
国家自然科学基金(90818019,61462086);国家科技重大专项(MJ-2015-D-066);Sino-European Laboratory of Informatics,Automation and Applied Mathematics资助项目

Key Translations of the Trustworthy Compiler L2C and Its Design and Implementation
Fund Project:

National Natural Science Foundation of China (90818019, 61462086); National Science and Technology Major Project (MJ-2015-D-066); Sino-European Laboratory of Informatics, Automation and Applied Mathematics Grants

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    同步数据流语言(如Lustre)近年来在航空、高铁、核电等安全攸关领域得到广泛应用.这些领域对相关开发工具本身的安全性有着相当高的要求.为尽力解决好“误编译”问题,近期人们借助reliable-by-construction辅助定理证明器实现常规命令式语言编译器的构造和验证,取得了很大的成功,如CompCert C编译器.L2C是基于这种方法开发的可信编译器.它以扩展的Lustre语言为源语言,以Clight(CompCert中的C语言子集)为目标语言.L2C是面向实际工业应用的同步数据流语言编译器.重点介绍L2C编译器的核心翻译步骤及其设计与实现过程中考虑的主要问题和相关经验.


    Synchronous data-flow languages, such as Lustre, have been widely used in safety-critical industrial areas, such as airplanes, high-speed railways, and nuclear power plants. The safety of development tools themselves for these types of applications is highly required. In better solving the "miscompilation" problem, very successful progress has been made recently to implement the construction and verification of a conventional imperative language compiler, such as the CompCert C compiler, by using reliable-by-construction proof assistants. L2C is a trustworthy compiler developed based on such an approach, with an extended Lustre language as its source, and Clight, a C subset used in ComperCert, as its target. L2C is an industry-level synchronous data-flow language compiler developed by using the same technique. The paper focuses on the key translations of L2C and the main issues and experience in its design and implementation.

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  • 收稿日期:2016-07-15
  • 最后修改日期:2016-09-25
  • 在线发布日期: 2017-01-22
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