





SMT-based Formal Verification of Synchronous Reactive Model for Zone Controller
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    Formal verification is a proven technique for improving product quality during software development of safety critical systems. However, the verification must be complete, both theoretically and in the interest of practicality. Data-flow verification is a pervading manifestation of verification of the software model in implementation level. Environmental input, generic function, high-order iterative operation, and intermediate variables are therefore crucial for analyzing usability of verification approaches. To verify a synchronous reactive model, engineers readily verify the control-flow model (i.e., safe state machine). Existing work shows that these approaches fall short of complete verification of synchronous reactive model of industrial software, which results in the loss of reaching the industrial requirements. It presents a significant pain point for adopting formal verification of industrial software. Thus, it is drawn on the insight that the synchronous reactive model of safety-critical systems should be verified completely, and the data-flow models should be considered. An approach is presented for automated, generic verification that tailor to verify the integration of safe state machines and data-flow models. Furthermore, a synthesis-based approach is adopted where the SCADE models describe functional requirements, safety requirements and environmental inputs that can be verified for an SMT-based model checker through program synthesis to Lustre model. The proposed technique promotes program synthesis as a general primitive for improving the integrity of formal verification. The proposed approach is evaluated on an industrial application (nearly two million lines of Lustre code) in rail transit. It is show that the proposed approach is effective in sidestepping long-standing and complex verification issues in large scale synchronous reactive model.

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  • 收稿日期:2022-09-04
  • 最后修改日期:2022-10-08
  • 在线发布日期: 2022-12-30
  • 出版日期: 2023-07-06
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