1994, 5(10):1-10.
Abstract:ith the advent of parallel computer systems, parallel database systems have rapidly become an attractive research area in recent years. A number of parallel database projects have been started in academia and industry, and issues ranging from architecture to algorithms are being investigated. This paper is the first one of the two series papers that survey the research area of parallel database systems. In the paper, the current research directions of parallel database systems are surveyed, and physical design methods for parallel databases and parallelization techniques for query processing are reviewed as well.
1994, 5(10):11-23.
Abstract:This paper is the second one of the two series papers that survey the research area of parallel database systems. In the paper, the parallel algorithms for implementing relational operators and the query optimization techniques for parallel database systems are reviewed. To close the two series papers, the future research directions and issues of parallel database systems are discussed at the end of the paper.
1994, 5(10):24-32.
Abstract:A new pure logical language in clausal form was presented. The syntax, informal semantics, procedural interpretation of clauses and inference system based on constraint resolution were given. In this language, programs contain three types of variables:input variables, output variables and program variables to control resources of the computer; function symbols defined by programs can constitute terms or subterms and can be used as predicate symbols i the most general unification which is inefficient is not needed.According to these factors, programs implicate sequential, branched, iterative and recursive controls and it is easy to constitute efficient theorem-proving systems. It is believed that this language is a efficient, useful and practical, high-level, deterministic programming language with sound theoretical foundation.
1994, 5(10):33-37.
Abstract:This paper presents a new definition of proof-net and proves that what the authors defined is the "natural deduction of linear logic". The complealty of deciding whether a given proof structure is a proof-net by definition is O(n * n), by the way, the proof of sequentialization of proof-nets so defined is very natural and simple.
Zhang Ran; , Zhan Yuchao , Ye Yunwen
1994, 5(10):38-43.
Abstract:Software process model has become a hot topic recently in software engineering research circle because it is regarded as a good way to improve the ability to produce high quality software. This paper proposes a software process model JMOSP after briefly evaluating several typical existed software process models.
1994, 5(10):44-49.
Abstract:The Counting algorithm is one of the best -known qurey-processing algorithms for SL recursions. It performs well for a kind of recursions which are counting linear. However, since it requires that the binding set of the given query bea singleton, it is very difficult to use it as a subgoal processing strategy. In this paper, a new counting algorithm for generalized queries is presented. The algorithm presented here can handle any multi-value binding sets, so it can be used not only for query evaluating, but also for subgoal processing. The correctness of the algorithm and the efficiency of the transformed rules are also discussed briefly in this paper.
1994, 5(10):50-54.
Abstract:This paper discusses the problem of granularity while exploiting AND-parallelism in logic programs. The authors give evaluation formulas of granularity under their computation model. An example is given to show how the execution graph expressions are optimized with the size of grain.
1994, 5(10):55-59.
Abstract:There exists the problem of approximate text searching in many fields of computer application. This paper offers an approach which, by using searching state vector and char-pattern matching vector, changes text-pattern matching from comparison to simple integer bit operation and solves effectively the problem of char/Chinese character string approximate matching. The implementation algorithm and the analysis of the algorithm are also provided.
Yu Jiang; , Quan Bingzhe , Jin Chunzhao
1994, 5(10):60-64.
Abstract:knowledge-based system for querying reusable software components is presented in this paper. It supports object -oriented programming method. In this system,the authors used a semantic network model for knowledge represention, and provided a knowledge represention language, CKRL, for describing the features of the reusable components and the knowledge for querying. The authors provided three kind of ways for querying, or semantic net associate querying. condition querying, and components evaluating.