TAO Zhiliang , PAN Zhigeng , SHI Jiaoying
1997, 8(12):881-888.
Abstract:Mesh simplification is an important stage in the surface reconstruction andthe generation of multiple LOD(level of detail) models. In this paper, the authors presenta tnesh simplification algorithm based on energy evaluation which can effectively reducethe number of triangles in a dense mesh. This algorithm is able to decimate the mesh whilewell keeping the original topological type of the mesh, and to evaluate the error of meshfitness according to the energy value, To accelerate the algorithm, a simple effective sam-pling method is employed. In addition, this algorithm is highly autornatic to support theconstruction of the LOD models.
WANG Yujun , TIAN Zengping , QU Yunyao , SHI Baile
1997, 8(12):889-893.
Abstract:In this paper, the indexing in constraint databases is considered. Meta-blocktree is improved and a data structure S* tree is presented. It stores the stabbing sets forconstants that appears in the intervals. If the maximurn length of each stabbing set is limited, the space used in S* tree is optimal- Compared with M tree, a significant improvement of S* is that it can support delete operation.
1997, 8(12):894-900.
Abstract:Egenhofer and Franzosa's 4-set model for topological relations is the most common one in qualitative spatial reasoning.However,it is hard to derive the complete set.concept neighborhood,and composition table for topological relations based on 4-set model.In this paper,based on fundamental topology theories,the concept of(n,n)complete set is proposed and the closed ball model is constructed.It is easy to get(n,n)com Dlete set and concept neighborhood,and possible to derive composition table for topological relations based on closed ball model.It is shown that closed ball model is a valid model for topological relations and iS simpler than 4-set model.
1997, 8(12):901-906.
Abstract:The constraint-oriented layout design problem is one of the hot spot in the research of layout field.This paper presents a layout generatmn algorithm based on geo-metric reasoning.Using the advantage of the parametric design,the algorithm sets up the relations between the parameters which determine the result of the layout design, also it has several advantages in flexibility,expansibility.1ocal modification of the main parame- ter which is able to check the consistency of the constraints.The algorithm has been SUC-eessfully applied to the cab interior layout design system.
1997, 8(12):907-913.
Abstract:“Associate-Select”compound operation.which is similar in functionality to join operation of multi-nested relations in nested relational databases,is a key issue of query optimization in object-oriented database systems.This paper proves that the optimum solution for treelike“Associate-Select”queries with some restrictions can be obtained with polynomial complexity,then presents some algorithms to deal with the situation when birelationship exists in complex objects(for example by defining inverse attribute et a1.).A simulation experiment is performed to demonstrate the steadiness and effective ness of the algorithms proposed in the paper.
1997, 8(12):914-919.
Abstract:This article presented a new way to realize the cooperative problem solving onlarge mutual network. ACPS (assumption-based cooperative problem solving) paradigmcan achieve the successive cooperation among multiple agents in undetermined environ-ment. This paper introduced the basic idea about ACPS paradigm, and illustrated how torealize ACPS in distributed cooperative information processing system DESW for militarysituation assessment task.
OU-YANG Weimin , CAI Qingsheng
1997, 8(12):920-927.
Abstract:In this paper, the authors put forward a meta-pattern guided method for discovering multiple-level association rules with a top-down and progressively deepening styleby integration of pattern-guided technique and multiple-level association rules mining tech-nique. A meta pattern is a rule template which predefine the form of the rules to be discov-ered, such a rule template can be used as a guidance in the data mining process.
GUO Jiang , HUANG Tao , LIAO Yuehong
1997, 8(12):928-936.
Abstract:The paper discusses the design and implementation of ISPE (integrated software process environment). First. the paper descrihes the architecture of ISPE. Second,the paper introduces the VPML(visual process modeling language). Third, the paper discusses three important cornponents of ISPE: process editing environment, process analyzing and simulating environment, and process enacting environment in detail. And finally,the paper gives out a conclusion.
WANG Ting , CHEN Huowang , YANG Yi , SHI Xiaodong
1997, 8(12):937-943.
Abstract:In this paper, the authors modified the classical HMM (hidden Markovmodel) method so as to train the model whenever the new corpus is introduced and no matter the corpus is tagged or not. Therefore, the information can be learned from the corpusto improve the accuracy of the model.
1997, 8(12):944-949.
Abstract:The intelligent network services are implemented by some software entities of SLP(service logic processing) which is a chain of SIBs(service independent building bIocks)on the architecture of IN(intelligent network).In order to ease the introduction of the IN services rapidly and cost effectively,this paper proposes a set of methods of soft- ware reuse in the CIN-01 IN system. In the system,a reusable software design for every SLP iS presented. SLPs are constructed from reusable components——SIBs and CCB,and reusable patterns——SLR,SIBSSDs and CCBAPPEND.