1997, 8(9):641-646.
Abstract:In order to gain more etticiency when calculating a Datalog program bottom up,a suggestion is proposed to divide the Set of Datalog rules into the several groups.A reasonable sequence is provided for those groups,and SO for rules in fhe same group as well.Consequently.according to those sequences scheduling rules will result in more effi-ciency when calculating a Datalog program bottom-up.This ordering technique can be ap-plied to any traditional bottom-up algorithms,hence the wide application of group.The authors put forward some improved versions of certain traditional algorithms.and they are more efficient than the previous versions in space and time.It is also pointed out that the conception of group has more applications other than improving bottom-up calculations.
1997, 8(9):647-652.
Abstract:Both S5FS and UFS are UNIX file system implementations, and not compati-ble with each other. A vnode-based file system can accommodate multiple file systemssuch as S5FS and UFS. This paper introduces the vnode interface and an implementationof VFS(virtual file systern).
YU Weijiang , ZHU Genjiang , XIE Li
1997, 8(9):653-662.
Abstract:IPA(interprocedural analysis) is the key for parallelization of the serial pro-grams. This paper discusses a framework for IPA. A HTG(hierarchical-task graph) isused to find the functional parallelism. Based on two new data structures, calledProcTable and Binary-Call-Graph, the IPA algorithm reduces cost both in time and spacecompared with other techniques.
1997, 8(9):663-672.
Abstract:This paper presents a modified version of temporal logics for the specification and verification of reactive systems.It includes a mechanism tO explicitly distinguish pro-gram steps from environment steps and the characteristics of the environment can be taken into account during the development of system.A compositional computation model of programs——modular transition system is firstly given.Then based on this model,a mod-ified temporal logic and its proof rules are presented.The proposed approach is used with-in Manna-Pnueli'S temporal logic framework.The classical example of the Resource Allo-cator is used tO illustrate the approach.At the end of the paper,a parallel composition principle is proposed,it can be viewed as an application of Abadi and Lamport'S works on the composing assumption/guarantee specifications.
1997, 8(9):673-679.
Abstract:In this paper, component class and component concept are presented, the dif-ference and consistence between them and class and object are compared. In order todescribe component class and component standardly, component class definition languageand operation language are given.
CAO Shangwen , KONG Fansheng , DONG Jinxiang , HE Zhijun
1997, 8(9):680-686.
Abstract:The paper presents a model for CAPP(computer aided process planning)sys-tem.which integrates process data together in an open structure.The model consists of two components.The first is to construct improved class hierarchy.According to industry classification standards,process sources are abstracted and generated to form reusable and derivable classes that describe process source by inheritance,or through schema evolution.The second is to build communications among form feature,process device and process method.The model draws an expression(F,M,S),which depicts element'S reference to another or action on others.By which,operation result is feedback in a twinkle in process planning.To practice the model in CAPP system,both OODB and KDB are used.OODB stores dynamic data that include general process source.KDBs describe mapping rules among feature,device and method.
LIU Haiyan , CHEN Huowang , LIU Fengqi
1997, 8(9):687-693.
Abstract:To use information from different sources together is a desirable property for the users.especially in these internet days.A two-level multicontext architecture DBCL iS defined in this paper which can be used to integrate heterogeneous databases.Each context in its first level iS a classical many-sorted theory,which corresponds to a database.The context in the second level is a generalized many-sorted theory,where metatheories about the various relations among databases can be stated.A kind of semantics,with respect to which DBCL is sound as well as complete,is also provided in this paper.
YUAN Xiaodong , ZHENG Guoliang
1997, 8(9):694-700.
Abstract:TQ combine Z notation with object-oriented techniques, this paper addsobject type and module mechanisrn to Z and makes it become object-oriented formal specifi-cation language COOZ. The paper includes the design ideas of COOZ, syntax and explana-tions, formal semantics, a small case and comparison with the related work.
LIANG Yanchun , ZHOU Chunguang , LI Shoufan
1997, 8(9):701-708.
Abstract:This paper deals with the optimization of Rosenbrock s function based ongenetic algorithms. The simulated results show that the problem can be solved effectivelyusing genetic algorithms. The influence of some rnodified genetic algorithms on searchspeed is also examined. Some genetic operations suitable to the optimization technique areobtained, therefore, a novel way of solving a class of optimizations of functions that cannot be realized using the method of steepest descent is proposed.
1997, 8(9):709-715.
Abstract:In software methodology,formal methods is being paid more and more atten-tion and has been applied to software development.Z is a kind of software specification notations based on mathematics.The simplification of precondition is a standard check for Z sDecifications.This paper discusses the precondition in Z specifications and its calcula-tion. Droposes a termination condition for simplifying the precondition and presents a sim-plifying aIgorithm which can automatically produce the justifications during the process of simplifying precondition.
1997, 8(9):716-721.
Abstract:In the development of a Chinese-English machine translation system, one of the kev Droblems is how to generate different morphologies of words(such as,the posses-sive and Dlural forms of noun,the past participial form of verb etc.)according to current context situation.In this paper,a SC grammar-based generation algorithm ior Chinese-English machine translation is proposed.In which,by designing a generation-driven lin-guistic feature description scheme and taking a unified language analysis approach of incor-porating the generation with parsing,through using various knowledge which is produced and used in parsing, it is possible to generate proper morphologic feature oi each compo-nent and to efficiently generate corresponding auxiliary verb and articles in sentence.