Abstract:The model checking tool based on Alternating Projection Temporal Logic (APTL) is designed and implemented to improve the ability of expressing for linear temporal logic in this study. The supporting tool MCMAS_APTL is developed inspired by the method for symbolic model checking of APTL provided by Wang et al. The tool MCMAS_APTL could be used for verifying the properties of Multi-agent Systems (MASs) effectively. The detailed procedures of checking whether a MAS satisfies a property by MCMAS_APTL are given as follows. Firstly, describing the system IS with the Interpreted System Programming Language (ISPL) and specifying the property of the system by an APTL formula P. Then, symbolically representing the system IS and transforming the negation of P into normal form. Finally, calculating the set of states from which there is at least one existing path satisfying the negation of P. If the obtained state set contains an initial state, then the system does not satisfy the formula P; otherwise, the system satisfies the formula P. The details of implementing MCMAS_APTL are provided in this paper, and a robotic soccer game is presented to show how the model checker MCMAS_APTL works in practice.