Abstract:The AGM postulates are for the belief revision (revision by a single belief), and the DP postulates are for the iterated revision (revision by a finite sequence of beliefs). Li gave an R-calculus for R-configurations △|Γ, where △ is a set of atomic formulas or the negations of atomic formulas, and Γ is a finite set of formulas. With an idea to preserve as much as possible information of statements to be revised, another definition of the minimal change is considered:pseudo-subconcept-minimal (≤-minimal) change, where ≤ is the pseudo-subconcept relation, and then give a new R-calculus TDL which is sound and complete with respect to ≤-minimal change such that △|Γ is reduced to a theory △∪Θ in TDL (denoted by ├TDL △|Γ⇒△,Θ) if and only if Θ is a ≤-minimal change of Γ by △.