Abstract:The rapid movement of vehicles which result in frequent changes in the position and speed of the vehicle usually leads to the wrong packet forwarding decisions in VANET. Combining V2V (vehicle to vehicle) and V2I (vehicle to infrastructure), a routing protocol named TGPSR-WI (traffic information aware algorithm based on GPSR with infrastructure) algorithm is proposed. This algorithm works on the principle that when static infrastructural nodes exist in a neighboring list, the neighbor which is closest to the destination will be selected as the next hop; otherwise, the moving direction and “lifetime” are used to filter hopeless candidates. Next, incorporate speed, vehicular density, etc. to select the optimal next hop node. Key data structures are designed and MOVE (mobility model generator for vehicular network) is used to construct typical Grid map urban simulation scenario. The protocol is simulated in NS-2 under the urban scenario and compared with GPSR-L and GPSR routing protocols. Experimental results indicate that the improved GPSR routing protocol performs better when packet delivery rate, average end-to-end delay are used as the performance metrics, and is better for VANET (vehicular ad hoc network) under urban scenarios.