1992, 3(4):1-11.
Abstract:In this paper, the symbolic measure is introduced, and semiregularity is defined, and the confluence of semiregular term rewriting system is proved.
1992, 3(4):12-18.
Abstract:In this paper, a new model for randomized computation-the Probabilistic Unlimited Register Machine(PURM) which is simpler than the Probabilistic Turing Machine (PTM)[4,5] is given. We prove the equivalence between PURM program and computable PTM. Moreover, by constructing the PURM programs, we get the sufficiant conditions for a random function that can be simulated by PURM program or PTM. At last, some simple properties of PTM and PURM are discussed.
1992, 3(4):19-23.
Abstract:In this paper we present an approximation algorithm for (k,m) optimal partition problem on an undirected graph. We show that this approximation algorithm which produces a near optimal solution runs in polynomial time. The performance ratio in the worst case is bounded by a parameter k, which is independent of input size of the problem.
1992, 3(4):24-31.
Abstract:The acquisition of the formal functional specification is a very important in software automation. This paper presents a method which combines the concept formation and the antecedent derivation mechanism to accomplish the automatic transformation from the example specification to the formal functional specification and the plausibility of the generated formal specification is guaranteed in some sense.
Chen Shifu , Pan Jingui , Xu Dianxiang
1992, 3(4):32-36.
Abstract:The DFSES system adopts a method of default reasoning to improve its decision efficiency. This paper introduces the default theory, the extension and the candidate extension, and focuses on the implementation of default reasoning based on these ideas and tree-like architecture of knowledge in DFSES.
Zhou Shanqiong , Ju Dehua , Liao Suping
1992, 3(4):37-44.
Abstract:CASE environment EASYCODE is a profitable exploration of new software process development paradigms, which have being increasingly attracted professional s attention to overcome the weaknesses of the waterfall model. After analysing the traditional life-cycle model in brief, the feature of EASYCODE software process paradigm is discussed in this paper, and knowledge-based program generation supporting the new paradigm is depicted as well.
1992, 3(4):45-50.
Abstract:Object-oriented programming and logic programming are the two major branches of the programming field in the 1980 s. And relevent software systems were built and applied. Smalltalk and PROLOG system are the excellent examples seperately. Both above programming methodologies have their advantages and disadvantages, and they have the property of complementing each other. In this paper, both above programming styles are discussed and compared, and a possible way of combining the two kinds of systems is proposed,a prototype system which supports both the programming styles is being formed.
1992, 3(4):51-55.
Abstract:Database program conversion frequently appeared and widely researched in variant database fields. The paper summarized the methods of data base program conversion, which mainly include syntactical-based, semantical-based, and rule-based methods. It also emphatically discussed the efficient conversion methods used in the distributed database system DQS/SEIS.
1992, 3(4):56-61.
Abstract:This paper expounds the design and implementation of CDBAG-4GL, i. e. an intergated automatic generators for quickly development of MIS. The architecture design, user interface and characteristics of the system are also briefly described. CDBAG-4GL, which has been commercialized, supports an original method of developing MIS, i.e. Rapid Prototyping. It uses a highly nonprocedural 4th Generation Language(4GL) as the user-friendly interface. According to the application: Requirements, CDBAG-4GL can generate the correspomding specific MIS automatically and quickly.As an integrated general quickly developing tool and environment,CDBAG-4GL can greatly improve the efficiency and quali-ty of the development of MIS,as well as redue the cycle and costs of the develepment.In short,CDBAG-4GL provides and efficient way to standardize,engineerize and automatize the development of MIS