image distortion and brightness variance problems quickly and precisely.

    • An Algorithm for Topology Reconstruction from Unorganized Points Based on Local Flatness of Surface

      2002, 13(11):2121-2126.

      Abstract (3564) HTML (0) PDF 523.24 K (5278) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:An algorithm for topology reconstruction is promoted that takes as input an unorganized set of points with known density and carries out as output simplicial surfaces. This algorithm uses the local flatness of surface, searches the local reconstruction for every point from the 3D Delaunay triangulation, and from the union of such locale reconstruction, carries out corresponding manifolds by deleting incompatible triangles. With an optimizing surface triangulation as result, this algorithm is suitable for surfaces of arbitrary topology, including nonorientable ones, hence can be applicable to visualization in scientific computing, sculpture surface modeling, and reverse engineering.

    • Human Upper-Limb Pose Estimation and Multi-Resolution Analysis

      2002, 13(11):2127-2133.

      Abstract (3410) HTML (0) PDF 400.21 K (5378) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:In physics, human body is a very complex deformable object with many degrees of freedom. Only with 2D appearance features, there exist a lot of difficulties in subtle motion analysis and recognition, and it is even more difficult to understand the user purpose. Since the gesture is an important approach for communication, based on 3D model, 3D pose of upper-limbs is reconstructed in this paper. For practical application and error reduction, the minimal conditions for pose estimation are analyzed, under which an end-fixed articulate model and the corresponding equations are proposed for nodeing the upper-limb and estimating the 3D coordinates of each joints. Then, maximal number of the resolutions is analyzed and an approach is given to obtain these ones. At last, two principles on the result error and the pose correctness are utilized for verification.

    • Macroblock-Based Progressive Fine Granularity Scalable Video Coding

      2002, 13(11):2134-2141.

      Abstract (3609) HTML (0) PDF 495.58 K (5135) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The progressive fine granularity scalable (PFGS) coding is a promising technique for streaming video applications due to its much higher coding efficiency than the FGS (Fine Granularity Scalable) coding in MPEG-4 standard. However, since the original PFGS scheme only chooses its reconstructed references as frame-based, it is very difficult to achieve a good trade-off between high coding efficiency and low drifting errors. In this paper, a flexible and effective scheme is presented to control the PFGS coding at macroblock level. Three INTER modes with distinct characteristics are first proposed for the enhancement macroblock coding. One coding mode among them provides a novel method to effectively reduce the drifing errors that may occur at low bit rates. Moreover, a decision-making mechanism based on temporal predictions is developed to choose the optimal coding mode for each enhancement macroblock, which offers a consistent improved performance for sequences with different contents and formats. Furthermore, the proposed control scheme can be easily implemented without any additional computations. The experimental results show that the macroblock-based enhancement layer coding technique technique using the three INTER modes and the proposed decision-making mechanism can effectively reduce the drifting errors at low bit rates, while providing high coding efficiency at moderate or high bit rates.

    • Liveness and Boundedness of Decomposable Asymmetric Choice Nets

      2002, 13(11):2142-2148.

      Abstract (3291) HTML (0) PDF 424.49 K (4802) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Liveness and safeness are important behavioral properties of net systems. In this paper, a subclass of AC nets which are called decomposable asymmetric choice nets are obtained. A necessary and sufficient condition of liveness for decomposable AC systems is also proved. Moreover, a polynomial-time algorithm is presented to decide whether a Petri net system is live and bounded decomposable AC system.

    • A Recursive Model of Agent Organization

      2002, 13(11):2149-2154.

      Abstract (3434) HTML (0) PDF 373.58 K (5430) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The agent organization is a kind of mechanism of problem solving, which can decrease the complexity of interactions between agents and reduce the difficulty of problem solving. In this paper, a recursive model of agent organization is proposed based on role utility and organizational rules. The goal resolving, utility calculation and rule formation of agent organization are also discussed in this paper. Compared with the work of Ferber and Jennings, the recursive model is suitable to describe agent organizations with different express the agent organization evolution in some degree because of the introduction of role utility parameters.

    • Representation of Arc with C-Bézier Curve

      2002, 13(11):2155-2161.

      Abstract (3290) HTML (0) PDF 584.54 K (5218) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Representation of a circular arc plays an important role in CAD. However, the existing methods are not friendly to designers. In this paper, a series of methods are presented to construct the circular arc with C-Béier curves. In order to compare with the old methods, so-called characteristic ratio is proposed. As a consequence, the C-Béier curves with degree higher are better than the lower. Specially, the quintic C-Béier curve can construct the whole circle.

    • Event Constraints Definition Based on Finite State Process

      2002, 13(11):2162-2168.

      Abstract (3521) HTML (0) PDF 370.33 K (5536) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:When a distributed program is under test, event sequencing constraints should be defined to check the event sequences generated after the program was executed. Those event constraints shall be derived from specifications of the program. FSP is a kind of process algebra notation that can be used to describe formal specifications of concurrent programs. FSP describes concurrent processes as action sequences, where an action can be mapped to a specification-level event. The E-CSPE constraints define the sequential relationship between any two runtime events under given state predicates. Based on the operators and concurrency control facilities within FSP,the E-CSPE constraints can be derived. Those derived E-CSPE constraints consider the safety and liveness properties of the concurrent program, and based on them both the correctness of the program execution and the sufficiency of the test work can be judged.

    • A Signer-Independent Continuous Sign Language Recognition System Based on SRN/HMM

      2002, 13(11):2169-2175.

