1990, 1(3):1-9.
Abstract:Based on the development projects of UNIX Chinese processing information systems for many years, The principles and tasks of UNIX Chinese processing are introduced. The several different development strategies are compared, and implementation technologies used are presented.
Li Hongbin , Wang Kaizhu , Guo kejian
1990, 1(3):10-14.
Abstract:In this paper, an initial study of learning from examples is made. After the rule-space of solutions is enlarged from normal formula solutions to all general formula solutions, the following conclusions are got:1. Discussing the change of corresponding rules set, with the change of examples set. 2. There are no solutions when positive-examples set intersets negative-examples set. 3. If the union of positive-examples set and negative-examples set equals to the space which consists of all examples, the rule-solution is unique is unique.4.If the soultions exist,there must be two basic solutions,and these two solutions are maximum and minimun,under the relation of partialorder“=>”.5.the rule set for the opearate ∧,∨ forms a bounded distributive lattice,and the two basic solutions are the upper bound and the lower bound of this lattice respectively.6.GS theorem corresponding to GS algorithm is given.
1990, 1(3):15-25.
Abstract:The program development preocess of stepwise specification, transformation and verification consists of two transitions. One is from the informal requirement to the formal specificaiton, the other is from the formal specification to the algorithmic implementation. The key point in the development process is how to make design decisions. In order to maintain and adapt software and to verify, not only should the specification and the implementation be recorded, but also the design decisions made during the development.We give two examples to demonstrate this methodo;ogy and how the design decisions take role in it.An environment which includes several subsystems called SPEC,PROT,VERI,and OOMM is implemented to support the above process.
1990, 1(3):29-32.
Abstract:An ω-language is a set consisting of infinite-strings over some alphabet ∑, the ω-language accepted by some ω-finite state automation is called the ω-regular language.Several sufficient conditions for an ω-language is an ω-regular language are given by author from the point of view of the set in [4]. In this paper, author gives still from the point of view of the set a sufficient condition for an ω-language is an ω-regular language, i.e., if L is an ω-convex language, such that L=Adh(pref(L)) =Pref(L)Tail(L),then the L is an ω-regular language.Thus defined one subclass of the ω-regular languages class.
Zhao Zhizhou , Zhuang Qingyu , Cao Hua , Lu Ruqian
1990, 1(3):33-44.
Abstract:Distributed experts united system is an advanced topic in knowledge engineering. In this paper, implementation methods and techniques of UNION which is a distributed experts united system on microcomputer net are described. The concept of distributed experts united system was first proposed by professor Lu Ruqian in 1985. In next year, the experimental system UNION began to be developed by Institute of Mathematics, Academia Sinica. The environment is UNOS system with C and PASCAL on MC68000 microcomputer. Three micromputers are connected by an Ethernet.So far,the supporting system Support 1 and communication system have been finished and other units are being developed.
1990, 1(3):45-58.
Abstract:Partial evaluation is an important program transformation method and compiling optimisation technique.Prolog programs are specially suited to be partially evaluated.At present,several principl models and special-purpose tools of the partial evaluation of Prolog programs have been developed in the world,but there are still following problkems in these works;(1)There us lack of systematic understanding for the basic principle and characteristics of the partial evaluation of Prolog programs;(2)Both methods which are used to detect loops in logic programs don't bring the termination prob;em in partial evaluation to a final solution;(3)The treatment of builtins in Prolog is imperfect and there are many implicit semantic errors in it;(4)The efficiency of some algorithms for partial evaluation is very low;(5)The partial eval uators now available are confined to their application fields,respoctively,and they are lack of generality.Based on our working practice in researching and developing a practical sourec-lecel partial evaluator in GKD-Prolog compiler[14],this paper discusses the partial evaluation of programs in pure Prolog,the detection of loops in logic programs and the treatment of builtins in full Prolog entirely and systematically.
Lu Ruzhan , Zhang Zheng , Sun Yongqiang
1990, 1(3):59-64.
Abstract:In this paper, a lambda system with algebraic operators called lambda-plus system is introduced. After giving the definition of the system, we present a sufficient condition for being a model of the system. Finally, a model of such system is constructed.