Scheduling of Real-Time Signal Processing in Cluster-Based Software Radio Systems

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    In this paper, according to the characteristics of signal processing in cluster-based SR systems, the following scheduling issues are investigated: First, a universal scheduler model suitable for signal processing incluster-based SR systems is proposed. The model is simple, the efficient and it avoids the bottleneck problem.Second, a novel three-step scheduling strategy-RQBB is put forward, where the existing DASAP algorithm is usedin step 1. Third, two heuristic algorithms MQB and MSD are proposed. They are used in step 2 and step 3 of RQBB,respectively. The MQB is a fair algorithm that strives to make all the accepted tasks have high QoS benefit (highmean of QoS levels and small difference of QoS levels). The MSD is designed to guarantee the system with highthroughput and achieve load balancing without violating the timing constraints of accepted tasks. Extensivesimulation experiments are performed to compare RQBB with RQRB, DASAP and DALAP. Experimental resultsindicate RQBB improves QoS benefit better than others and achieve load balancing while guaranteeing highschedulability.

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  • Received:December 10,2007
  • Revised:March 14,2008
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