      Abstract (3568) HTML (0) PDF 398.85 K (5898) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Sign language recognition is to provide an efficient and accurate mechanism to transcribe sign language into text or speech. State-of-the-Art sign language recognition should be able to solve the signer-independent continuous problem for practical applications. In this paper, a divide-and-conquer approach, which takes the problem of continuous CSL (Chinese sign language) recognition as subproblems of isolated CSL recognition, is presented for signer-independent continuous CSL recognition. In the proposed approach, the SRN (simple recurrent network) is used to segment the continuous CSL. The outputs of SRN are regarded as the states of HMM (hidden Markov models) in which the lattice Viterbi algorithm is employed for searching the best word sequence. Experimental results show that SRN/HMM approach has better performance than the standard HMM.

    • Approximate Degree Reduction of Interval Triangular Bézier Surfaces

      2002, 13(11):2176-2182.

      Abstract (3298) HTML (0) PDF 393.36 K (4868) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:An efficient algorithm of bounding interval triangular B-B (Bernstein-Béier) surfaces with lower degree interval triangular B-B surfaces is presented. The algorithm is based on linear programming techniques. An analytical method is also given for degree reduction of one order. The result of degree reduction approximation can be used for the purpose of data transmission among various CAD systems, as well as for the saving of computation time for some geometric operations.

    • Sequence Triplet Method for 3D Rectangle Packing Problem

      2002, 13(11):2183-2187.

      Abstract (3681) HTML (0) PDF 289.03 K (5334) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The sequence-pair method is a sufficient and finite (P-admissible) coding method for solution space representation of 2D rectangle packing problem, and is proved from a graphical demonstration called Gridding Procedure. Inspired by the 2D sequence-pair method, there should also be sequence-triplet method for 3D rectangle packing problem. But in 3D space, the gridding procedure is difficult to be realized. In this paper, a way is introduced to achieve the sequence-triplet method for 3D rectangle packing problem by analysis and deduction of matrix representation of sequence and partial sequence. This sequence-triplet coding method is P-admissible.

    • A Tracing Algorithm for Planar Curve Reconstruction from a Set of Unorganized Points

      2002, 13(11):2188-2193.

      Abstract (3616) HTML (0) PDF 421.46 K (5803) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Curve reconstruction from a set of unorganized points plays an important role in the fields of reverse engineering and computer vision. In this paper, a new tracing algorithm is presented for planar curve reconstruction based on the regular distribution property of the point set. The following central point within a small local region of current tracing point can be obtained based on the influence of neighboring points as well as the smoothness and fairness principle. Finally, a sequential of central points can be traced out efficiently without any iteration and a parametric curve can be reconstructed by interpolating the central points. The experimental results show that the tracing algorithm is an efficient method for curve reconstruction.

    • Shape Modification of C-Bézier Curves

      2002, 13(11):2194-2200.

      Abstract (3336) HTML (0) PDF 608.96 K (5086) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:In this paper, two methods of changing the control parameter a and changing control points are presented for the shape modification of C-Béier curves. The relation between C-Béier curves and the control parameter a is obtained based on the analysis of the derivative C-Béier basis functions. Furthermore, the way of modifying the shape by the adjustment of a is introduced. On the other hand, the algorithm of shape control by modifying control points is given relying on the model between the shape of the curve and control points. The results have been applied to the CAD/CAM system for speaker cone models, which has got a good effect.

    • Design and Implementation of a VHDL-C++ Translator

      2002, 13(11):2201-2207.

      Abstract (3643) HTML (0) PDF 414.15 K (5418) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:VHDL (VHSIC (very high speed integrated circuit) hardware description language) is a language for the description of digital hardware system, and C++ is a programming language for coding sequential statements. VHDL compiled simulators use sequential C++ language to model circuits in VHDL with concurrent characterization. An object-oriented method of translating concurrent VHDL codes into sequential C++ codes is presented in this paper. This method takes the object-oriented characteristic of the two language into consideration and makes the translation very smooth. Using class of C++ to model entity, archiecture and process of VHDL, and combining with a simulation kernel, it accomplishes the job of modeling concurrent actions using sequential statements. By this method, VHDL codes can be translated to C++ codes with the same function, and the C++ codes then can be compiledand linked with simulation kernel code to an executable file, which is the compiled simulator. The execution of this file is the simulation of the design of VHDL. This method is well-structured and easily-extended, and the simulator got by this method is more efficient than the traditional one. This method has been successfully applied in the simulator. The performance and efficiency of the method are verified at the end of of this paper.

    • Correlativity Measure and Incremental Computation of Support and Confidence

      2002, 13(11):2208-2214.

      Abstract (3641) HTML (0) PDF 463.63 K (5259) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:By defining the correlativity measure, the problem of incremental discovering association rule is discussed in theory, and the mining association rule and the mining classification rule are combined to research, which establishes the theoretical foundations for researching the problem in detail. The correlativity measure depicts the numeral character of given relation and mutuality set. The conception, the definition and the properties of the proposed correlativity measure, and the relation between support and confidence are analyzed and discussed in detail. The new definition, methods, methods of computing support, and the confidence based on mutuality set are proposed. The incremental computing formulas of support and confidence are given, and incremental theorems of support and confidence are also proved. On the side, the influences of incremental data upon association rules and the confidence are analyzed in detail. The problem of pruning candidate frequent item set based on new support is also discussed. The correlativity measure and its idea proposed in this paper provide a new valuable way for studying a unification method for mining classification rules and associte rules from database.

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