Abstract:This paper proposes an anomaly detection based on Web user access behavior for the defense of application layer Distributed Denial-of-Service (DDoS) attack. Based on the hyperlink characteristics of Web pages and the HTTP responding effect of different proxies in the Internet, this paper uses hidden semi-Markov model (HsMM) to describe the Web user browsing behavior observed at Web server, and employs likelihood of the observation sequence on user browsing behaviors fitting to the model as a measure of user’s normality. A parameterized model and its recursive formulae are derived and an on-line anomaly detection approach is introduced. Some issues involved in practical implementations of the model and the anomaly detection approach are discussed. Finally, an experiment is conducted to validate the model and the algorithm, which is based on a set of data colleted from a heavy-loaded Web server and an emulated DDoS attack that launches HTTP flooding to the Web site. The experimental results show that the model is effective in measuring the user behaviors and in detecting the application layer DDoS attacks.