• Volume 12,Issue 8,2001 Table of Contents
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    • Fuzzy K-Prototypes Algorithm for Clustering Mixed Numericand Categorical Valued Data

      2001, 12(8):1107-1119.

      Abstract (4905) HTML (0) PDF 3.35 M (5147) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The capacity of dealing with mixed numeric and categorical valued data is undoubtedly important for clustering algorithms because there is usually a mixture of numeric and categorical valued attributes in real databases. The use of fuzzy techniques makes clustering algorithms robust against noise and missing values in the databases. In this paper, a fuzzy kprototypes algorithm integrating k-means and k-modes algorithm is presented and is used to mixed databases. Experiments on several real databases demonstrategythat fuzzy algorithm can get better result than the corres ponding hard algorithm.Some properries of fuzzt k-prototypes algorithm are also discussed.

    • An Illumination Invariant Measure in Detecting Scene Breaks

      2001, 12(8):1120-1127.

      Abstract (4128) HTML (0) PDF 2.30 M (4481) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Illumination variation inherent in the video production process is a serious problem in video shot detection. It disturbs the precision of many shot detection algorithms. The computing cost of the current illumination invariant measures is high thus lower the speed of the algorithm. A new measure is proposed in the paper to detect shots in video. The new measure is based on the edges in the frames. The edge maps are extracted first then it is thresholded and the authors take the area of the background as the illumination invariant measure to perorm the detection of shots.The effectiveness of the measure had been validated by theoretic analysis and ex-perimental results.Compared woth the existing measures,the new measure improves the speed and reserves the precision of the detecting algorithms.

    • A Novel Recurrent Neural Network for Face Recognition

      2001, 12(8):1128-1139.

      Abstract (4404) HTML (0) PDF 2.48 M (4678) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:A novel stochastic neural network is proposed in this paper. Unlike the traditional Boltzmann machine, the new model uses stochastic connections rather than stochastic activation functions. Each neuron has very simple functionality but all of its synapses are stochastic. It is shown that the stationary distribution of the network uniquely exists and it is approximately a Boltzmann Gibbs distribution. It is also revealed there exists a strong relationship between the model and the Markov random field. New efficient techniques are developed to implement simulated annealing and Boltzmann lerning.The model has been successfully applied to large-scale face recognition task in which face images are dynamically captured from a video source.Learing and recoginiz-ing processes are carried out in real time.The experimental results show the new model is not only feasible but also efficient.

    • On Reasoning by Cases in Clausal Default Logic

      2001, 12(8):1140-1146.

      Abstract (3886) HTML (0) PDF 1.78 M (4632) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:In this paper, a kind of tree method is proposed to investigate Roos extensions about the reasoning by cases in default logic, discuss deeply the computation of Roos extensions and analyze the relationship between Roos extensions and Reiter s extensions. The algorithm decomposing the smallest set of literals from a set of clauses is presented to compute Roos extensions. The method is useful for computing Roos extensions and analyzing the complexity of reasoning by cases in default logic.

    • Research for Key Management in Cryptosystem for Hierarchy

      2001, 12(8):1147-1153.

      Abstract (3652) HTML (0) PDF 429.13 K (4864) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:In this paper, a key management scheme in cryptosystem for hierarchy is proposed using symmetric cryptography technology, asymmetric cryptography technology, symmetric cryptography combined with asymmetric cryptography technology. At the same time, it's security and efficiency are analyzed. Comparing with the exist systems, this scheme adopts tree model, the users of different secure levels contact each other with relation parameters, the system is appropriate for not only the common environments, but also the special environments in which key changes frequently and users change dynamically.

    • Self-Applicable Partial Evaluation for the Lambda Calculus of Objects

      2001, 12(8):1154-1161.

      Abstract (3491) HTML (0) PDF 743.93 K (4709) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:A self-applicable partial evaluator for the Lambda calculus of objects is presented in this paper which is an untyped Lambda calculus extended with object primitives. The classic three steps methodology is used to construct the partial evaluator. First, a meta interpreter is defined for the language. Second, an abstract analysis (binding-time analysis) is introduced to determine which operations can be executed at compile time and which operations will be executed at run-time. Finally, the self-applicable partial evaluator is exhibited. Proofs of the correctness of the meta-interpreter and self-applicable partial evaluator are also given in this paper.

    • Research of the Operating and Maintenance System in Extended Services Router

      2001, 12(8):1162-1169.

      Abstract (3488) HTML (0) PDF 1.48 M (4757) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The OAM (operating and maintenance) module of a router implements the management and manipulation of the router. The OAM is one of the most important sub systems in a router, guaranteeing it to work in going order. With the rapid rate of router technic development, it is becoming increasingly important to dynamically upgrade router software in an incremental fashion. In this paper, the authors make a thorough research on router operating and maintenance system. First, the ESR-OAM designed requirements and evolutions are introduced. Then the extended services router architecture and ESR-OAM function requirements are presented, which is developed by Tsinghua University. And the ESR-OAM is designed and implemented in detail, which can dynamically add and configure extensible component at run time. At last, research directions and open problems in this area are discussed.

