A Scheduling Algorithm for Long Duration Transaction Based on Cost of Compensation

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    Transaction of service composition has long-lived feature which a global-transaction is divided into several distributed sub-transactions. Atomicity property is preserved by using compensating transactions, whichsemantically undo the effects of the completed sub-transactions, in case of global-transaction abort. However, thecost of compensation may be expensive and methods may be complex. To overcome this limitation, a novelscheduling algorithm named STCD (SubTransaction committing delay) is presented based on analysis ofcompensation. Different from traditional methods, sub-transactions determine the time of committing according toboth the cost of compensation and the state of execution dynamically. The correctness of proposed algorithm isproved. Simulations show that STCD algorithm can confine the compensation sphere and reduce the cost ofcompensation.

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  • Received:February 21,2008
  • Revised:October 07,2008
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