





Executable Semantics of Ethereum Intermediate Language
Fund Project:

National Natural Science Foundation of China (61572331, 61602325, 61802375, 61876111, 61877040, 62002246); General Project of Beijing Municipal Education Commission (KM20190028005, KM202010028010); Open Project of State Key Laboratory of Computer Architecture, Institute of Computing Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CARCH201920)

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    智能合约是实现各类区块链应用的核心软件程序.近期,以太坊区块链平台(Ethereum)上的智能合约暴露出大量错误和安全隐患,在国际上引发了智能合约形式化验证的研究热潮.为提供高可信度的验证结果,智能合约程序语言的形式化必不可少.对以太坊中间语言Yul进行形式化,首次给出了其类型系统和小步操作语义的形式化定义.该语义为可执行语义(executable semantics),由120个Yul语言程序组成的测试集进行测试.该工作在Isabelle/HOL证明辅助工具中完成,为基于定理证明的智能合约正确性、安全性验证奠定了基础.


    Smart contracts are key software components of blockchain applications. Recently, a great number of bugs and security vulnerabilities have been exposed in smart contracts on the Ethereum blockchain. This resulted in extensive research efforts in the formal verification of smart contracts at the international level. To obtain highly trustworthy verification results, the formalization of programming languages for smart contracts is necessary. This work formalizes Yul-the Ethereum intermediate language. The core of this formalization consists of the first formal definitions of the type system and the small-step operational semantics for Yul. The semantics is executable, and it is validated using a test suite of 120 Yul programs. The proposed formalization is performed in the Isabelle/HOL proof assistant. It lays a solid foundation for the formal verification of the correctness and security of Ethereum smart contracts through theorem proving.

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  • 收稿日期:2020-08-30
  • 最后修改日期:2020-10-26
  • 在线发布日期: 2021-02-07
  • 出版日期: 2021-06-06
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