Gray Image Representation Algorithm Based on Overlapping RNAM

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    The idea of an overlapping rectangular region coding of binary images inspired the overlapping rectangular non-symmetry, the anti-packing pattern representation model (RNAM), and the extended Gouraud shading approach. A novel lossy gray image representation algorithm based on the overlapping RNAM, which is called ORNAMC representation algorithm, is proposed. Also, the four principles for anti-packing the overlapping homogenous blocks are presented in this paper. In the proposed ORNAMC representation algorithm, the wrong decoding problem of the matrix R for the overlapping RNAM representation of gray images is solved separately by using the horizontal, vertical, and isolated matrices, i.e.,H, V and I. These are used to identify the vertex types instead of using a single hybrid matrix, i.e., R. In addition, by redefining the codeword set for the three vertices symbols, this paper proposed a new coordinate data compression algorithm for coding the coordinates of all non-zone elements in the three matrices H, V and I. By taking some idiomatic standard gray images in the field of image processing as typical test objects, and by comparing the proposed ORNAMC representation algorithm with the latest non-overlapping RNAMC, the experimental results show that the former has a higher compression ratio and a fewer number of blocks and yet, maintains image quality. Therefore, a better method is to represent the gray image.

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郑运平,陈传波,李祖嘉.一种基于可重叠RNAM 的灰度图像表示算法.软件学报,2012,23(12):3221-3232

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  • Received:March 04,2011
  • Revised:April 17,2012
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  • Online: December 05,2012
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