

Visualization Technique for Multi-Attrbute in Hierarchical Structure
Fund Project:

“Twelfth Five Year Plan” National Key Technology R&D Program of China (2012BAD29B01-2); Basic Research Project of the Ministry of Science and Technology of China (2015FY111200); Open Funding Project of the State Key Laboratory of Virtual Reality Technology and Systems (BeiHang University) of China (BUAA-VR-14KF-04)

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    在很多领域的统计分析中,通常需要分析既具有层次结构又具有多维属性的复杂数据,如食品安全数据、股票数据、网络安全数据等.针对现有多维数据和层次结构的可视化方法不能满足对同时具有层次和多维两种属性数据的可视分析要求,提出了一种树图中的多维坐标MCT(multi-coordinate in treemap)技术.该技术采用基于Squarified和Strip布局算法的树图表示层次结构,用树图中节点矩形的边作为属性轴,通过属性映射、属性点连接、曲线拟合实现层次结构中多维属性的可视化.将该技术应用于全国农药残留侦测数据,实现了对全国各地区、各超市、各农产品中农药残留检出和超标情况的可视化,为领域人员提供了有效的分析工具.MCT技术也可用于其他领域的层次多属性数据的可视化.


    Nowadays, there is increasing need to analyze the complex data with both hierarchical and multi-attributes in many fields such as food safety, stock market, and network security. The visual analytics appeared in recent years provides a good solution to analyze this kind of data. So far, many visualization methods for multi-dimensional data and hierarchical data, the typical data objects in the field of information visualization, have been presented to solve data analyzing problems effectively. However, the existing solutions can't meet requirements of visual analysis for the complex data with both multi-dimensional and hierarchical attributes. This paper presents a technology named Multi-Coordinate in Treemap (MCT), which combines rectangle treemap and multi-dimensional coordinates techniques. MCT uses treemap created with Squarified and Strip layout algorithm to represent hierarchical structure, uses four edges of treemap's rectangular node as the attribute axis, and through mapping property values to attribute axis, connecting attribute points and fitting curve, to achieve visualization of multi-attribute in hierarchical structure. This work applies MCT technology to visualize pesticide residue detection data and implements the visualization for detecting excessive pesticide residue in fruits and vegetables distributed in each provinces of China. This technology provides an efficient analysis tool for field experts. MCT can also be applied in other fields which require visual analysis of complex data with both hierarchical and multi-attribute.

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    发 布

陈谊,甄远刚,胡海云,梁婕,Kwan-Liu MA.一种层次结构中多维属性的可视化方法.软件学报,2016,27(5):1091-1102

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  • 收稿日期:2015-07-31
  • 最后修改日期:2015-09-19
  • 在线发布日期: 2016-05-06
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