• Volume 9,Issue 6,1998 Table of Contents
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    • A Concurrent Class Library for C++

      1998, 9(6):401-404.

      Abstract (3465) HTML (0) PDF 297.60 K (4534) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:In this paper, the authors discuss how to introduce concurrency into sequential object-oriented programming language. C++ as an example, the concurrency classes and corresponding tools are provided in the concurrency class library to support the distributed object-oriented programming. This paper shows the design and implementation of the concurrency class library and the supporting system. Last, the preliminary testing results are given.

    • An Improved Algorithm of Triangle Mesh Simplification Based on Re-tiling

      1998, 9(6):405-408.

      Abstract (4347) HTML (0) PDF 334.05 K (4861) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Triangle mesh simplification based on re-tiling is an automatic method for creating models at multiple levels of detail. Its basic idea is to distribute a set of new points onto original mesh based on the local geometry and topology features of triangle mesh, create an intermediate mesh, remove old vertex from the intermediate mesh, retriangulate the holes left by removal of old vertex, then new triangle mesh containing new points is created. In this paper, the authors present a new method for distributing new points, using the curvature at the vertices of triangle and the area of triangle. Examples illustrate efficiency of the algorithm.

    • Generation of Fabric Textures

      1998, 9(6):409-413.

      Abstract (3911) HTML (0) PDF 1.61 M (5087) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The texture is one of the most important features of reality rendered pictures. As such the fabric texture is one of the important factors to fix the clothing feature. Since the multiformity and complexity, how to generate beautiful and real materials and fabric textures in computer is a very interesting and challenging problem of the research on computer graphics and clothing CAD. In this paper, the authors present a new method of generating various fabric textures based on Arnold transformation and lift-game. Using this method, the beautiful and real fabric textures can be generated.

    • A Hierarchical Object-Oriented Software Requirements Model and Its Mechanical Support

      1998, 9(6):414-418.

      Abstract (3319) HTML (0) PDF 424.18 K (4940) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:For sake of doing research on requirements-level software automation and developing an object-oriented requirements analysis support system, the authors have proposed a hierarchical object-oriented requirements model NDHORM(Nanjing daxue hierarchical object-oriented requirements modelling), which includes an object relationship model, a class relationship model and a class dictionary. First, the authors discusse object-oriented requirements analysis methods, then introduce the components, hierarchical structure of NDHORM, and its object refinement mechanism at length in this paper. Further, the authors chiefly address the modeling process of NDHORM. Finally, its mechanical support system is also reported.

    • Extended Hypercube and Its Task Allocation

      1998, 9(6):419-425.

      Abstract (3769) HTML (0) PDF 522.61 K (4926) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:EH(extended hypercube) is a kind of topologic architecture to organize large-scale distributed multiprocessor systems. Extended threshold strategy, which uses threshold-length parameter besides threshold, provides a new method to increase the stability in a distributed system. In this strategy, there are many good properties in EH. In this paper, some properties of EH are given at first, then a task allocation algorithm for EH is designed, and finally the performance of this algorithm is discussed in detail.

    • A Unified Global Vectorization Algorithm Based on Scan Strip

      1998, 9(6):426-431.

      Abstract (3690) HTML (0) PDF 457.81 K (4506) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The recognition of scanned image of engineering drawings and the extraction of character strokes are very difficult in pattern recognition. To overcome the shortcoming of thinning algorithm, many global algorithms are devised. Among them the global algorithm based on graphical segment directly recognizes the image through the macro-features of image. But it can’t process curve and character image. The new algorithm takes scan strip as the basic image process unit and scans the whole image dynamically. A parameter head having been set up is used to supervise the succeeding trace procedure, so more precise vectorization result is obtained. The satisfying result of processing many different kinds of image, including Chinese character image, indicates that the new algorithm is powerful and adaptive.

    • A New Reliable Multicast Algorithm on Ethernet

      1998, 9(6):432-437.

      Abstract (3534) HTML (0) PDF 429.99 K (4187) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Multicast is an important communication primitive for parallel programming. In this paper, the authors first analyze three kinds of reliable multicast algorithms generally used on Ethernet, then propose a new reliable algorithm called MAK(multicast acknowledgment) algorithm to obtain low communication latency. Measurements on it also show that the implementation achieves high performance.

    • The Application of Interval Computation in Software Testing

      1998, 9(6):438-443.

      Abstract (4704) HTML (0) PDF 369.58 K (5780) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:There are four phases in structural testing: static analysis, path selection, case generation and dynamic analysis. In this paper, the authors use interval computation as deduction in the third phase, case generation. Because of the introduction of normal forms of constraints, the authors can analyze complicated logic expressions now, and get the answer. This method is very flexible, with the capability of dealing with non-linear constraints. And when extended, it can even deal with functions in expressions.

