





Archival Data Protection and Sharing Method Based on Blockchain
Fund Project:

National Natural Science Foundation of China (61602435); Natural Science Foundation of Anhui (1708085QF153); Major Projects of Science and Technology of Anhui (16030901057)

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    In view of the problems existing in the management of archival data, such as centralized data storage, poor security, and low tamper resistant modification, this study proposes an archival data protection and sharing method based on blockchain technology. The identification of digital archives and the determination of archives ownership have been achieved through smart contracts and digital signature technologies; digital archives files have been protected, verified, restored, and shared through technologies such as smart contracts and the interplanetary file system (IPFS); the economic cost have been reduced meanwhile data security could be guaranteed and data extendibility improved through the combination of permissioned and permissionless blockchains. Featuring the characteristics of decentralization, security, credibility, and tamper-resistant, this method is expected to promote the data storage way transformation in archives so as to meet the increasing demand for the protection and sharing of archival data.

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