

Association Relationships Study of Multi-Dimensional Data Quality
Fund Project:

National Program on Key Basic ResearchProject of China (973) (2012CB316200); National Natural Science Foundation of China (U1509216, 61472099, 61133002); Scientific Research Foundation for the Returned Overseas Chinese Scholars of Heilongjiang Provience (LC2016026)

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    Recently, with the rapid growth of data quantity, users are using a variety of indicators to evaluate and improve the quality of data from different dimensions. During the course of data quality management, it is found that many important factors that influence the data availability are not completely isolated. In the evaluation mechanism which can guide data cleaning rules, these dimensions may be associated with each other. In this paper, serveral data quality dimensions researched in the literature as well as being used in the real information system are discussed, and accordingly the definition and properties of the dimensions are summarized. In addition, a multi-dimensional data quality assessment framework is proposed. According to the four important properties of data availability:Accuracy, completeness, consistency and currency, the operation method and the relationships among them on the data set are constructed. Finally, a multi-dimensional data quality accessment strategy is created. The effctiveness of the proposed strategy is verified by experiments.

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  • 收稿日期:2015-10-10
  • 最后修改日期:2016-01-12
  • 在线发布日期: 2016-03-24
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