1995, 6(zk):1-9.
Abstract:A symbolic transitional semantics for value—passing process algebras is proposed and the notion of symbolic bisimulation is introduced.It is proved that two process-es are bisimilar in the traditional sense if and only if they are symbolicaly bisimilar.Since the transition graphs of value—passing processes over infinite data domains are infinite,while the symbolic transition graphs of many such processes are finite,the article'S result makes it possible to decide bisimulation—based equivalences for such these processes in fi-nite amount of time and space.
Ji Xiaomei , Zhang Zhaoqing , Qiao Ruliang , Li Jie
1995, 6(zk):10-17.
Abstract:Parallelizing restructuring has become an essential means to exploit the vast computing power of modern supercomputers.But many parallelizing restructuring systems ignore or simplify the interprocedural data—flow analysis,so they can not transform a do—loop which contains call statements into parallel code.This thesis introduces a practical interprocedual data—flow analysis in the front—end of the parallelizing optimizing restruc-turing tools(PORT),which was developed at the Institute of Computing Technology,The Chinese Academy of Sciences.It concentrates on the interprocedual data—flow analysis’s idea.key techniques and application.
1995, 6(zk):18-27.
Abstract:The paper first redefines the basic concepts of object—oriented.Then,a directed directory diagram(DDD)is proposed to serve as a unified tool for describing ob-jects and their relations such as composition,inheritance,service and state transforma-tion.Therefore,an object—oriented MIS development methodology is formed by corpo-rating concepts,principles,strategies,assistant tools and object management system.The method had been applied to the finance MISs development.
Yang Li , Ge Jianxin , He Zhijun
1995, 6(zk):28-35.
Abstract:The development of distributed—memory muItiprocessing system(DMS)needs the support of the corresponding parallelization software tool.In current paralleliza-tion systems,the user must explicitly specify how the data domain of the sequential program is to be partitioned and mapped to the processors of DMS.In this paper,the authors present a knowledge based data automatic distribution model(KBDM)that provides au-tomatic support for this task,and then discuss the principal ideas underlying their model,the major components of KBDM and the main features of the distribution strategy employed.
1995, 6(zk):36-39.
Abstract:In this paper,a new high order associative memory model is proposed.The associative function of the model is optimized by using noise patterns such that the best as-sociative effect and memory performance for noise input patterns os obtained in mean square error sense,and Chen’s results are generalized.The simulation on confirms them.
1995, 6(zk):40-45.
Abstract:Explanation—based learning(EBL)methods learn from single training ex-ample.The learning result often bears the example's own speciality.The knowledge re-finement algorithm can rectify the speciality in EBL,but with rather low utility.This pa-per combines EBG and refinement algorithm,gives an incremental learning algorlthm——EBG—plus,which can take advantage of many examples.While maintaining high utility,the authors get better result as new instances are met.By the way,the quality of domain knowledge can be automatically improved.
Su Ming , Xue Hongxi , Hong Xianlong
1995, 6(zk):46-51.
Abstract:With the developing of IC and the increasing of integration level,high—level synthesis becomes a practical and efficient method of digital system design.In this paper,atask of high—level synthesis,allocation,is studied.First of all,allocationis modeled as an integer programming problem.Then a heuristic algorithm,called clustering allocation algorithm,is introduced.The experimental results show that the algorithm gets the same results or even better results than other published algorithms in less CPU time.
1995, 6(zk):52-58.
Abstract:This paper proposes an optimization method for protocol Conformance test generation based upon multiple UIO sequences.It can be shown that test sequences goner-ated by this method are shorter than those generated by other methods using UIO se-quences.Because of employing formally overlapping technique,generation time ot over-lapped transition sequences is greatly decreased.
Lin Chuang , Wu Jianping , Wang Dingxing
1995, 6(zk):59-67.