    • Multi-Step Scheduling Strategy in Input-Queued Switches

      2001, 12(8):1170-1176.

      Abstract (3989) HTML (0) PDF 1.28 M (4775) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Input Queued switches are increasingly used in ATM switches and high performance routers. It has been proved that combining VOQ (virtual output queueing) technology and some weighted scheduling algorithms, such as LQF (longest queue first) and OCF (oldest cell first), the switch throughput can reach 100% for all cell arrivals with independent distributions. But the algorithms of LQF and OCF are so complicated that they cannot be easily implemented in hardware. A multi step scheduling strategy proposed in this paper makes it possible to implement the weighted in hardware. A multi-step scheduling strategy proposed in this paper makes it possible to implement the weighted scheduling algorithma in hardware. It is also proved that the switches based on the LQF by introducing the multi-step scheduling strategy can still get 100% throughput and the better delay property for arrivals with independent distributions.

    • Formalizing Interactions and Interaction Protocols in Multi-Agent Systems

      2001, 12(8):1177-1182.

      Abstract (3457) HTML (0) PDF 815.40 K (4848) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:In this paper, interactions and interaction protocols in multi agent systems are investigated deeply and described formally in a process calculus, the π calculus. To discuss interactions between agents, the behaviors of agents are cataloged first, and then their specifications are formalized. After that, interaction protocols between agents are defined using processes, and the consistency and deadlock freedom of interactions are also analyzed in this paper.

    • A Stream Scheduling Algorithm Based on Period-Patching Strategy

      2001, 12(8):1183-1189.

      Abstract (3500) HTML (0) PDF 1.14 M (4480) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Stream scheduling algorithm used in video_on_demand (VOD) system can largely increase system service ability by eliminating the service latency and improving the system efficiency. In this paper, a novel stream schedule called PeriodPatch is proposed. On the basis of Patching, a PERIOD rule is introduced, so that multicast streams are created orderly and fewer multicast streams are needed for the true video_on_demand (TVOD) service. Furthermore, PeriodPatch schedule ensures that the system can provide near video_on_demand (NVOD) service with a predictive andacceptable latency to the client if resource are exhausted out. The simulation results show that PeriodPatch is more efficient than others, with respect to both system resource required for TVOD service and average client waiting time (service latency) for a fixed available resource. In conclusion, the PeriodPatch is an efficient and economical stream schedule for VOD system.

    • An Optimal Method for Interpolating Curvature Continuity Curves with Rational Quadratic Splines

      2001, 12(8):1190-1196.

      Abstract (3971) HTML (0) PDF 925.29 K (5432) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:As for curvature continuity curves, they are usually constructed by means of rational cubic curves. A method for interpolating global curvature continuity curves with conic segments is presented in this paper. Firstly, the curvature continuity conditions between two adjacent rational quadratic curve segments are derived. Secondly, an optimal algorithm is presented for solving out the tangent lines at every points of a closed point set in a plane. Finally, several examples are given out to illustrate the effectiveness of this method.

    • An Extended Finite State Machine Based Generation Method of Test Suite

      2001, 12(8):1197-1204.

      Abstract (4112) HTML (0) PDF 834.99 K (5466) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Compared with other test generation methods, the problem of automatically generating executable test cases is addressed in this paper. First, the existing test generation methods for EFSM--specified systems are also presented. These methods combine both control and data flow techniques, but the executability problem has not been solved. For this purpose, a methodology which will solve, if not completely, partially the executability problem and mainly the problem of including all the influencing loops in the text sequences and finding how many times an unbounded loop must be executed is proposed in this paper. In addition, the detailed algorithms are presented.

    • Research on the Adaptive Machine Learning Algorithm Based on Cognition imulation

      2001, 12(8):1205-1211.

      Abstract (4579) HTML (0) PDF 446.44 K (5522) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:In this paper, according to the theory of cognitive science and the research results of neurology and brain science, a kind of adaptive machine learning algorithm is presented by using the methods of computer science , mathematics and engineering science. This algorithm simulates the learning process of man brain from the micro neuron level, middle level and macro level. The developed automatic electro cardiogram classification knowledge acquisition system can well simulate the sensation, cognition and thinking of electro-cardiogram experts.

    • An Index Model for MPEG-2 Streams and Its Application

      2001, 12(8):1212-1219.