    • A Method for Extracting Logical Functors from Chinese Sentences

      1998, 9(6):444-447.

      Abstract (4429) HTML (0) PDF 304.73 K (4463) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:In this paper, the authors present a method based on valent grammar and combinatory logic for extracting logical functors from Chinese sentences. The method represents a verb structure as a logical functor, and solves the problem of several NP competing for one position of argument. The proposed method enbodies the thoughts of computing the meaning of Chinese sentences.

    • The Hybrid Learning Algorithm Which is Based on em Algorithm and can Globally Converge with Probability 1

      1998, 9(6):448-452.

      Abstract (4528) HTML (0) PDF 307.97 K (4694) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:In this paper, the drawback is pointed out that the learning algorithm em of random neural network sometimes converges to local minimum. A new hybrid learning algorithm HRem, which combines algorithm em and the random optimization algorithm presented by Dr. Solis and Wets, is presented for 3-layer random perception. It is theoretically proved that algorithm HRem can globally converge to the minimum of Kullback-Leibler difference measure. This theoretical result has important significances for further research on algorithm em.

    • An Algorithm of Database Query Optimization Adapted in Federal Database System——LNFDBS

      1998, 9(6):453-457.

      Abstract (3691) HTML (0) PDF 373.95 K (4809) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Query is the core function of a Database Management System. A powerful and effective query algorithm is the key of a successful database system. In the paper, an algorithm of database query optimization is introduced and is implemented on a federal database system——LNFDBS(Lingnan federal database system). The adaptation to the federal database system is also discussed.

    • Program Interactive Execution Flow Chart and Its Coverage Test Criteria

      1998, 9(6):458-463.

      Abstract (4215) HTML (0) PDF 474.03 K (4662) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:A PIEF (program interactive execution flow chart) is proposed, which shows intuitively the interactive execution process of a program, that is, all the input points in the program with possible transitions among them. Furthermore, in terms of the PIEF, the author puts forward a set of coverage criteria for the functional tests, strategies for the test case generation and related automation methods.

    • Fairing 3D Curves and Surfaces Using Deformable Models

      1998, 9(6):464-468.

      Abstract (3669) HTML (0) PDF 366.07 K (4662) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The problem of curve and surface fairness is studied from the point of view of physics-based modeling techniques. Energy-based deformable models are used to fit a set of unorganized data points. This method needs no connectivity information about data points. The contradictory of “smooth” and “fit” can be mediated by anchoring an imaginary spring between each data point and deformable curve or surface. The cubic B-spline is adopted as the basis for the deformable curve and surface. The fairing model is established. The principle is analyzed and the algorithm is presented. Some examples are presented.

    • Studies on Generalized Implication Operation and Generalized Series Reasoning Operation

      1998, 9(6):469-473.

      Abstract (3983) HTML (0) PDF 339.63 K (4590) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Generalized “IMPLICATION” operation (IO) is one of the logical operations that widely exist in experienced thinking, uncertain reasoning, and all kinds of multi-valued logical systems and have general significance. But the applications often give the logical operators without theoretic guide and the analyses of their effectiveness. In addition, they are often given at will and blindly. The authors first study the thinking foundation of IO, hold that IO is the inverse operation of series reasoning operation, then put forward the IO axiom, give the definition of IO from the viewpoint of algebraic system, raise and prove the representation theorem of IO which guarantees that the operators generated by it belong to IO and all operators belonging to IO can be generated by it, compare and analyse the implication operators in common use, finally study the utilization of IO in series reasoning operation. Thus the faults that the existing theory about IO have been overcome, the applications can design the implication operators according to the IO axiom and the representation theorem of IO which provide the theoretic foundation for the designing of generalized implication operators and ensure the reasoning conclusions exact and believable.

    • An Algorithm on Data Schedule in Software Pipeline

      1998, 9(6):474-480.

      Abstract (3433) HTML (0) PDF 481.67 K (4549) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:In the first part of this paper, an analysis of the characteristics of data schedule under nested loops is presented. Three aspects which include the significance of the fulfillment of data accessing by the address counter, the principles of ILSP (interlaced inner and outer loop software pipelining) algorithm and under the idea of ILSP algorithm are presented. And a discussion of the data scheduling characteristics is given. In part 2, the key steps of how to derive the data addressing control sequence from the applications is listed. In part 3 and part 4, the authors respectively discuss how to apply the sequence of data accessing control to control the address counter and how to simplify the data accessing control sequence to the reduced data accessing control sequence. The part 5 is experiment results and part 6 is conclusion.

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