Abstract:Setting similarity search on possible worlds is semantically and computationally different from the traditional technique for sets of certain data. Considering the uncertainty of items of set, i.e. there is a certain probability for an item appearing in a set, the traditional technique used for processing sets is not applicable. This paper brings forward the formulas to measure the expected similarity of the sets based on possible worlds' semantics. In the expected contexts, if the expected similarity of a pair of sets (X,Y) is larger than a given threshold value τ ∈(0,1), this pair could be called as similar set pair. In the normal algorithm, the complexity of the expected similarity of uncertain sets based on possible worlds is of exponential order. This paper has provided new algorithms to calculate expected similarity by dynamic programming. The complexity of these algorithms is of polynomial order and they reduce execution time greatly. The final experiments have indicated the usability and the high performance of the new algorithms.