

Model-Driven Visualization Generation System
Fund Project:

National Natural Science Foundation of China (61402435, 41371386, 61572057, 61303162); Knowledge Innovation Program of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CNIC_QN_1507)

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    随着可视化与可视分析需求的增加,可视化开发所需的总成本不断提高.模型驱动的开发方法能够提高软件开发的效率,但在可视化开发中并没有发挥应有的作用.在此背景下,给出DVDL(data visualization descriptionlanguage)——一种模块化、层次化描述的可视化描述语言,利用DVDL可以对组成可视化的各个部分进行不同抽象层次上的描述.在DVDL基础上,给出一种模型驱动的可视化生成系统DVIZ(data visualization).该系统通过数据源选择、可视化配置、发布与分享这3个步骤以及所见即所得的配置,实现可视化的快速生成;系统支持多可视化图形之间的交互与关联配置;并且该系统基于Web开发,支持多种社交平台,易于分享与传播.


    While model-driven engineering (MDE) methodology has made significant improvements in terms of efficiency and effectiveness in many areas of software development, the same cannot be said of the development of data visualization systems. With this challenge in mind, this paper introduces DVDL (data visualization description language), a modular and hierarchical visualization description language that take advantage of the model-based design of MDE to describe visualization development at an abstract level. The paper also presents DVIZ (data visualization), a visualization system based on DVDL. With a growing popularity and demand for data visualization technology, a number of visualization tools have emerged in recent years, though few of them can be considered as adaptable and scalable as DVIZ. Key features in DVIZ include data source selection by user, property configuration of visual elements, and result publishing and sharing. The system also supports real-time result generation and multi-visual interaction. Lastly, since DVIZ is web-based, it supports result distribution across various social media.

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  • 收稿日期:2015-07-31
  • 最后修改日期:2015-09-19
  • 在线发布日期: 2016-05-06
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