1995, 6(9):513-524.
Abstract:A deduction system, called RE--proof system, is constructed for generatingthe revisions of first order belief sets. When a belief set is rejected by a given fact, allmaximal subsets of the belief set consistent with the fact can be deduced from the proofsystem. The soundness and completeness of the RE--proof system are proved, which imply that there exist a resolution method to decide whether a revision retains a maximal subset of a belief set.
Yang Fuqing , Zhu Bing , Mei Hong
1995, 6(9):525-533.
Abstract:This paper discusses basic concepts of software reuse techniques, introducestheoretical and practical activities on software reuse, points out the crucial problems andsome resolutions on software reuse techniques. Finally, the relation between reuse andCASE environment is discussed.
Ma Yuling , Wen Dongchan , Wang Dingxing
1995, 6(9):534-541.
Abstract:The paper discusses the design and implementation techniques for a PARLOGInteractive tracing debugger.The authors modlfythe L.Byrd’s Box model and make It ca.pable to illustrate the sequential execution model of PARLOG.In sequen tial executlormodel,It Is easy for programmer to debug program because the computation Is determin.lsm.The paper Introduces three aspects of the research Indebugger implementation Indetall:define the debugging level;change flat computation In sequentlal model to treeshape computation;complete tracing algorithms in different level.
1995, 6(9):542-550.
Abstract:This paper introduces an automatic derivation of Chinese character typefacefrom Hei-Ti to,Li-Shu, using the skeleton structure and basic strokes as the knowledgeof a Chinese character. This method first implements the change from Hei -Ti skeletonstructure to Li-Shu skeleton structure based on the stroke typeface characters. Then implements the flexible mapping of Li--Shu stroke and finally generates the outline of Li Shu. This approach gives a way of automatic derivation of Chinese type faces, and implements the automatic derivation from Hei-Ti to Li-Shu.
Shou Zhiqin , Pan Wanyin , Zhu Shaomin
1995, 6(9):551-559.
Abstract:On the basis of "Qingdao government management in formation and aided decision system", this paper presents a new developmentand design principle for the oriented--manager forecasting application system: based on the general and classical forecastingmethods and modern computer technology, a system's integrated environment would beestablished to support managers to use these forecasting models effectively and understandingly. On this principle, the paper describes the design and practice of forecasting ap plication network system(FANS) in integrated environment.
1995, 6(9):560-566.
Abstract:Closed world assumptions (CWAs) are an important class of implicit completions for logic databases. This paper presents a new parameterized definition of CWA. Bythis definition some known and new versions of CWAs can be derived as special cases. Inturn, the CWA presented in this paper can also instantiates the more basic notion of"database completion" and satisfies natural properties.
Hua Quanxiang , Xing Hancheng , Feng Chunbo
1995, 6(9):567-575.
Abstract:This paper discusses the property of context --free graph grammar firstly,and proves the order independence property of graph grammar derivation. An efficientgraph parsing algorithm which has a polynomial time Complexity is proposed, and the correctness of the parsing algorithm is proved.