

Image Data Augmentation for Deep Learning: A Survey
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    深度学习已经在许多计算机视觉任务中取得了显著的成果. 然而, 深度神经网络通常需要大量的训练数据以避免过拟合, 但实际应用中标记数据可能非常有限. 因此, 数据增强已成为提高训练数据充分性和多样性的有效方法, 也是深度学习模型成功应用于图像数据的必要环节. 系统地回顾不同的图像数据增强方法, 并提出一个新的分类方法, 为研究图像数据增强提供了新的视角. 从不同的类别出发介绍各类数据增强方法的优势和局限性, 并阐述各类方法的解决思路和应用价值. 此外, 还介绍语义分割、图像分类和目标检测这3种典型计算机视觉任务中常用的公共数据集和性能评价指标, 并在这3个任务上对数据增强方法进行实验对比分析. 最后, 讨论当前数据增强所面临的挑战和未来的发展趋势.


    Deep learning has yielded remarkable achievements in many computer vision tasks. However, deep neural networks typically require a large amount of training data to prevent overfitting. In practical applications, labeled data may be extremely limited. Thus, data augmentation has become an effective way to enhance the adequacy and diversity of training data and is also a necessary link for the successful application of deep learning models to image data. This study systematically reviews different image data augmentation methods and proposes a new classification method to provide a fresh perspective for studying image data augmentation. The advantages and limitations of various data augmentation methods are introduced from different categories, and the solution ideas and application values of these methods are elaborated. In addition, commonly used public datasets and performance evaluation indicators in three typical computer vision tasks of semantic segmentation, image classification, and object detection are presented. Experimental comparative analysis of data augmentation methods is conducted on these three tasks. Finally, the challenges and future development trends currently faced by data augmentation are discussed.

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