Formal Semantics of Apache Flink Complex Event Processing Language

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    Apache Flink is one of the most popular stream computing platforms and has many applications in industry. Complex event processing (CEP) is one of the important usage scenarios of stream computation. Apache Flink defines and implements a language for complex event processing (referred to as FlinkCEP). FlinkCEP includes rich syntactic features, not only the usual features of filtering, connecting, and looping, but also the advanced features of iterative conditions and after-match skip strategies. The semantics of FlinkCEP is complex, no language specification of FlinkCEP defines its semantics precisely, so it can only be understood by checking the implementation details. This motivates the definition of formal semantics for FlinkCEP so that the developers could understand its semantics precisely. This study proposes an automaton model called data stream transducers (DST) for FlinkCEP, where the data variables are applied to capture the iterative conditions, the data stream variables are adopted to store the outputs, and transition priorities are introduced to capture the after-match skip strategies. DST is leveraged to define the formal semantics of FlinkCEP and design the query evaluation algorithms based on the formal semantics. Moreover, a prototype of the CEP engine is implemented. Finally, test case sets are generated, which cover the syntactic features of FlinkCEP more comprehensively. They are utilized to conduct comparison experiments against the actual results of FlinkCEP on the Flink platform. The experimental results show that the proposed formal semantics of FlinkCEP conforms to the actual semantics of FlinkCEP in the vast majority of the cases. Furthermore, the inconsistencies between the formal and the actual semantics are analyzed and it is discovered that the Flink implementation of FlinkCEP may not deal with the group patterns correctly.

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傅宣登,吴志林. Apache Flink复杂事件处理语言的形式语义.软件学报,2024,35(10):4510-4532

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  • Received:December 08,2022
  • Revised:February 21,2023
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  • Online: November 22,2023
  • Published: October 06,2024
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