国家自然科学基金(62202473, 62072458); 腾讯基础平台技术犀牛鸟专项研究计划
广域网作为连接新业务、新基础设施和各类新型应用的纽带, 已成为21世纪最重要的基础设施之一. 近年来, 数据量爆炸性增长, 伴随着基于广域网的大模型、数字经济、元宇宙和全息社会等新型应用形态的持续涌现, 以及东数西算、算力网络和数据场等新型业务架构的出现, 业务对广域网的数据传输服务质量提出了越来越高的要求. 以时延为例, 广域网不仅需要提供及时的服务, 还需要提供准时的服务, 即时延成为必须满足的确定性指标. 因此, 广域确定性网络作为广域网的新范式应运而生. 系统地综述确定性网络的内涵, 回顾传统确定性网络相关技术发展脉络, 介绍广域确定性网络的新应用, 探讨广域网确定性网络传输具有的新特征以及面临的新挑战, 并提出广域确定性网络的新目标. 基于上述新应用、新特征、新挑战和新目标, 详细总结当前广域确定性网络领域的主要研究进展, 并给出未来研究的方向. 期望能为广域确定性网络领域的研究提供参考和帮助.
Wide area network (WAN) has become critical infrastructure in the 21st century, connecting new businesses, new infrastructure, and various emerging applications. In recent years, there has been an explosive growth in data volume, accompanied by the continuous emergence of new application forms such as large-scale WAN-based models, digital economy, metaverse, and holographic society. In addition, the emergence of new service architectures, such as China’s “East Data, West Computing” project, computing power networks, and data fields, has posed increasingly high requirements for the data transmission quality of WAN. For instance, WAN must deliver not only timely but also real-time services, making latency a critical deterministic metric to meet. Therefore, wide area deterministic network emerges as a new paradigm of WAN. This study systematically reviews the connotation of deterministic networks and the development of traditional technologies related to deterministic networks. It introduces new applications of wide area deterministic network, discusses their new characteristics and transmission challenges, and proposes new goals for them. Based on the aforementioned new applications, characteristics, challenges, and goals, this study summarizes the main research progress in the field of wide area deterministic network in detail and provides future research directions. It is hoped that this study will provide reference and assistance for research in this field.