      Abstract (3736) HTML (0) PDF 894.94 K (4604) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:MPEG standards are playing a more and more important role in many multimedia applications now, and will continue in the future. An effective index model for MPEG-1,2 streams is presented in this paper. Moreover, an algorithm to construct the index for MPEG-1,2 streams is designed, as well as a solution to access any frame in the streams rapidly based on the model. The experimental results have shown the index model can support the ability of postioning a frame in the stream quickly, and it can be applied to access any frame randomly effectively.

    • A Fast and Robust Algorithm of Global Motion Estimation

      2001, 12(8):1220-1228.

      Abstract (4121) HTML (0) PDF 2.18 M (4710) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:In this paper, the algorithm of global motion estimation is investigated, and a new algorithm for fast global motion estimation is introduced. Global motion estimation is the key problem in sprite coding, which is adopted in MPEG-4 compression standard. The proposed new algorithm is much faster than the traditional Levenberg Marquadet algorithm, but the estimated result of the new algorithm is more accurate. The new algorithm is based on nonlinear dense estimation and applies the affine model. In order to accelerate the algorithm, three-level pyramid is utilized in the calculation. It uses those important feature pixels in the calculation of every pyramid level, and combines Gauss-Newton algorithm. In order to guarantee the accuracy of the result, noise is effectively eliminated by histogram-based and block-based methods. Robust statistics is used in the calculation to reduce the influence of noise. The experimental results show that the new algorithm is superior to Levenberg-Marquadet algorithm.

    • Design of a New Color Edge Detector for Text Extraction Under Complex Background

      2001, 12(8):1229-1235.

      Abstract (4668) HTML (0) PDF 2.21 M (5242) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:In this paper, a new color edge detector ColorRoberts is presented after analyzing the status of current color edge detection methods and the social requirement to text extraction under complex background. ColorRoberts operates on the whole color space RGB. For text extraction under complex background, it shows that ColorRoberts is better than those classical edge detectors. The detected text edges are clear, integrated and easy to separated form the background.

    • An Electronic Monthly Ticket

      2001, 12(8):1236-1241.

      Abstract (3386) HTML (0) PDF 333.41 K (4282) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:In this paper, an electronic monthly ticket system is proposed. After a user makes a withdrawal from a bank, he can purchase the serve over the Internet within the scope of effective times. The payment is done according to the times purchased by the user instead of the information amount. So it is convenient both for users and service providers.

    • A Constructive Pattern for State Reflection

      2001, 12(8):1242-1249.

      Abstract (3318) HTML (0) PDF 576.41 K (4547) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:In order to construct extendable, configurable and controllable state model, a constructive pattern for state reflection is proposed in this paper. Based on the reflective pattern of software architecture and role object pattern, the reflection approach for structure and behavior in the pattern of state design is discussed. At meta level and base level, the object structures for architecture of reflective pattern are designed. The relationship between the meta level and the base level is presented with the protocol of MOP (meta object protocol). The mechanism of interception and reification for object reflections from the meta level to the base level is discussed in the pattern of state reflection. Finally, an example of voucher using the pattern of state reflection is given in this paper.

    • An Improved Submesh Allocation Scheme for Mesh Multicomputers

      2001, 12(8):1250-1257.

      Abstract (4110) HTML (0) PDF 490.14 K (4682) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The submesh allocation problem is to recognize and allocate a free submesh that can accommodate a request for a submesh of a specified size. Firstly, a new algorithm of searching free submesh for mesh multicomputers is proposed, which time complexity is O(N2a·log2Na), better than those existed algorithms whose time complexity are O(N3a) . Then this new algorithm is used to improve the best fit allocation scheme which is based on reservation factor--RF scheme, and the result is better than it.

    • Reusability Based on P-F Method for Software Process Modeling

      2001, 12(8):1258-1264.

      Abstract (3646) HTML (0) PDF 1.51 M (4823) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:P-F method provides the reusable mechanism of the software process with intuition and accurate. The reusability of software processes is very important feature like the reusability of software products. Three levels of reusable mechanism of P-F method for modeling the software process are the process template, the pattern and the meta pattern. The process template represents the reusable class of process parts described by P-F method. The pattern is the topology structure of the template. The lowest reusable level is meta-pattern, which is basic style of pattern and is also part-style for constructing the well-structured processes/patterns. Using metapatterns, it would avoid the ill structures of software processes and enhance the management of software processes. The operations among the template, pattern and meta-pattern are formally defined, which help to define, reuse and integrage software process. The reusability feature enhances the advantages of P-F method in many aspects: easing the communication among the different management layers; changing demands from recent rapid shift environment; providing the process tolls to creation, analyze, execute, control, commit process responsibility; supplying the convenience of documentation. Because P-F method is quite abstract, it also could be applied to general processes, and implemented by a P-F virtue machine or P-F computing machine driven by the P-F engine. The prototype is undergoing.

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Table of Contents




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