Abstract:A methodology is presented for the performance evaluation of large stochastic high—level Petri net(SHLPN)models that are structured into independent submodels.These subnets are independently evaluated and then are substituted by the nonprimitive transitions as performance equivalence in the original model to achieve a state space reduc tion.This is based on the hierarchical design of SHLPN models and on the estimed mean delay time for a token traffic process in subnets.The paper investigates four subnet inter-faces for decomposition and composition as performance and computation of the mean response time for subnets.
1995, 6(zk):68-77.
Abstract:In this paper,an efficient feed—through assignment algorithm,FARM,is proposed to minimize the maximum channel density and at the same time to reduce,the wire length and via number.It connects the global routing with the channel routing.FARM consists of two parts:multi—row feed—through assignment and single row feed—through assignment.It is implemented in C language on DEC station 3100 and Sun—sparc2 station,and has been used in the Double—Layer CMOS gate array layout system— MALS3.Experiments on several benchmarks demonstrate FARM achieves comparable or better results comparing with TimberWolf 5.6.
1995, 6(zk):78-85.
Abstract:This paper describes how to set up collocation dictionaries to express the indi-vidual language phenomena and processing rules,which are important complementary knowledge bases for basic dictionaries and general rule bases.In order to fit for the combi nation of the randomness and regularity in natural languages,the paper proposes the lexi-cal semantic driving algorithm with an example in Chinese analyzing,which can solve the difficult problems such as polysemantic processing in natural language processing.
1995, 6(zk):86-93.
Abstract:In this paper,the errors in Prolog program aresystematically classed,and the corresponding testing algorithm is presented.Then design and implementation of object—oriented testing tool for Prolog program is introduced.
Zhou Li , Wu Quanyuan , Chen Huowang
1995, 6(zk):94-99.
Abstract:This designs and implements an agent—oriented prolog interpreter—GKD—APS,which is in accordance with agent—oriented paradigm and supports communicat-ing between agents and the concepts such as agent,mental states,belief.commitment and ability.GKD—APS provides the basis for building multi—agent systems and cooperation and knowledge communication among multiple agents.It effectively supports the research and development of distributed knowledge systems.
1995, 6(zk):100-103.
Abstract:Contrary to the Adams_Meijer analysis,in this paper it is proved that the public matrix G'in the McElieee's cryptosystem and all other matrices in the R_equiva-lence class of G'are still generator matrices of Goppa codes.This result may be a theoreti-cal support to the Korzhik_Turkin attack while explaining why the Adams—Meijer analy-sis to the McEliece'S cryptosystem conflicts with the real situation.
1995, 6(zk):104-111.
Abstract:P++is a uniform language provided by the multimedia intelligent database system MIDS/BUAA for users.P++extends C++by eight important language faeili-ties,i.e.,object schema definition,persistence,iteration,query,version,constraint,trigger,and knowledge representation.
1995, 6(zk):112-117.
Abstract:In this paper,a RAM associative memory(RAM—AM)with the nonlinear mapping ability is proposed.Every input pattern is divided into a number of sub—patterns which can address RAM to train the RAM—AM,its storage matrix is encoded through correlative matrix method.As a heteroassociative memory,the AM can succeassy recall high—order nonlinear problems such as XOR and the parities problems.The analysis shows that its mapping ability depends on the partition for input patterns.Finally,this paper theoretically proves that the proposed AM has higher signal—to—noise ratio than those of Hopfield—like models and realizability under the existence of a large number of neurons.The experimental results confirm its feasibility.
1995, 6(zk):118-123.
Abstract:Electronic book system(EBS)is an experimental hypermedia system being developed at the Institute of Computer Science and Technology,Beijing University.It in-eludes an authoring system which is used for constructing EBS databases.The design of the authoring system seeks to support hierarchical structuring of information and provide an explicit and separate hierarchical structure processing mechanism.
1995, 6(zk):124-131.
Abstract:Recent superscalar and superpipelined processors commonly have at least two levels caches and a large register set.Using the transformations to improve performance of programs that is one of the research projects of compiling technique.This paper discusses optimization of sequential programs by using do—loop distribution,do_loop interchange,do—loop fusion,and strip—mining used in supercompiler.These tramsformations have been shown to result in dramatic improvements.
