

Survey on Software Trustworthiness Evaluation:Standards, Models and Tools
Fund Project:

National Natural Science Foundation of China (61272083); National High-Tech Research and Development Plan of China (863) (2015AA015303); Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities (NS2015093)

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    The failure of safety-critical software could result in death, injury and damage to people or loss of equipment or property. Therefore, it is important to evaluate whether software trustworthiness fulfills the user needs(i.e., trustworthiness evaluation). This paper first compares the definition of software trustworthiness and its evaluation. Then, it surveys the software trustworthiness evaluation from three different aspects:Standards, models, and CASE tools. This work studies these aspects from the view of domain-independent as well as domain-dependent. In summary, there is great progress being made for software trustworthiness evaluation theoretically and practically while its universality and scalability are still need to be improved.

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