• Volume 9,Issue 1,1998 Table of Contents
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    • The Application of XYZ System in the Animation Field

      1998, 9(1):1-6.

      Abstract (3725) HTML (0) PDF 409.04 K (4444) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:XYZ system is a CASE Environment based on the linear time temporal logic proposed by Manna and Pnueli, whose kernel is the temporal logic language XYZ/E. XYZ/ADL (animation description language) is its application in the animation field. Dr. Ma put forward the SDL/A (animation script description language) oriented towards the TLAD (temporal logic based animation description model). The XYZ/ADL language introduced in this paper is expanded from SDL/A on the base of the XYZ/E framework. It takes the object-oriented programming basic structure of XYZ/E-Agent as the main description unit.The agent is constituted of a process and a corresponding package.The package part serves for encapsulation and the process part for communication.Therefore it is more convenient to describe the action feature of the complicated actors (including the parent-child actors) and the concurrency among the multi-actors,and in a unified logic system it implements the actor's action abstraction and the movement's abstract specification,which is adaptive more generally.

    • An Artificial Neural Network Method in Acoustical Simulation

      1998, 9(1):7-13.

      Abstract (3901) HTML (0) PDF 513.92 K (4940) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Although most scholars have realized the importance of 3 D realistic sound embedded in future human computer interaction, there are still many obstacles to overcome. After intensive investigation of the current research situations, an improved HRTF (head related transfer function) model on the basis of neural network method was introduced to generate 3 D realistic sound. The HRTFs data employed can be reset by network training to satisfy a variety of requirements. Furthermore, with the utilization of neural network's nonlinearity approximation ability,all the HRTFs data(including magnitude characteristics and phase characteristics)at any incident angles can be obtained based on discrete sample values.Experiment and verification demonstrate the effectiveness and correctiveness of this scheme.

    • Scheduling Cooperative Tasks on a Network of Workstations

      1998, 9(1):14-17.

      Abstract (3471) HTML (0) PDF 321.12 K (4438) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:In the cooperative concurrent computing on a workstation cluster system, task scheduling determines the performance in large degree. This paper gives a model and an algorithm of task scheduling, in which the costs of synchronization, communication, loading data and collecting results are considered. Using this scheduling model, a group of workstations with the shortest executing time of jobs can be selected to obtain better performance of parallel computing.

    • An Analysis of Divergences and Mapping Operations in Machine Translation

      1998, 9(1):18-24.

      Abstract (3759) HTML (0) PDF 512.00 K (4163) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:This paper observes some divergences associated with semantic syntactic mapping across Chinese and English from lexical semantic viewpoint. And further analysis of the validity and reasonability of mapping operations in semantic syntactic mapping is given. Divergence mapping sets, divergence indicators and parameter uniform mechanism are provided to resolve the machine translation divergences. The application of the divergence processing mechanism with divergence indicators improves the accurateness of machine translation,and makes the target-language sentence natural and perfect.

    • A Universal Model of Distributed Dynamic Load Balancing

      1998, 9(1):25-29.

      Abstract (3661) HTML (0) PDF 411.11 K (4812) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Load balancing among processors is a critical problem on a massively parallel and distributed system, especially on a network of workstations. This paper has analyzed the receiver initiated and sender initiated strategies to be commonly used, and then proposed a universal model of dynamic load balancing based on the mixed strategy. Lastly, some experiment results on DAWN 1000 have been given.

    • Concurrency Measures for Distributed Computations

      1998, 9(1):30-35.

      Abstract (4354) HTML (0) PDF 426.04 K (4506) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:This paper presents concurrency measures for distributed computations. These measures quantify concurrent computation time and synchronization delay using concepts such as local clocks based regional vector clocks, synchronization delay vector, and height of computation. The authors use no atomic events, thus need not devide event granularity. The measuring mechanism is independent of programs being measured. Their measures are independent of the programs to be measured, are feasible to be computed, simplify the management,and also take into account the performance of individual processors.