1995, 6(zk):132-137.
Abstract:Six acceptance conditions C1—C6 ofω-FA were known SO far.To look for some new acceptance condition of ω-FA and to study the power of ω-FA that accept ω-lan- guage with respect to the acceptance condition is one of hcart problem in theory of ω-finite state automata. This paper presents two types new acceptance condition Z1 and Z2 of ω-FA.The authors investigate(1)the power of ω-U-NFA that accept ω-language with re-spect to Zi(i=1,2)and derive Nsc3∈Nsz2=Nsz1=Nsz1(2)the power ofω-NFA that ac.cept ω-language with respect to Zi(i=1,2)and obtain Nc1∈Nz1∈Nz2.Some analogue results are dorrect with ω-DFA.
Tang Zhizhong , Zhang Chihong , Wang Jian
1995, 6(zk):138-147.
Abstract:This paper presents a new view on software pipelining,in which the authorsconsider soltware pipelining as an instruction level transformation from a vector of one—dimension to a matrix of two—dimensions.Thus,the software pipelining problem cad be naturally decomposed into two subproblems,one is to determine the row—numbers of op-erations in the matrix and another is to determine the column—numbers.Using this view—point as a basis,the authors develop a new loop scheduling approach,called decom-posed software pipelining.
Tang Zhizhong , Zhang Chihong , Wang Jian
1995, 6(zk):148-156.
Abstract:Decomposed software pipelining is a new approach for effective branch—free loop scheduling.By decoupling loop scheduling into two subproblems,branch—free loop scheduling problem is transformed into acyclic code scheduling problem,which can be re-solved by the classical polynomial algorithm of graph theory.In this paper,this method is extended to the case of loop with conditional jumps,called global decomposed software pipelining.This results in an effective and practical approach for general loop scheduling,combining time efficiency of software pipelining with practicability of usual global loop—free code scheduling algorithms.
1995, 6(zk):157-161.
Abstract:This paper is defined a class of ω—power context—free languages and the corresponding type of ω—pushdown automata.With the aid of ω—sequential transducer,some closure properties of ω—power context—free languages are discussed.The main result is that,for the class of ω—power context—free languages L,m(L)={s’(A)|A ∈L,S’is an ω—sequential transducer)一{h2(h1-1(A)∩R)|A∈L,R is an ω—regular language,h1 is a homomorphism and h2 is a λ—free homomorphism}.
Liu Junfei , Shao Weizhong , Yang Fuqing
1995, 6(zk):162-169.
Abstract:The implementation of persistent object affords a means of manipulating RAM and Disks in the same way for programmers in programming languags,and makes it easier and more effective for different programs to share data.This paper discusses the deserip-tion measures and implementation techniques of persistent object,gives the implementa-tion of persistent object in the integrated software environment——JB2 system and the de-sign of its nuclear——JB2/OMS.
1995, 6(zk):170-181.
Abstract:Concurrent object—oriented systems differ from traditional concurrent sys terns(e.g.systems being described by CSP or CCS)in that the process topologies of them are usually dynamic,and the inter—process communication links among processes are cre-ated or withdrawn accordinglywith the change of objects.Graph grammar turns out to be aformal tOOl much more suitable than other formalisms to specify such kink of concurrency and dynamic characteristics.This paper introduces a new graph grammar model for speci-lying concurrent object—oriented systems.System developers can specify both the static and dynamic structures of their concurrent object— oriented systems using the CSDL lan- guage provided by our model.Via a development and supporting environment for concur-rent object—oriented systems(GRADECS),the CSDL specification of concurrent system structure can be transformed to run time process topologies,and the CSDL specification of dependence and communication relations among system components can be dynamically bound to inter—process communication links for message passing.
1995, 6(zk):182-186.
