





Multi-Scientific Workflow Scheduling Algorithm Based on Multi-Objective in Cloud Environment
Fund Project:

National Natural Science Foundation of China (61370218); Key University Construction Project of Zhejiang Province of China (GK158800205032)

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    针对现有云环境下的多科学工作流调度算法中存在的未考虑安全调度问题,提出了多科学工作流安全-时间约束费用优化算法MSW-SDCOA(multi-scientific workflows security-deadline constraint cost optimizationalgorithm).首先,MSW-SDCOA基于数据依赖关系压缩科学工作流,减少任务节点数从而节省了调度开销;并通过改进HEFT(heterogeneous earliest-finish-time)算法形成调度序列,以实现全局多目标优化调度;最后,通过优化ACO(antcolony optimization)中信息素更新策略和启发式信息,进一步改善费用优化效果.仿真实验表明,MSW-SDCOA算法在费用优化效果上比MW-DBS算法提高了约14%.


    To address the problem that safe scheduling is not taken into consideration in existing multi-scientific scheduling workflow algorithm in cloud environment, this paper proposes a multi-scientific workflows security-deadline constraint cost optimization algorithm (MSW-SDCOA). First, based on data flow dependency, MSW-SDCOA compresses scientific workflow and reduces the number of task nodes to save scheduling cost. Secondly, through optimizing HEFT algorithm, a scheduling sequence is formed to realize overall multi-objective optimization scheduling. Lastly, by optimizing update strategies of pheromone and heuristic information in ant colony optimization (ACO), cost optimization effect is further improved. The simulation experiment results show that the cost optimization effect of MSW-SDCOA algorithm is about 14% better than that of MW-DBS algorithm.

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  • 收稿日期:2017-07-19
  • 最后修改日期:2017-09-16
  • 录用日期:2017-11-14
  • 在线发布日期: 2017-12-05
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