中国博士后科学基金(2024M751010); 国家资助博士后研究人员计划(GZB20240248); 网络空间安全教育部重点实验室及河南省网络密码技术重点实验室开放基金课题(KLCS20240305); CCF-绿盟科技“鲲鹏”科研基金(CCF-NSFOCUS 2023011)
面对Android恶意软件带来的严重的安全风险, 如何有效检测Android恶意软件已成为工业界与学术界共同关注的焦点. 然而随着Android对抗样本技术的出现, 现有的恶意软件检测系统面临着前所未有的挑战. Android恶意软件对抗样本攻击通过对恶意软件的源码或特征进行扰动, 使其在保持原始功能不受影响的条件下绕过恶意软件检测模型. 尽管目前已有大量针对恶意软件的对抗样本攻击研究, 但是现阶段仍缺乏针对Android系统对抗样本攻击的完备性综述, 且并未研究Android系统中对抗样本设计的独特要求, 因此首先介绍Android恶意软件检测的基本概念; 然后从不同角度对现有的Android对抗样本技术进行分类, 梳理Android对抗样本技术的发展脉络; 随后综述近年来的Android对抗样本技术, 介绍不同类别的代表性工作并分析其优缺点; 之后, 分类介绍常用的安卓对抗样本攻击所使用的代码扰动手段并分析其应用场景; 最后讨论Android恶意软件对抗样本技术面临的挑战, 展望该新兴领域的未来研究方向.
In the face of the severe security risks posed by Android malware, effective Android malware detection has become the focus of common concern in both the industry and academia. However, with the emergence of Android adversarial example techniques, existing malware detection systems are facing unprecedented challenges. Android malware adversarial example attacks can bypass existing malware detection models by perturbing the source code or characteristics of malware while keeping its original functionality inact. Despite substantial research on adversarial example attacks against malware, there is still a lack of a comprehensive review specifically focusing on adversarial example attacks in the Android system at present, and the unique requirements for adversarial example design within the Android system are not studied. Therefore, this study begins by introducing the fundamental concepts of Android malware detection. It then classifies existing Android adversarial example techniques from various perspectives and provides an overview of the development sequence of Android adversarial example techniques. Subsequently, it reviews Android adversarial example techniques in recent years, introduces representative work in different categories and analyzes their pros and cons. Furthermore, it categorizes and introduces common means of code perturbation in Android adversarial example attacks, and analyzes their application scenarios. Finally, it discusses the challenges faced by Android malware adversarial example techniques, and envisions future research directions in this emerging field.