Abstract:In this paper,a kind of flowchart is given for audio—visual analysis to 4do par-allel programs.the flowchart can not only give the audio—visual description for the com munications among tasks,but also find all deadlocks and help people delete deadlocks.As a static analysis methord for parallel programs,flowchart is better than Petri nets in the convenience of finding deadlocks,helping to delete deadlocks,practical feasibility in use and the description for the ideas of parallel algorithms.
1995, 6(zk):187-193.
Abstract:A flexible mechanism of rescuing code already written,which contains behav-iors in many varieties of inheritance and is called general inheritance,is introduced in this paper.For its implementation in object—oriented language,its operational semantics and a class mechanism sopporting subtyping—check are given.
Lin Fuhua , Chen Guangzhong , Hong Chaoxing , Wang Guoqiang
1995, 6(zk):194-201.
Abstract:In this paper,the authors first discuss the structure and functions of the knowledge—based computer—aided exam—paper formation and analysis system shell,and than present the tactics of“indexes—directed”knowledge acquisition and the structure and representation methods of the knowledge base,and then introduce the inference mech-anism of exam—paper design as well as the“exam—paper pattern—oriented”solving mod-el、the layered random selecting and conflict—solvi“g rules.
Wang Lifu , Yi Xiaoyong , Yang Fuqing
1995, 6(zk):202-206.
Abstract:Management information system(MIS)is important to modern enterprises.This paper presents an object—oriented architecture model for MIS.the criteria and method to capture the components of the model are also proposed.This architecture model has been used in an overall—plan project for a large manufacturer.
Huang Tao , Feng Yulin , Li Jing
1995, 6(zk):207-212.
Abstract:Objects are considered as the basic system blocks in object oriented software construction.This paper contributes to establish a formal semantic model for objects.An object is defined as an entity endowed with attributes and behavior satisfying some static and temporal constraints.Based upon object morphism,the notion of object aggregation,specialization.inheritance and object class etc.are interpreted in the model further.
Pan Xuezeng , Shou Yucheng , Zhao Yuping , Ping Lingdi
1995, 6(zk):213-218.
Abstract:As electronic products developing rapidly,the information of the design is in-creasing and requires a more powerful data management system.The engineering design data management system is a crucial component in an ECAD framework when the design involves large volume of data in diversified format.This paper identifies the requirements for such a system and presents the approaches that support these requirements.This paper presents a data model and its corresponding DDL.This system is currently under develop-ment and will be released in the next generation of the electronic products ECAD frame-work.
Zhong Cuihao , Cao Dongqi , Guo Heqing
1995, 6(zk):219-225.
Abstract:This paper discusses some of the key problems in information system(IS)de-velopment and proposes a method for cognitive achitecture,object manipulation,reusable object library and the platform for developing IS.The proposed method consists of three steps.The first step is to simulate the human system by roles.An expert system is built to help collect users’requirements and generate the specification.The second step is to construct three abstract levels of reusable components.i.e.basic level.FORM level and specific level.The last step is to develop a generation platform for producing software modules.The proposed method emphasiszes the object—oriented concepts.It has been used successfully in two large scale MIS development projects.
Guo Heqing , Zhong Cuihao , Ma Jian
1995, 6(zk):226-230.
Abstract:With the rapid development of computer technique.The management infor-mation system(MIS)has used to many professions.This paper puts forward a generation technique of program.The object is to enhance efficiency and quality of development.This method is based on the design idea of component base.The first step is to design the de-scription of a series scenarios of component classes,and then generate program modules.Using this method and technique,the authors have developed some MIS,to finish the de-sign and programming of large MIS,only need a period about two month.
Li Jing , Feng Yulin , Huang Tao
1995, 6(zk):231-237.
Abstract:This paper deals with ADL,a language designed to describe the features of objects in the software construction.An ADL class definition includes two parts:one is the object specification which specifies the object interface and semantics by logic formulae on the abstract domain;the other is the object body which is the implementation of the specification,and It also provides a map between the abstract data and the concrete data.
