





State-of-the-art Survey of Intent-based Networking
Fund Project:

National Key Research and Development Program of China (2018YFB1800201, 2019YFB1802600); National Natural Science Foundation of China (61872073); Liaoning Revitalization Talents Program (XLYC1902010)

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    随着互联网规模的不断增大,网络管理和运维变得极其复杂,网络自治成为未来网络发展的趋势,基于意图的网络(intent-based networking,简称IBN)应运而生.首先从IBN的定义入手,介绍学术界及产业界对IBN范畴及体系结构的描述,并概述IBN实现的闭环,包括意图获取、意图转译、策略验证、意图下发与执行、实时反馈及优化;其次,按照IBN闭环,详细阐述IBN关键技术的研究现状;随后,举例说明IBN在网络测量和网络业务编排中的应用;最后,展望未来研究工作并总结全文.


    With the increasing scale of the Internet, network management and operations become extremely complex. Intent-based networking (IBN) emerges when network autonomy becomes a major trend of future network. First of all, this paper gives the definition of IBN, and describes the IBN category and architecture in academia and industry. The implementation closed-loop of IBN is also summarized, including intent acquisition, intent translation, policy verification, intent distribution and execution, real-time feedback and optimization. Then, key technologies of IBN implementation are elaborated in detail according to the IBN closed-loop. In addition, examples are given to illustrate the IBN-based applications from the aspects of network measurement and network service orchestration. Finally, the future research work is prospected and the whole paper is concluded.

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