

Survey on Learning-to-Rank Based Recommendation Algorithms
Fund Project:

National Natural Science Foundation of China (61272268, 61103069); National Grand Fundamental Research Program of China (973) (2014CB340404); Program for New Century Excellent Talents in University (NCET-12-0413); Fok Ying Tung Education Foundation (142002); Shanghai Rising-Star Program (15QA1403900)

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    Learning to rank(L2R) techniques try to solve sorting problems using machine learning methods, and have been well studied and widely used in various fields such as information retrieval, text mining, personalized recommendation, and biomedicine.The main task of L2R based recommendation algorithms is integrating L2R techniques into recommendation algorithms, and studying how to organize a large number of users and features of items, build more suitable user models according to user preferences requirements, and improve the performance and user satisfaction of recommendation algorithms.This paper surveys L2R based recommendation algorithms in recent years, summarizes the problem definition, compares key technologies and analyzes evaluation metrics and their applications.In addition, the paper discusses the future development trend of L2R based recommendation algorithms.

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