

Secure Cloud Storage Model Based on Threshold Public Key Encryption and Erasure Codes over Exponents
Fund Project:

National Natural Science Foundation of China (61440014); Liaoning Province Doctor Startup Fundunder (20141012); Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universitie (N151704002); Shenyang Science and Technology Plan Projects (F14-231-1-08)

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    针对当前云存储系统中的机密性和容错性问题,展开分析和研究.指出目前的主流解决方案往往仅能解决机密性问题或容错性问题中的一个,而不能将二者兼顾起来进行考虑.为此,将门限公钥加密技术与指数纠删码(erasure codes over exponents,简称EC-E)相融合,设计并提出了同时能够满足机密性与容错性要求的安全云存储模型(a secure cloud storage model with data confidentiality and fault-tolerant,简称SCSM-DCF).给出了模型的形式化定义、安全性定义以及实体间通信协议;对模型的性能进行分析,指出其在能够保证安全性的同时,具有较好的代价 优势.


    The analysis and research described in this paper aim at solving the problem of data confidentiality and fault-tolerant in cloud storage environments. It first shows that the existing solutions can either solve the problem of confidentiality or fault tolerance, but are not able to take both for consideration. In order to solve the problems, the paper proposes a secure cloud storage system with data confidentiality and fault-tolerant (SCSM-DCF),which is based on threshold public key encryption scheme and erasure codes over exponents. The formal definition, security definition, and communication protocols between entities are given in this paper. Finally, the performance of the model is analyzed, and the result indicates that the model is not only correct and secure, but also has the higher efficiency.

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  • 收稿日期:2015-08-15
  • 最后修改日期:2015-10-09
  • 在线发布日期: 2016-01-22
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