

Blockchain Application Development Techniques
Fund Project:

National Natural Science Foundation of China (61690200, 60973001)

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    从区块链的技术层面及应用层面分析其特征,并给出区块链的分类.挖掘区块链的设计需求,针对区块链的一致性和可扩展性的应用需求进行深入分析.对区块链的应用系统开发方法及区块链建模进行研究,提出了账户区块链(account blockchain,简称ABC)和交易区块链(trading blockchain,简称TBC)的双链设计模型.对智能合约进行深入剖析,提出了链上代码并行执行模型应用原则.最后,对区块链应用技术进行总结和展望.


    This paper presents a blockchain definition independent of any digital currency, and describes its characteristics including consensus protocols, design patterns, scalability, databases, and chaincode. The paper then presents a permissioned blockchain, called Beihangchain, with its unique consensus algorithms, interfaces, and design. It also proposes ABC (account blockchain) and TBC (trading blockchain), to be used for a variety of applications including copyright protection and digital payment. Finally, this paper analyzes chaincode requirements and provides guidelines for effective chaincode.

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  • 收稿日期:2016-11-03
  • 最后修改日期:2016-12-14
  • 在线发布日期: 2017-02-21
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