基于GUI事件的安卓应用录制重放技术致力于以自动化的方式捕捉和回放人类和移动应用的交互轨迹, 达到降低测试成本、提高测试用例复用率的目的. 录制重放技术面临的挑战来源于应用、版本和设备3个维度. 试图从人类录制重放的角度, 将录制重放建模为一个搜索问题, 并提出模拟人类录制重放行为的通用框架. 框架包含3部分: 组件表示与录制技术、事件等价策略和局部搜索策略. 通过对已有技术进行总结和分析, 以全新的视角更好地认识了已有工作的优势和不足, 并提出未来可行的研究方向.
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GUI event-based record and replay technologies for Android apps aim at automatically capturing and playing back the UI interactions between users and apps. Record and replay are challenging because it involves a cross-understanding of three different program semantics: application difference, version evolution, and device compatibility. This study models record and replay as a search problem, and analyzes this problem from a human perspective. Accordingly, this study proposes a general framework to demonstrate the key points in record and replay: the widget representation and recording technologies, the event semantic equivalence strategies, and the local search strategies. By summarizing and analyzing existing technologies from a new perspective that is suitable for the framework, this study has a better understanding of the advantages and disadvantages of existing technologies and proposes feasible future research directions.
国家自然科学基金重点项目(61932021); 江苏省自然科学基金前沿引领技术基础研究专项课题(BK20202001); 江苏省软件新技术与产业化协同创新中心资助