Abstract:Network on chip(NoC)has many characteristics,such as less nodes number,shorter distance between the cores,the need of less physical implementation difficulty,and so on.To satisfy the special need of the NoC,this paper presents a new topology named Xmesh and its routing algorithm called XM.This paper adds some diagonal edges on the Mesh topology to form Xmesh,sequentially reduce the average distances of the topology.Given the same network size,Xmesh has the same edge number with Torus topology,this paper compares the performance of Mesh,Xmesh and Torus topologies.A detailed theoretical analysis for Mesh,Xmesh and Torus topologies is given, and a simulation analysis based on the Popnet simulator using uniform traffic pattern and hotspot traffic pattern as benchmarks is also presented.As the simulation result shows,the average latencies of Xmesh and Torus topologies are less than 70% of the average latency of Mesh topology.For uniform traffic pattern,when the network size is small,the performance of Xmesh is better than Torus topology.For hotspot traffic pattern,when the hot node is near to the network center or the two diagonals,the latency of Xmesh is about 70%~90% of the latency of Toms topology,otherwise,the latency of Torus is about 70%~90% of the latency of Xmesh topology.In conclusion, Xmesh has a good performance just like Torus,but its physical implementation is simpler than Torus's,and both of which have a better performance than Mesh topology.