


国家自然科学基金(62376179, 62176175); 新疆维吾尔自治区自然科学基金(2022D01A238); 江苏高校优势学科建设工程

Offline Reinforcement Learning Method with Diffusion Model and Expectation Maximization
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    在连续且密集奖励的任务中, 离线强化学习取得了显著的效果. 然而由于其训练过程不与环境交互, 泛化能力降低, 在离散且稀疏奖赏的环境下性能难以得到保证. 扩散模型通过加噪结合样本数据邻域的信息, 生成贴近样本数据分布的动作, 强化智能体的学习和泛化能力. 针对以上问题, 提出一种扩散模型期望最大化的离线强化学习方法(offline reinforcement learning with diffusion models and expectation maximization, DMEM). 该方法通过极大似然对数期望最大化更新目标函数, 使策略具有更强的泛化性. 将扩散模型引入策略网络中, 利用扩散的特征, 增强策略学习数据样本的能力. 同时从高维空间的角度看期望回归更新价值函数, 引入一个惩戒项使价值函数评估更准确. 将DMEM应用于一系列离散且稀疏奖励的任务中, 实验表明, 与其他经典的离线强化学习方法相比, DMEM性能上具有较大的优势.


    Offline reinforcement learning has yielded significant results in tasks with continuous and intensive rewards. However, since the training process does not interact with the environment, the generalization ability is reduced, and the performance is difficult to guarantee in a discrete and sparse reward environment. The diffusion model combines the information in the neighborhood of the sample data with noise addition to generate actions that are close to the distribution of the sample data, which strengthens the learning and generalization ability of the agents. To this end, offline reinforcement learning with diffusion models and expectation maximization (DMEM) is proposed. The method updates the objective function by maximizing the expectation of the maximum likelihood logarithm to make the strategy more generalizable. Additionally, the diffusion model is introduced into the strategy network to utilize the diffusion characteristics to enhance the ability of the strategy to learn data samples. Meanwhile, the expectile regression is employed to update the value function from the perspective of high-dimensional space, and a penalty term is introduced to make the evaluation of the value function more accurate. DMEM is applied to a series of tasks with discrete and sparse rewards, and experiments show that DMEM has a large advantage in performance over other classical offline reinforcement learning methods.

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  • 收稿日期:2024-05-06
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