Xu Fupei , Jin Yadong , Zhou Dong , Wu Zhao
1995, 6(zk):238-245.
Abstract:CPDL Level 2 is a Chinese page description language interpreter for color elee-tronic publishing,it is compatible with PostScript Level 2.In this paper.the vimual ma-chine model,hicrarchical structure.and flowchart of CPDL 2 are described The running environment and efficiency of CPDL Level 2 are discussed.
1995, 6(zk):246-252.
Abstract:This paper illustrates that the iterative procedure of producing new constant items in the expansion algorithm of pseudo—bilinear equations nlay not terminate by an example and its improved expansion algorithm is presented The equivalent transformation theorems of pseudo—bilinear equations are extended into pseudo—bilinear equation systems.An expansion algorithm of pseudo— bilinear equation systems is designed by means of these extended equivalent transformation theorems and the improved expansion algorithm.
1995, 6(zk):253-257.
Abstract:STREAMS is a new character I/O mechanism in UNIX systems.Using STREAMS to develop network protocols enables easy development,more portability and easy integration.This paper pays particular attention to some basic concepts concerning the components and the principles of STREAMS.It also provides the overall design of our IP implementation by STREAMS and discusses some important details of this implementa-tion.
1995, 6(zk):258-265.
Abstract:This paper gives the main techniques for implementing compiler for function-al languages and proposes two rules for the design of the compiler’s implementation:(1)Saving the memory space for suspended arguments and to release them as early as possible.in addition to simplify function call;(2)Reducing the characteristic structure in rune-tional programs by some transformations.Some techniques and their application in a com piler for a functional language are also presented.
1995, 6(zk):266-273.
Abstract:This paper presents a formal framework called LKO for the dependable devel-opment of knowledge—based systems(KBSs).LKO combines logic programming and ob-ject—oriented programming,where logieal objects are viewed as abstractions with states,constraints,behaviors and inheritance.Logical object supports several knowledge repre-sentations such as frame,rule,semantic network and blackboard.So it may be used as a formalism of knowledge and requirements of KBSs.After iterations of specification modi-fication and verification in terms of knowledge acquisition,prototypes might be correctly formed.
Tian Zhong , Qian Leqiu , Zhao wenyun , Qian Jiahua
1995, 6(zk):274-280.
Abstract:This paper presents the basic idea.notation and development process of an object—oriented anMysis and design method through the development of a data flow dia-gram editor,This method takes a responsibility—driven modelling approach to software development,emphasizing that software simulates the real world.It starts with problem —understanding to build a user model of the problem,then this model is evolved into an implementation model through an iterating five—stage—process during each phase of the software development process.The five stages include:dividing subjects,identifying classes,establishing relations,defining services and defining attributes.Based cn behav-ior analysis,the user problem is first divided into a set of subjects.each of which hosts a number of classes with distinguished responsibilities and collaborators The responsibili- ties then hlrther help define the services and attribules of each class and their inter—rela-dons.All these put together give software developers a clear layered model of the pro-posed system.
Zhong Sheng , Shi Qingyun , Cheng Minde
1995, 6(zk):281-291.
Abstract:This paper presents an efficient multiscale binocular correspondence algorithm based on dyadic wavelet transform.The stereo images are first decomposed on the dyadic wavelet bases.By analyzing the transform coefficients,the authors get an efficien(method to remove noises and extract edges.Some basic constraints for matching,e.g.the one which requires that the edge directions be nearly the same,are naturally expressed by the coefficients.More importantly,they can deduce four useful constraints for selecting the potential matches which are called the smooth component gradient constraints and the smooth component Laplacian constraints.They have strong disambiguation power and greatly remove those potential matches that would cause mismatches,and thus greatly im prove the accuracy and speed for matching.A multiscale coarse to fine control strategy is included to increase robustness.
Bai Guangye , Xu Chong , Fan Zhihua , Jiang Dongming
1995, 6(zk):292-300.
Abstract:In this paper,a survey on the software engineering methodology is provided and the trend of the software development is prospected.