Coverage-Ensured Reliable Links with Accurate Timing in Mobile Ad Hoc Network

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    In practical Mobile Ad-Hoc NETworks (MANETs), the network topology changes while the nodes move quickly. Each node cannot ensure the broadcasting coverage to all other nodes because it cannot update its information on the network topology instantly. This is because the self-pruning based broadcasting can not calculate a valid connected dominating set promptly in the quickly moving environment. For ensuring the broadcasting coverage in MANETs, the period of validity for routing links is taken into account. It is supposed that each node in the network has different transmission ranges, different “Hello” intervals, and moves in different directions and at different velocities. The period of validity of connection can be determined according to the relative speed and the transmission ranges of the nodes. The accurate timing in each node for counting the period of validity of the connection is used to provide the correct and instant information about the network topology. This method is called the Reliable Links with Accurate Timing (RELAT). RELAT guarantees the conditions of connectivity of the virtual network and the availability of the physical links, and in the most cases the consistency of the local view so that it ensures the broadcasting coverage in the network. Simulation results show that this algorithm is sufficient to ensure the broadcasting coverage in MANET and it also has high probabilities of coverage in the case of high node density even the conditions for the algorithm are not fully satisfied.

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张治国,刘聪,张鹏.移动Ad Hoc网络中保证覆盖的准确计时可靠链路方法.软件学报,2007,18(7):1765-1773

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  • Received:July 16,2005
  • Revised:May 11,2006
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