    • A Method of Training Grammar with Unanalyzed Corpus

      1998, 9(1):36-42.

      Abstract (3894) HTML (0) PDF 446.94 K (4587) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The authors proposed the concept of reduce probability and derive probability. With the modifications on the I/O algorithm, the probability parameters of general context free grammar can be trained from unanalyzed corpus.

    • The Equivalence of the Hopfield Neural Networks and Turing Machine

      1998, 9(1):43-46.

      Abstract (3823) HTML (0) PDF 249.34 K (4277) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:In this paper, the partial recursive function is constructed by Hopfield neural networks. The partial recursive function is equivalent with Turing machine, the computability of Hopfield neural networks is therefore equivalent with Turing machine.

    • Dual Object Approach to Object Oriented Parallel Programming

      1998, 9(1):47-52.

      Abstract (3208) HTML (0) PDF 433.10 K (4279) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Objects provide a uniform treatment of both communication and computation similar to a shared memory model. Thus, object paradigm is suitable for construction of large parallel software system. ROI (remote object invocations) provide a natural mechanism for remote interaction between objects. Unfortunately, the invocation performance blocks the widespread of object oriented parallel programming paradigm. This paper introduces the Dual Object model for MANNA machine, which attacking the invocation overhead problem at a semantic level via annotations.Some examples and experimental data are presented to show this dual object programming with extended C++language.

    • Large Data Warehouse based Data Mining: a Survey

      1998, 9(1):53-63.

      Abstract (7739) HTML (0) PDF 816.00 K (6210) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:In this paper, the data mining techniques are introduced broadly including its definition, the relationships with other academic fields, the imperative processes and its classifications. The principal techniques used in the data mining are surveyed also. As an example, the studies on the mining association rules are illustrated. Some data mining prototypes and commercial systems are listed in this paper. Several limitations of the data mining are discussed as well as the research and application challenges for it.Due to the development of the data warehouse up to now,the features and potentialities of the data mining based on the data warehouse are discussed also.

    • Query Evaluation for Sub Implication Using Selection Function

      1998, 9(1):64-68.

      Abstract (3527) HTML (0) PDF 353.86 K (4159) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:A method for query evaluation for sub implication using selection function is presented. An algorithm IVAL is developed based on the method. IVAL is more simple and efficient than the algorithm VAL presented by Bossu and Siegel. Both VAL and IVAL are implemented on SUN 4 in C Prolog, and the efficiency of the two algorithms is compared.

    • A Dual Stochastic Function Model for Software Reliability

      1998, 9(1):69-73.

      Abstract (3872) HTML (0) PDF 371.44 K (4652) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:After careful examination of the fundamental mechanics of software failure process, the authors suggested that the random factors in software failure process are too complex to be completely modeled on a single conventional stochastic process model. The generally used Markov or Non Homogeneous Poison Process can partly explain the failure behavior only. To completely explain, a complementary stochastic process is needed. That is to say, two stochastic functions were suggested for modeling the failure behavior of software,hence the name of the model.This thesis presented the work on building such a model.

    • An Algorithm to Data Allocation in Software Pipeling

      1998, 9(1):74-79.

      Abstract (3652) HTML (0) PDF 391.62 K (4314) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:In the optimizing compilation process of instruction level parallelism, the memory allocation of data elements is an unavoidable key problem, which has a direct effect on the efficiency of the final results of optimizing compilation. In this paper, the first part briefly presents the background of the paper. Part 1 is the principles of a brand new software pipelining algorithm—ILSP(interlaced inner and outer loop software pipelining). In part 2, taking the example of matrix multiplication, the authors expound the characteristic of date accessing under ILSP algorithm,and make a deep theoretical analysis on that characteristic and conclude a general algorithm on memory allocation of data elements in the nested loops.The experiment is presented in part 4.And part 5,the conclusion.

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